
  • Understanding Business Agility - a conversation with Steve Martin
    Mar 18 2025

    Steve Martin is an Enterprise Agile Coach.

    In this episode of the Abeceder podcast The Independent Minds, Steve explains Business Agility to host Michael Millward.

    Steve explains what business agility is by comparing different types of business. He explores with Michael the role that HR professionals and departments play in preparing a business to start on a business agility journey, guiding the business through, and sustaining the business agility approach.

    They discuss what a business agile culture is like and what it feels like to work in an agile business for both employees and managers.

    Steve explains what the role of the Scrum Master a new role that the business agility approach requires is and how it impacts the operation of a team and an organisation.

    Michael asks Steve to explain what the entry of Gen Z to work will impact how a business agility approach can be implemented.

    You can find out about events and webinars that Steve Martin is speaking at.

    Find out more about both Michael Millward, and Steve Martin at Abeceder.co.uk

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr, because as the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms, Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER.


    Linda is based in Texas USA. Members of the Ultimate Travel Club, can travel to Texas at trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Volun-Told - a conversation with Linda Salazar
    Mar 13 2025

    In this episode of the Abecederpodcast The Independent Minds, Bright TrainerLinda Salazar explains being Volun-Told to host Michael Millward.

    Linda describes the start of her career in training, and how she has developed her career.

    A key reason for Linda’s success has been recognising the times when she has been told to volunteer, what Linda describes as Volun-Told to take new opportunities.

    Michael and Linda explore what Volun-Told involves and what it feels like. They discuss ways to welcome that change and how build counter arguments to being Volun-Told.

    They also look at how a manager can effectively Volun-Told any employee.

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr, because as the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms, Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER.

    Find out more about both Michael Millward, Linda Salazar at Abeceder.co.uk


    Linda is based in Texas USA. Members of the Ultimate Travel Club, can travel to Texas at trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 1% Better Every Day - a conversation with Alan Lazaros, Next Level University
    Mar 11 2025

    In this episode of the Abecederpodcast The Independent Minds, host Michael Millward meets Alan Lazaros, the CEO of the Next Level University.

    Next Level University helps individuals work out what they need to do to be able to lead a fulfilled life., which as Michael and Alan discuss has undoubted benefits for an employer.

    Alan uses his personal experience, and the four bucket model to explain how happiness is linked to how well we balance achieving our definition of success, with being fulfilled as individuals.

    Their discussion explores how people are defined by teh goals that they set for themsleves and how those goals impacts the ability of the person to live a fulfilled life.

    Nevertheless, says Alan we can all be 1% better today than we were yesterday, which means that our work can also be 1% better. Magnify that 1% by the number of employees in a company and you soon start to see some big improvements.

    Find out more about both Michael Millward, Alan Lazaros and Next Level University at Abeceder.co.uk

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr, because Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER.


    Whether you want to visit Worcester in the UK or the USA make your travel arrangements with the Ultimate Travel Club, and access to trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. Use our offer code ABEC79when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.


    Thank you to the team at Matchmaker.fmthe introduction to Alan.

    If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests or if like Alan, you have something interesting to say Matchmaker.fm is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. Use our offer code MILW10for a discount on membership

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Employing Ex-Offenders - a conversation with Sid Madge, Founder of Meee
    Mar 6 2025

    In this episode of the Abecederpodcast The Independent Minds, host Michael Millward discusses with Sid Madgefounder of Meee the commercial reasons why employers should seriously consider employing ex-offenders.

    In April 2024 data from the UK Police National Computer showed 11 million people in the UK have a criminal record.

    A third of men and nine per cent of women will have been convicted of an offence by the age of 53.

    Numbers like these suggest that employers who are reluctant to employ ex-offenders, are probably already employing someone with a criminal record.

    Sid explains to Michael the work that Meee is doing to prepare offenders for employment and the results they are achieving.

    You will learn about some of the causes of crime, and the role employment plays breaking the cycle of crime prison crime, that many offenders struggle to break.

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr.

    Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms.

    Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER.

    Find out more about both Michael Millward, Sid Madge and Meee at Abeceder.co.uk


    Members of the Ultimate Travel Club, have access to trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Understanding The First Duʿāʾ Of The Day - a conversation with Sammar Javed
    Mar 4 2025

    In this episode of The Independent Minds host Michael Millward is joined by Dr Sammar Javed, a lecturer at the University of Derby for a discussion about the morning Duʿāʾ and how it connects learning, activities, and reward.

    O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision, and deeds that will be accepted.

    Ibn Majah: 925

    What is a Du’a?

    For Muslims a Duʿāʾ is a prayer of invocation, supplication or request, asking help or assistance from God. A Duʿāʾ is an important and integral aspect of Islamic worship and spirituality. A Duʿāʾ serves as a direct line of communication between a believer and Allah.

    In the conversation Dr Javed explains how the Duʿāʾ places learning in the context of both work and life. She discusses with Michael how knowledge is based on what happened in the past and it is only by constantly learning that we equip ourselves for the challenges of the future.

    They explore the meaning of beneficial knowledge, acceptable deeds, and goodly provision.

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr.

    Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms.

    Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER.

    Find out more about both Michael Millward and Lindsey Struck at Abeceder.co.uk


    The Ultimate Travel Club, members have access to trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • International Experience Strengthens an Application - a conversation with Clarke Dodd
    Feb 27 2025

    It is surprising how difficult it can be for expatriates returning to their home country to find work, work at the same level they operated at when overseas, or work that would equate to a promotion.

    Many recruiters simply do not appreciate the value that a candidate with international experience can add to an organisation.

    In this episode of the Abeceder podcast The Independent Minds Clarke Dodd explains to host Michael Millward the contribution his wide-ranging experience has made to his success as a project manager.

    During his career as consultant Clarke has worked in 37 different countries. They do say that travel broadens the mind, it also adds considerably to a CV/resume.

    Michael and Clarke share anecdotes of their travels, which for Clarke includes the Antarctic and rain forests.

    Most applicant assessments focus on qualifications, organisations. Clarke explains how recruiters might understand international and multi-cultural experience.

    Recorded on a hot summers day with the windows open.

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr.

    Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms.

    Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER.

    Find out more about both Michael Millward and Clarke Dodd at Abeceder.co.uk


    Thank you to the team at Matchmaker.fmthe introduction to Clarke Dodd.

    If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests or if like Clarke, you have something interesting to say Matchmaker.fm is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. Use our offer code MILW10for a discount on membership.


    Clarke is based in London but has travelled the world.

    As Clarke identifies in the podcast travelling his international travel would have been cheaper if he had been a member of The Ultimate Travel Club, because members have access to trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Understanding Cultural Analytics - a conversation with Chris Golby PhD
    Feb 25 2025

    In this episode of the Abeceder podcast The Independent Minds Chris Golby the founder of CultureNav explains the difference between engagement surveys and cultural analytics, and the challenges that not understanding an organisational culure creates for organisations and their employees.

    As Chris explains to host Michael Millward, how to navigate culture to discover potential so that potential can be converted into performance.

    Chris mentions

    · Research conducted by the Wellbeing research centre University of Oxford.

    · An article from the Harvard Business Review: Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr.

    Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms.

    Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr visit zencastr.com/pricing and use our offer code ABECEDER.

    Find out more about both Michael Millward and Chris Golby at Abeceder.co.uk


    Thank you to the team at Matchmaker.fmthe introduction to Chris Golby.

    If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests or if like Chris, you have something interesting to say Matchmaker.fm is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. Use our offer code MILW10for a discount on membership.


    Chris is based in Warwick, a city famous for its castle.

    Travel to Warwick is cheaper for members of The Ultimate Travel Club, because members have access to trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Creating Business from Craft - a conversation with Lindsey Struck from NEST
    Feb 20 2025

    Lindsey Struck is the Chief Handcraft Programs Officer at NEST. NEST helps artisan crafters from around the world work with major fashion and homeware brands and retailers.

    Lindsey explains the history of NEST and the successful connections they have facilitated between crafters and major a fashion brand like Ralph Lauren and retailers like Williams Sonoma and West Elm.

    Lindsey explains to host Michael Millward how NEST works and the impact that their work has on the lives of crafters around the world. Crafters may often work independently but collectively they create a major industry that provides a major source of work for women.

    Michael mentions an interview he saw on the CBSnews programme 60 Minutes with Hermès artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas. You can watch that interview on You Tube.

    The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr.

    Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms.

    Zencastr really does make creating content so easy.

    If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr use our offer code ABECEDER.

    Visit Abeceder for more information about both Michael Millward and Lindsey Struck.


    Thank you to the team at Matchmaker.fmthe introduction to Lindsey Struck.

    If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests or if like Lindsey, you have something interesting to say Matchmaker.fm is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. Use our offer code MILW10for a discount on membership.


    NEST works with artisan crafters in over 125 countries.

    Travel to these countries is cheaper for members of The Ultimate Travel Club, because members have access to trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up.

    Three the network

    If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering.

    Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU.

    Being a Guest

    If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk.

    We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre.

    We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber.

    Thank you for listening.

    Más Menos
    31 m