
  • It’s Your Story, Too: Thank You, Jesus Storybook Bible Podcast Listeners
    Dec 31 2024

    Sally Lloyd-Jones and Team Jesus Storybook Bible have loved connecting with listeners the last three plus years on The Jesus Storybook Bible Podcast, a place for us to share thoughts and stories from guests who give us a peek inside their everyday lives—often giving us a glimpse into the extraordinary circumstances they’ve experienced in their faith. In this episode, Sally shares a personal, special message of thanks for our listeners and recaps some of our most notable guest stories—including a never-before-shared reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible. Starting in January 2025, the podcast will be on hiatus so we can prepare for some exciting projects we have in the works. Be sure to keep up with Jesus Storybook Bible on social media, YouTube, and online to hear what new projects and initiatives are coming!

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    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • 173. Building Little Habits to Grow a Big Faith: Christie Thomas
    Dec 26 2024
    Author and mom of three boys Christie Thomas knows that when it comes to building faith in the lives of our children, there are three golden rules: keep it short and simple, keep it real, and make it playful. She shares how instilling small habits with a dose of fun can be the spark that lights a growing faith for the whole family. Quotes “There are so many spots in the Bible where we just offer something really little. God is the one that takes it and makes it into something big and beautiful. When we focus on these little tiny things that we can do in our lives—following God's leading in that—then we're giving Him the glory and letting Him do what He wants in our family.” - Christie Thomas “If you're praying about something in your life, you can point your kids to that and say, ‘Look at God actually answering these prayers.’” - Christie Thomas “When you bring joy into your devotional time or your prayer, they're going to be so much more likely to want to do it.” - Christie Thomas “Christ has come to set us free. He's a gentle shepherd, not a harsh master. He will lead us and guide us and give us inspiration. We can choose to trust in God's love. We can let Him chase away the fear that we're going to do it wrong, or the fear that we’ll push our kids away from God if we talk about Him too much, and we can let Him bring the joy of growing in faith alongside our kids.” - Christie Thomas Guest’s Links Christie Thomas’ website Christie Thomas’ Instagram Christie Thomas’ Facebook Resources Mentioned in This Episode Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You’d Come My Little Library of God’s Great Love Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram Sally’s website Sally’s Facebook Sally’s Instagram *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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    10 m
  • 172. Hope, Peace, & Great Joy: Christmas Readings with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Dec 19 2024
    Merry Christmas! In celebration, author Sally Lloyd-Jones shares stories from her book Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing and The Jesus Storybook Bible, perfect for listening to with your little ones to show them the real reason for the season. Quotes “Christmas is about hope and peace and great joy.” - Sally Lloyd-Jones “Are you worried about something today? Is something frightening you? God says to you, ‘Don't be afraid. I'm with you. I will help you.’ Whatever it is, you can put it in God's hands.” - Sally Lloyd-Jones “Christmas is when God says to us, ‘Don't be afraid.’” - Sally Lloyd-Jones Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You’d Come My Little Library of God’s Great Love Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram Sally’s website Sally’s Facebook Sally’s Instagram *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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    17 m
  • 171. Shattering Limiting Behaviors By Knowing Our True Worth: Maurice F. Martin
    Dec 12 2024
    Maurice F. Martin is a best-selling author, award-winning vocalist, and a life coach. Early in Maurice’s life, he found his identity came from how many accolades he could collect, but when it all came crashing down, he sadly realized there wasn’t much else keeping him going. After sinking to the lowest point in his life, Maurice turned to the real source of his identity, and the truth that he was “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God. Transformed by that truth, Maurice’s goal became to help others overcome their self-limiting beliefs and find their worth in the light of God’s love. Quotes “I was seeing myself have accomplishments and they sounded good on paper, but when I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't like the person who was looking back at me when I laid my head down on my pillow at night.” - Maurice F. Martin “I heard the voice of God, that still small voice, speak to me. It really shifted the trajectory of my life and got me thinking more about not only how do I heal, but once I'm healed, how do I help other people—other people who look like me, sound like me, and feel like me?” - Maurice F. Martin “I thought that the applause of the crowd, the awards, and the accomplishments would fill me up. What I found out is it didn't—it just exposed how deep and wide the valley inside of me was.” - Maurice F. Martin “If I would just open my eyes, if I would just open my ears, if I would just open my heart to the possibilities, then I'm able to step fully into the fullness of who I can be just today.” - Maurice F. Martin “It's [in] the ‘what if’ moments when you quiet yourself—when you go into prayer—that God will provide you the greatest comfort. Before your situation started, before your anxiety, He knew who you were. He ordained this journey just for you, and even when you get it wrong, there's God's grace.” - Maurice F. Martin “God is present, God is there for you, and God will never leave you or forsake you.” - Maurice F. Martin Guest’s Links Maurice F. Martin’s website Maurice F. Martin’s Instagram Maurice F. Martin’s Facebook Maurice F. Martin’s Twitter Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You’d Come My Little Library of God’s Great Love Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram Sally’s website Sally’s Facebook Sally’s Instagram *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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    13 m
  • 170. The Hope of Advent with Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Dec 5 2024
    In celebration of the season of advent, author Sally Lloyd-Jones shares the meaning of hope, and how it means we can be certain of God’s love for us. She also reads a few stories from The Jesus Storybook Bible to get us in the spirit of the Christmas season. Quotes “Advent means expectation. And expectation, of course, has everything to do with hope.” - Sally Lloyd-Jones “This arrival of this Promised Child, Advent, is when we trace the magnificent story of God keeping His promises from the very beginning of the world, His promise to come and rescue His children, to do for them what they could never do for themselves, to free them from darkness and bondage and suffering.” - Sally Lloyd-Jones “My hope is that as your family follows the readings and games and adds ornaments to the tree, you too will be able to trace God's hand through all the stories of the Bible and to tell together the one big story of God's great rescue plan.” - Sally Lloyd-Jones “My hope is that The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book will fill your hearts with hope as we prepare our hearts for that magnificent arrival on Christmas Day of the promised rescue of the Young Prince, the Brave Hero, God's own Son.” - Sally Lloyd-Jones Resources Mentioned in This Episode Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You’d Come My Little Library of God’s Great Love Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram Sally’s website Sally’s Facebook Sally’s Instagram *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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    15 m
  • 169. Our Home Is Found in Who God Says We Are: Rev. Chris Lee
    Nov 28 2024
    Reverend Chris Lee unexpectedly found himself with an online platform where he shares short, encouraging messages that authentically reflect what he’s facing in any given moment. The messages have resonated with thousands, bolstering Chris’s belief that people are longing for an understanding of their identity and who God says they are. Quotes “I felt just the whisper of God say, ‘I want you to be on this platform and give a message of the gospel to a younger generation—to young people who were searching.’” - Rev. Chris Lee “I think a lot of people online are looking for authenticity. That's what I try to do—give an authentic message that's hitting me at the moment and use that to immediately speak it online. Maybe it's about hope, or fear, or love, or about God's justice, mercy, or His grace—and I just come out with it.” - Rev. Chris Lee “I think one of the things that I noticed in culture is [that] we're starving to be known and seen, and I think we're finding it in all the wrong places. I really wanted to teach and tell people that the truth of where they really are searching is in who God says you are. He says, ‘You are my beloved, I love you.’” - Rev. Chris Lee “Your true self is good and loved by God. And yes, you will fall. Yes, you've got stuff wrong. Yes, you sin. But you are also deeply loved—and by a loving Father [who] has done all things for you to know Him.” - Rev. Chris Lee “I think the compass of our soul searches to find its home, and ultimately, our home is found in God and who God says we are. He says that we are His and that we are loved. I think to know ourselves—to be able to truly know who we are—we should know God.” - Rev. Chris Lee “Coming to a place of gratitude—of thanksgiving—for what you have, and being able to give thanks for your strengths, but also acknowledging that your weaknesses lead you to other lessons and other abilities to be taught, can strengthen you.” - Rev. Chris Lee “If we live a life that is a little bit more seeking to be thankful—seeking to be grateful for things—then the lens in which we view the world changes. It leads to humility which I think leads to greater peace in our lives.” - Rev. Chris Lee “When we know God's character, we are better able to know who we are, because we are made by Him and for Him.” - Rev. Chris Lee “Wherever you may be in your life—maybe you've wandered, maybe you've got it wrong—God isn't surprised. He's not shocked. He simply loves you. He wants to bring you home again and again.” - Rev. Chris Lee Guest’s Links Rev. Chris Lee’s website Rev. Chris Lee’s Instagram Rev. Chris Lee’s Twitter Resources Mentioned in This Episode Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro Cambridge University Church of England Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You’d Come My Little Library of God’s Great Love Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram Sally’s website Sally’s Facebook Sally’s Instagram *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
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    12 m
  • 168. A Gift of Hope in the Midst of Fear: Peter Martin from Hope Lebedyn
    Nov 21 2024
    Hope Lebedyn is a nonprofit organization in Ukraine providing aid and hope during a time of war, chaos, fear, and uncertainty. Co-founder Peter Martin shares the realities of what Ukrainian families are currently facing, and how God’s love has shown up as a lifeline. Quotes “My family hasn’t been asked to leave their home because a bomb might come through their roof. I haven't had to abandon all my things. So I see love in the blessing of God, in the things that I have around me, which so often I take for granted.” - Peter Martin “About twenty-five years ago, I went over to the outskirts of Moscow to hear 650 pastors from the underground church in the Soviet era share stories and how they wanted to see the church grow in the future. I was absolutely mesmerized by what was happening. The power of these stories that came across—they were just mind blowing, to be quite frank, and what people would do for the sake of the Christian cause. And I thought, Well, how can I help?” - Peter Martin “We give out aid. We go to orphanages. We've helped loads of refugees and particularly children. We planted the church there. We've even planted other satellite churches from there. We've built a brand new activity center which runs a bakery and it has had an amazing impact in these recent years.” - Peter Martin “We make sure that every child that comes to our center has a copy of the Jesus Storybook Bible. Since the start of the war, we have distributed around 2,500 to 3,000 and given them away for free. They've had a huge impact.” - Peter Martin “With everything we do, we share the love of Jesus and the Father with Bibles and scripture, through services, and through activities. We're seeing lots of young people hungry to study God's Word, which is incredible.” - Peter Martin “God, through His Son Jesus, will meet us in our time of need and He'll come into our hearts. I believe that's the same for us and these people that are struggling in the war [in Ukraine]. God will come back to them and restore them in due time.” - Peter Martin Guest’s Links Hope Lebedyn’s website Hope Lebedyn’s Facebook Resources Mentioned in This Episode Swan Lake by Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky “How Great Thou Art” by Stuart Hine Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You’d Come My Little Library of God’s Great Love Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram Sally’s website Sally’s Facebook Sally’s Instagram *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 167. Ordinary People Becoming Extraordinary Believers: Dandi Daley Mackall
    Nov 14 2024
    Dandi Daley Mackall is an award-winning writer whose most recent work is a devotional called Women Who Followed Jesus, which honors ordinary women who were early church believers and key figures in the life of Christ. Dandi shares how God showed up in the lives of these women and what lessons we can draw from their extraordinary faith. Quotes “God lets me write, and then He takes it and touches hearts and works His grace in other people. I get to be a little part of it.” - Dandi Daley Mackall “I don't know how people get through life without our Refuge and our Helper. I just sense more every morning that God's pouring out His unfailing love on me.” - Dandi Daley Mackall “Nobody would choose women in the first century Israel to be the witnesses of anything, but Christ chose them to be the first. That's the power of resurrection that keeps giving this hope and power all day through eternity—that's the hope of resurrection.” - Dandi Daley Mackall “God can change ordinary people like us into extraordinary believers.” - Dandi Daley Mackall Guest’s Links Dandi Daley Mackall’s website Dandi Daley Mackall’s Facebook Dandi Daley Mackall’s Instagram Dandi Daley Mackall’s Twitter Resources Mentioned in This Episode Women Who Followed Jesus Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You’d Come My Little Library of God’s Great Love Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram Sally’s website Sally’s Facebook Sally’s Instagram *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*
    Más Menos
    11 m