
  • Ouija Boards & Hauntings w/ Psychic Artie Hoffman and Matty Magaraci
    Mar 14 2024

    Ohhhh, The Magnificent Bastards are back! After a lengthy law suit with Nathan Lane, that had the show shut down for 6 months, Ruth Stage's Matt de Rogatis and DJ Skalli return with an episode so scary, someone on the show almost canceled on us for fear of what may happen! 13 years ago, public figure and guest on the Howard Stern show, Matty Magaraci played with a Ouija board and his life has never been the same. We get the full story of how he has literally been living with demons for over a decade. This podcast is fully loaded with videos and pictures of a demonic presence wreaking havoc in Matty's, now haunted, life. In fact, they kicked him off the podcast...twice! Psychic Artie Hoffman chimes in for some words on Astro Travel and multiple dimensions but for the most part he sits stunned with the rest of us. Here we go, episode 1, season 2!


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    Social Media: @officialruthstage

    Más Menos
    2 h y 19 m
  • Dating and No Contact w/ Coach Lee Wilson
    Sep 13 2023

    In this episode, The Magnificent Bastards are joined by world famous dating coach, Lee Wilson. Coach Lee talks about modern dating and his journey to becoming the "Get Your Ex Back" guru that he is today. More specifically, the Coach talks about WHY, when someone breaks up with you, the best thing to do, in order to get them back, is to give them the breakup and walk away. With a nearly 80% success rate, Coach Lee provides insight and statistical data regarding breakups and his unique philosophy. More importantly, he goes into great depth over what you should NOT do when someone dumps you! For those that didn't listen to his advice, there's some ample horror stories in this episode as well!

    Find Coach Lee on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0sJKdOLV0jBYqA6jqAtkTg

    Visit his website at: https://myexbackcoach.com/

    Find him on Instagram at: @realcoachlee

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    Social Media: @officialruthstage

    Más Menos
    2 h y 42 m
  • The Mandela Effect
    Aug 10 2023

    It's called The Mandela Effect. A phenomenon marked by shared and consistent false memories in pop culture experienced by literally millions of people. If you thought Darth Vader said, "Luke, I am your father" you're wrong. If you thought it was The Berenstein Bears, you're also wrong. And nope, Ed McMahon had nothing to do with the Publishers Clearing House. It's not Smokey the Bear? Can't believe it? Neither can we. What is going on here? We get into it all! Plus another prediction from Joestradamus. Nathan Lane - eat your heart out! The Bastards are back!

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    Social Media: @officialruthstage

    Más Menos
    1 h y 58 m
  • Comedy w/ Lisa Lampanelli
    Jul 5 2023

    "The Queen of Mean," Lisa Lampanelli joins the fray on episode three of The Magnificent Bastards podcast. Lisa talks with Matt, Joe and Skalli about her successes, her failures, why she decided to retire and how to deal with hecklers! Pam Anderson, Flavor Flav and Sgt. Slaughter are just a few of the other topics covered as well. It's an Independence Day celebration with the greatest female comic of all time! Also, Joestradamus is back with another prediction and Matt's feud with Nathan Lane escalates. All the fun is just a click away!


    @officialruthstage on all social media platforms


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    Social Media: @officialruthstage

    Más Menos
    1 h y 54 m
  • Narcissists w/ Randi Fine
    Jun 20 2023

    Author and world renowned narcissistic abuse coach, Randi Fine joins the podcast today to talk about narcissists, all their little tricks and their freakin' flying monkey friends. Give a listen if you even suspect there's a narcissist in your life and gaslight the Hell out of them right back! Randi provides all the clues to look out for and how to safely extract yourself from the jaws of these evil bastards and bitches.

    For more on Ruth Stage visit: https://www.ruthstage.org

    Visit Randi's website at: https://www.randifine.com

    Purchase Randi's books here: https://www.randifine.com/books

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    Social Media: @officialruthstage

    Más Menos
    2 h y 9 m
  • Flat Earth w/ Dave Weiss
    Jun 6 2023

    In the debut episode of The Magnificent Bastards, A Ruth Stage Podcast, Matt de Rogatis and Joe Rosario welcome renowned Flat Earther Dave Weiss to the show. Things get heated when producer Miles Skalli weighs in and this becomes a three hour debate on science, NASA, dinosaurs, the moon landing, the sun and more! It's the mother of all conspiracies! Pack a lunch - it's 3 hours!

    Check out all things Ruth Stage at: www.ruthstage.org

    Check out all things Dave Weiss at: theflatearthpodcast.com

    Watch this episode at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yiHaLIo4Ns

    Support the show


    Social Media: @officialruthstage

    Más Menos
    3 h y 4 m