
  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: 75th Podcast Episode Celebration Message
    Mar 8 2025

    In this short episode, I celebrate the publishing of the 75th podcast episode of the Oracle of Luna Podcast!! This is a HUGE milestone and a big deal to me as the host and producer of this podcast show. I am especially grateful to all the incredible Goddess guests that have been on my show in the last few years!!
    All of these Women are elevating the divine feminine in the world and amplifying the voice of the Goddess for a planet in need of wholeness, harmony, balance, justice and peace. Thank you for your support and listening to the Oracle of Luna Podcast with Bridget Engels. Finally, if you love this podcast; please leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts. It means alot!
    Tune in and be enlightened!

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  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: Dr. Carla Ionescu, PhD - Artemis Historian & Expert and Author of: "She Who Hunts"
    Mar 7 2025

    Join us with the 75th episode of The Oracle of Luna for a captivating conversation with Dr. Carla Ionescu PhD! Carla is a historian and leading expert on Artemis, specializing in the study of Goddess worship, sacred rituals, and female-led religious traditions. She is the author of She Who Hunts, an in-depth exploration of Artemis as a powerful and complex deity across cultures. Through The Artemis Mapping Project, Dr. Ionescu is documenting ancient Artemis temples using non-invasive archaeological methods, reconnecting sacred landscapes to their historical and spiritual significance. As the founder of The Artemis Research Centre, she teaches online courses and hosts The Goddess Project podcast, where she delves into Goddess mythology and history. Her work brings ancient wisdom into modern discourse, inspiring a deeper understanding of the divine feminine. She lives in Ontario, Canada. *Stay tuned until the end when Carla gives us a short Artemis Invocation! **

    Carla has spent many years as a scholar in academia, researching and teaching in the field of ancient history and Women's Studies. Like a detective, she works on putting the pieces of puzzle together about the historical knowledge of Greek Artemis. Carla tells us that Artemis has many different interpretations of her such as Ephesus – the great mother Goddess, protector of Women and Goddess of childbirth. There are many facets of Artemis throughout the ages in many cultures which fascinates Carla. We chat about why Artemis was so well loved and worshipped for so long and her breadth and nuances.

    Carla started a mapping project of all the Artemis temples in the world beginning in Greece last year. Through research and translation of international archaeological reports and museum maps; she says there are over 300-400 Artemis temples throughout the world. She believes that Artemis has more temples than any other God or Goddess in the Greek pantheon! Carla’s ambitious goal in the next 5 years is to travel, rediscover and document all the Artemis temples and sacred sites and put them all on a map for us.

    Unapologetic, independent, a warrior and huntress; Artemis is as powerful and relevant in 2025 as she was in ancient Greece as a perfect symbol of female sovereignty, fulfillment and justification. Carla is driven to uncover Artemis’ truth and her real story. More about Dr. Carla Ionescu at: https://artemisresearchcentre.com/about-dr-ionescu/
    Tune in and be enligh

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    34 m
  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: Lacey Burbage - Modern Folk Healer- Witch and Author of: Naturally Modern Magick
    Feb 28 2025

    Join us in this episode, for a delightful conversation with Lacey Burbage! Lacey is a fourth-generation folk healer and Witch who follows a Pagan/Animist path. As an ordained Priestess of the Goddess, she practices a nature-based tradition that has its roots in modern Wicca. Lacey specializes in domestic magic, including hearth, cottage, hedge, green, and kitchen magic. Her accessible spells, invocations, and charms, provide solutions to everyday situations to activate your Witchery and harness the divine energy of Nature.
    *Stay tuned until the end when Lacey gives us a short Elemental grounding meditation *

    We begin chatting about Lacey’s early magical beginnings when she was involved in the Sophia Center for Goddess Study in Las Vegas and was inspired by mentors such as Dr. Candice Kant. She loved learning about the history and mythology of Goddesses and Goddess Spirituality. She also comes from a long family line of Folk Healers where herbal remedies, prayers and sayings were used in everyday life for ailments. After her Divine Feminine based studies, Lacey started to learn about plant magick, herb folk magic and the therapeutic properties of plants/herbs. From there she evolved her magick into Green Witchery. Lacey enjoys writing incantations and spells for everyday situations to provide solutions. Her writing evolved into a book geared towards especially to people who are not experienced in Witchcraft.

    Her first book: “Naturally Modern Magick” is crafted to amplify our connection with nature and infuse our intentions with the divine energy of the Earth. This is a practical guide for making life more magickal by applying the power of the natural world and offering gratifying practices for any Witch. The pages are filled with everyday charms, spells, rituals, and everyday solutions, using natural objects and elements like herbs, crystals, flowers, earth, and water. Lacey tells us that each ingredient in her book is meant to stack the odds in your favor to attune to the vibration you want for your spell work.

    Lacey has an online coven on Patreon which is all about developing a personal Witchcraft practice that flows with everyday life and her spells and incantations are easy enough for beginners to start putting into practice without prior research/reading. Lacey's website: https://naturallymodernlife.com/
    Tune in and be enlightened!

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    35 m
  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: Evelyn Rysdyk - Shaman - Teacher & Author of: "Shamanic Creativity"
    Feb 14 2025

    Join us in this episode, for a fascinating conversation with Evelyn Rysdyk! Evelyn is an internationally recognized, Shamanic Teacher and Author of several best selling books including, The Norse Shaman, Spirit Walking a Course in Shamanic Power, The Nepalese Shamanic Path: Practices for Negotiating the Spirit World and her latest book: Shamanic Creativity. She is also the founder of Spirit Passages Academy and the New Humans• New Earth Summit.

    We chat about how Evelyn was drawn to Shamanism as an alternative to psychotherapy for her depression and how journeying did more for her than standard therapy and medication. It opened a door to a more fuller version of herself. She then dove deeper into Shamanism and journeying and then eventually shared with other people what she had learned. Through her many years of training with teachers from places like Peru and Nepal - Evelyn began teaching others the value of opening their minds to their creative potential and to experience the expansive world of spirit and healing for themselves.

    Evelyn was then drawn to write step by step manuscripts for her students of how to do journeying. Over the decades she has written and published several books and she believes that there is no threshold on how far your creativity can go. Creativity is innate in us but the way we are schooled and how society doesn't place value on creativity can deaden our capability. Creativity is also a powerful part of our well being as we engage our different brain waves that open our capacity for inspiration and connection to spirit and the larger universal energy that can transcend space and time.

    Shamanistic methods and journeying are powerful tools for sharpening our capacity for new ideas and finding new solutions to obstacles and challenges.Evelyn loves supporting people to remember their sacred place in All That Is and uses her humor and passion to open people’s hearts and inspire them to live more joyful, fulfilling and purposeful lives in harmony with Nature. Link to sign up for Evelyn’s blog:

    Tune in and be enlightened!

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    35 m
  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: Pauline Breen - Author of: “Maman Brigitte” & Priestess of Brigid
    Jan 30 2025

    Join us in this episode, for a spellbinding conversation with Pauline Breen! Pauline is a Priestess of Brigid and the Author of several books including: “Brigid: Goddess and Saint of Ireland”, “Maman Brigitte: Dark Goddess of Africa and Ireland” and "Brigantia- War Goddess” . Pauline is passionate about researching and sharing all the various faces of Goddess Brigid. She lives in Ireland. *And Pauline gives us a short invocation to Maman Brigitte at the end of the episode-so stay tuned!

    We chat about Pauline's early years as a Catholic and her connection with Saint Brigid and then later in life she discovered the Pagan Brigid. Pauline had an epiphany moment while in meditation with Marion Brigantia, her teacher, in Glastonbury, England. She then had another 'aha' moment when she traveled to Portugal to a church in Lumiar where part of St Brigid’s skull is enshrined. From then on Pauline was hooked and she became immersed in the many aspects of Brigid. While researching her first book, Pauline began her fascination on how the Saint Brigid travelled with the Irish to the Caribbean and onto the Americas.

    Pauline tells us about Maman Brigitte’s emergence in Haiti during the slave trade, tracing her development into a prominent figure for both Haitian and Irish immigrants who experienced similar social and economic circumstances in Haiti and in New Orleans, Louisiana. A unique blend of Afro-Haitian Lwa religion of VouDou (or VooDoo) and Catholic Irish Brigid; Maman Brigitte emerges as the Dark Goddess and Great Mother that guides and protects the forgotten, the outcasts and the marginalized in life through their our darkest times and ultimately in death. But death takes many forms. Parts of us die all the time with changes in jobs, relationships, situations, homes, projects, health, life circumstances…etc. We are always shedding. Sometimes these “deaths” are very difficult and Maman Brigitte is there to hold space for those feelings, that grief process and to bridge that past into our future.

    Pauline is not a VouDou practitioner or initiated in VouDou religion nor is she familiar with the Yoruban system of spirituality but when writing her book she was looking at Maman Brigitte through the lens of the Irish and how far Goddess Brigid traveled, morphed and was incorporated into other religious practices. Pauline believes we need the Dark Goddesses such as Maman Brigitte now because they can guide us and show us the root cause of our suffering and teach us that our darkest nights are our ultimate power. And to take this deep journey is where Maman Brigitte’s wisdom and healing comes in.

    Brigid in all her aspects is as relevant in 2025 as in the pre-Christian Ireland. As Pauline tells us; “There is room for everyone under Brigid’s mantle”. And Brigid continues to shine her flame in her many variations such as Maman Brigitte to all who are open to her in this very moment in time and beyond with her eternal love and power. Tune in and be enlightened!

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  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: SKADI - Wolf Full Moon January - Guided Meditation
    Jan 10 2025

    In this episode of the Oracle of Luna; we will go on a January Wolf Full Moon meditation journey with the Norse Goddess Skadi. I will be your guide, as we align with the current cosmic energies with the Full Moon in Cancer and take a transformative inner journey to the snowy/icy mountains to meet with Goddess Skadi and your inner Wolf.

    Skadi, also named Skade, Skadhi or Skathi is a fierce Warrior Queen, Giantess, Goddess of Winter, and a skilled hunter-who walks between the worlds of untamed wildness in the icy snowy mountains and the magical realm of the Gods.

    Skadi was married to Njord the ocean God, but she wanted to live in Thrymheim her father’s hall in the mountains which she loved where she could hear the howling of the wolves. Njord wanted to live in Noatun, his seaside hall and so it didn’t work between Njord and Skadi and eventually they got a divorce.

    Skadi reminds us of the power of courage and resilience in the face of life’s many harsh storms and being true to our primal nature. Call upon Skadi when you need help traversing an icy path moving on from life’s dark and challenging times into the light. Howl, Howl, Howl on…Sister!!!

    Tune in and be enlightened!

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  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: Cait Johnson - Witch, Author, Counselor & Creative Midwife
    Dec 26 2024

    Join us in this episode, for an intriguing conversation with Cait Johnson! Cait is an eclectic Witch, Counselor and Author of several books including: “Witch in the Kitchen”, “Celebrating the Great Mother” and "Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging”. Cait is also a freelance editor, counselor, creative midwife and she lives in the Hudson Valley area of New York.

    Cait tells us about her early beginnings as a Witch and creating a coven that was performance based. She began writing books and her latest book: “Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging” is about embracing our elder years as Women and restoring the Crone to Her rightful sacred power. This magical book includes 4 archetypical Witches representing the seasons. They find playful ways for us to to enjoy being older and to weave a web of support around us as we age as Women and offer ways to celebrate women’s elder years holistically and joyfully. Every season is filled with wild wisdom, rich with simple formulas and recipes, inspiring rituals, playful activities, fun quizzes, meaningful meditations, and much, much more, empowering women to embrace their elder years with curiosity and verve.

    Cait tells us the importance of listening to our longings and to choose with discernment the things we truly want to do rather than the things we think we should do in our aging years. This can motivate us to do some powerful and life-affirming accomplishments even in our 70’s-80’s and as long as we live.

    Cait suggests some simple ways that Crones can connect with their inner Wisewoman and CELEBRATE that you are on this planet with other like-minded Crone Queens throughout the year. Tune in and be enlightened! Happy Holidays listeners & stay tuned with season 4 of The Oracle of Luna Podcast coming your way in mid-January 2025!!

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  • The Oracle of Luna with Bridget Engels presents: Claire Casely - Fairy Whisperer, Podcast Host of The Fairy Whisperer Podcast - Fairy Expert/Researcher
    Dec 15 2024

    Join us in this episode, for an intriguing conversation with Fairy Whisperer, Fairy Expert and the Host of the Fairy Whisperer Podcast: Claire Casely! Claire is dedicated to facilitating a magical and safe space for those who want to foster a connection with Fairies as well as enchantment within themselves. Claire’s research and commitment helps to preserve the old ways, folklore, and the wild places where Fairies reside. She lives in England.

    Claire tells us about her first encounter with Fairies in Cornwall and discovered later the area in the south west of England had lots of folklore about the Pixies. She explains that spending time outside in nature and exploring techniques such us geomancy, ritual, meditation can open up the heart and senses to connect with the Fairy realm and the Fairies. Claire talks about the different light spectrums that allow us to peak into the realm of the nature spirits and the Fairy realm. Metaphysical beings can also wish to make themselves visible to us if there are Ley Lines , Power Spot, Rocks or near water (lakes, wells, sea) that can amplify the potential for Fairy visitations. Unfortunately, Electro Magnetic pollution(cell phones/computers/TV) builds up in their Fairies/Nature Spirits habitat is having a very negative effect on them.

    Claire is also the host of the Fairy Whisperer Podcast where she creates a magical space for her guests that have had Fairy experiences and its a show that connects people with the enchantment of Fairies and within themselves. Claire has been researching and writing a book about the Pixies thats coming out in 2025 called: “The Heart of Pixie Land”. This is heart based writing communicating her experiences and viewpoints with the Pixies in the area of southwest England and include illustrations by Claire

    We chat about how to connect with the Fairies around the Winter Solstice, the season of Yule and Christmas. Tune in and be enlightened!

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