
  • Daily Deluge of Despair
    Feb 24 2025

    Seldom can one get through the day without encountering instances that invoke wrath.

    In this follow up to our Everyday I'm Suffering episode, Andy and Tom welcome our first ever guest onto the Jeremiad podcast:

    Fellow Oswestrian and revered author Jake Roberts helps us dissect the dissonance our ensuing dystopia thrusts at our feet each day with searing tenacity.

    Strap in and get ready for rage.

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic #dailyannoyances

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Modern Footbailers
    Jan 27 2025

    As Jeremiad once again takes to the field of our 'Game's Gone' series detailing the ills of modern football, today we shine the light on the players themselves.

    Modern football players are afforded a certain status in society. The Jeremiad podcast seeks to uncover the perceived issues around attitude, morality and judgement among modern footballers.

    Heathens in fancily constructed studded footwear, too many modern players wear gloves with short sleeves. This can not be right. Player power is at an all time high and has rendered virtue in short supply.

    But is it always the players fault, that their egos are elevated so far above normality? Listen to our brimming discourse in this episode of the Jeremiad podcast to find out.

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic #football #gamesgone

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Vanity En Masse
    Nov 28 2024

    Who knew the silent murderer was sat there comfortably installed in our homes, just biding its time. Waiting to give us what we desire, to watch our vanity grow into an uncontrollable monster hellbent on devouring all that's pure in life.

    A bit harsh? So too is the damning ignorance of vanity en masse, as we dish up and denounce in the latest episode of the Jeremiad podcast. Enjoy.

    The Jeremiad podcast investigates vanity and its damaging effects within society, how it alters our behaviour for the worst and some of the ways it manifests in modern life.

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic #vanity

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Angelic Tones of Wrath Laden Tomes
    Oct 1 2024

    Highly nauseating regurgitated fodder. Sound familiar? Because you've definitely heard it - we are all subject to the ills and ear-wriggling fungus modern mainstream music exists as. What even is chart music? Why must real art suffer at the hand of fallacy?

    These questions have proved something of an illusion. Until now. The Jeremiad podcast cocks the hammer and lets fly at the faking and the forgery forming the majority of turd they assail our ears with.

    Strap in and enjoy as we take to task the issues with modern popular music.

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic #modernmusic

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • MPs Behaving Badly
    Aug 29 2024

    The political landscape is little more than a bourgeois minefield that garrots and gashes all it comes into contact with.

    But why is it so continuously riddled with outrage and scandal - what iggly spirits have wiggled into those right and honourable sleazebags employed to provide diplomacy yet who only seem to threaten it?

    In this episode, the Jeremiad podcast is rolling around in the mucky fields of pig refuse to expose MPs Behaving Badly.

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic #politics #democracy

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Killer Calendar Congestion Challenger
    Jul 26 2024

    Further into the cavern we delve, against all sense and odds. The game today is a mutated, blithering husk of the beauty formative minds fell in love with. How can a calendar so besmirched survive, let alone thrive?

    Fixture congestion is a rife problem in the murky waters of modern football - lucky for you, dear listener, star striker the Jeremiad podcast always has his boots laced up and his shin pads in place ready to smash a swift one into the net of despair!

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic #football

    Más Menos
    35 m
    Jun 19 2024

    The question of 'what is real' has become more strained over past decades, yet now it elicits more stringent and estranged conversation than ever before. More than any of the many simulative aspects contorting modern existence, Artificial Intelligence is the overarching presence clouding the question.

    This episode of the Jeremiad podcast is dedicated to discussing the inescapable plague AI represents, and how the virus is spreading to every corner of our lives.

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic #AI #artificialintelligence

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Everyday I'm Suffering
    May 20 2024

    If waking is a pain then we are the beleaguered. A thorn in the side, a pebble in the shoe, it is the minor irks that manifest as malicious wriggles under the skin. The battering ram of idiocy that beats one down without remorse is all the more pugnacious for how easily it could be avoided.

    In this episode of the Jeremiad podcast, we dissect the maledictions we must battle against each day in this modern 'civilised' society.

    Follow the Jeremiad podcast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiad.podcast/

    #jeremiad #thejeremiadpodcast #philosophy #sociology #misanthropic

    Más Menos
    35 m