
  • Herbalists' Views on the Top-Selling Herbs (Part 3): Wheatgrass, Beet Root, & Ginger
    Mar 15 2025

    In part three of our series on the top-selling herbs in the United States, we cover wheatgrass, beet root, and ginger supplements.

    As we share our opinions about these popular herbal supplements, our primary goal is to help you understand these herbs in their breadth and depth. They’re too often pigeon-holed into limited ranges of application – the usual answers to “what is it good for?” are too small! There’s plenty more to say about them than their most common selling points.

    If you’re an herbalist, it’s good for you to be well-informed about herbal supplements which people take most often. You can learn what is popular, and why it is. You can understand how to answer questions about those plants, how to differentiate hype from health, how to help someone find a better alternative, and which supplements just aren’t worth the cost. This series is intended to help you do that!

    If you’re new to herbalism, we’re happy that we get the first chance to form your thoughts around these herbs. At the same time, this will act as a guide to developing ‘marketing literacy’ as applied to herbal supplements – and some good old-fashioned materia medica study, too.

    7. Wheatgrass / Barley grass – Triticum aestivum / Hordeum vulgare

    • What to Do When You’ve Been Glutened

    8. Beet root – Beta vulgaris

    • Beetroot profile at Herbal Reality

    9. Ginger – Zingiber off.

    • HHP 227: Herbs A-Z: Zingiber
    • Ginger: Herb of the Week

    Find the previous episode of this series here:

    • HHP 240: Herbalists’ Views on the Top-Selling Herbs (Part 1): Psyllium, Elderberry, Turmeric, Ashwagandha
    • HHP 244: Herbalists’ Views on the Top-Selling Herbs (Part 2): Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry

    Whether you’re a brand-new beginner or an herbalist with experience, it’s always helpful to study the herbs in depth! Our comprehensive presentation of herbal allies is in our Holistic Herbalism Materia Medica course. It includes detailed profiles of 100 medicinal herbs!

    Like all our offerings, this self-paced online video course comes with free access to twice-weekly live Q&A sessions with us, lifetime access to current & future course material, open discussion threads integrated in each lesson, an active student community, study guides, quizzes & capstone assignments, and more!

    If you have a moment, it would help us a lot if you could subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen. This helps others find us more easily. Thank you!!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Adaptogens, or A Nap To Gen…erate Recovery?
    Mar 8 2025

    If you’re trying to decide whether you need adaptogens or a nap, well, the answer just might be both! But you can learn how to combine your adaptogens with other holistic interventions for better effects.

    In this episode we’re talking about choosing the best adaptogens to work with when what you really need is rest – a super common situation we all find ourselves in from time to time. We talk about ways to get rest – even if you don’t have time to nap! – as well as ways to rest that aren’t about sleep at all.

    How to start? Well, we can choose the least stimulating adaptogens necessary, first. That might mean going with tulsi before red ginseng, or jiaogulan before rhodiola. It might mean combining reishi and lion’s mane with burdock and dandelion root, to keep a grounding influence right there with our adaptogens. It might even mean formulating with digestives and nervines to subtly shift the influences of the adaptogenic herbs themselves.

    We can also be discerning about the type of activation we get – mental or physical at the fore. Tulsi & green tea is a very different combination than is eleuthero & coffee!

    Let’s also consider creating a support blend to go along with my adaptogens. This might include demulcents (marshmallow, fennel), nutritives (nettle), digestives (calendula, plantain, ginger, chamomile), or nervine relaxants & sedatives (skullcap, passionflower, betony, vervain). As always, herbal formulation is a great way to direct & enhance the effects of our primary herbs.

    ​Finally, here are three questions you should ask yourself whenever you’re thinking about adaptogens:

    • What’s going on for me right now?
    • Is there anything I could be doing differently?​
    • What’s the most important thing right now?​

    Interested in learning more about adaptogens, nervines, and related herbs for nerve & mood support? Check out our Neurological & Emotional Health course. This course is a user’s guide to your nerves & your emotions – including the difficult and dark ones. We discuss holistic herbalism strategies for addressing both neurological & psychological health issues. It includes a lengthy discussion of herbal pain management strategies, too!

    Like all our offerings, this self-paced online video course comes with free access to twice-weekly live Q&A sessions with us, lifetime access to current & future course material, open discussion threads integrated in each lesson, an active student community, study guides, quizzes & capstone assignments, and more!

    If you have a moment, it would help us a lot if you could subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen. This helps others find us more easily. Thank you!!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Herbalists’ Views on the Top-Selling Herbs (Part 2): Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry
    Feb 26 2025

    This episode continues our series covering the top-selling herbs in the United States. As we give you our thoughts about these popular herbal supplements, we’re hoping to help you break out of the box. These herbs are frequently pigeon-holed into very narrow ranges of application – the answers to the question “what is it good for?” are usually very limited! There’s more to say about them than their most effective selling points or marketing campaigns.

    If you’re a practicing herbalist, you should be well-informed about the herbal supplements people take most frequently. You should know what’s popular, and why. You should know how to answer people’s questions about these herbs, how to sort hype from health, how to identify better alternatives, and which ones simply aren’t worth the money. This series is intended to help you do that!

    If you’re new to herbalism – we’re glad that we get to help you form your initial opinion of these herbs. More broadly, though, this will serve as an introduction to marketing literacy in the realm of herbal supplements, as well as some good materia medica study.

    In today’s episode we cover apple cider vinegar and cranberry supplements.

    5. Apple Cider Vinegar – Malus spp.

    • jim mcdonald’s Apple monograph
    • Katja’s recipe for Paleo Apple Fritters

    6. Cranberry – Vaccinium macrocarpon

    • HHP 224: Herbs A-Z: Urtica & Vaccinium
    • HHP 006: Dynamic Desk Work + Crazy for Cranberries (discussion of cranberry starts around 25:30)

    Find the first episode of this series here: HHP 240: Herbalists’ Views on the Top-Selling Herbs (Part 1): Psyllium, Elderberry, Turmeric, Ashwagandha

    Whether you’re a brand-new beginner or an herbalist with experience, it’s always helpful to study the herbs in depth! Our comprehensive presentation of herbal allies is in our Holistic Herbalism Materia Medica course. It includes detailed profiles of 100 medicinal herbs!

    Like all our offerings, this self-paced online video course comes with free access to twice-weekly live Q&A sessions with us, lifetime access to current & future course material, open discussion threads integrated in each lesson, an active student community, study guides, quizzes & capstone assignments, and more!

    If you have a moment, it would help us a lot if you could subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen. This helps others find us more easily. Thank you!!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Can I Be A Plus-Sized Herbalist?
    Feb 25 2025

    Katja writes…

    Today a student sent me a question and it was so important, i asked her if i could (anonymously) share it, because i know other people are wondering this too.

    She wrote:

    "I wanted to ask for any advice or your thoughts on how to handle being a plus size herbalist.

    I am plus sized. Though I am currently in working on a healthier life style that includes using herbs, I feel like when people see me or see that Im plus sized that they may not want to work with me or any of my products.

    I feel like this is my calling I have fallen in love with herbs and how they naturally work with in the body. but I feel like this could possibly hinder me from even opening my own practice one day. I kinda feel alone in this due to most of the herbalist I see on social media are very fit and “healthy”.

    Am I wrong to want to be an herbalist even though I am also going through a battle and journey with my weight?"

    The bottom line is: we need you. We need plus-sized herbalists. We need everyone, no matter where you are in your journey, whether you’re small or big or short or tall or thin or fat or disabled or abled or sedentary or athletic or anything else.

    And the other bottom line is that weight and health are not the same thing. I know that society has all these ideas about what is “good” and “healthy” but that doesn’t mean they’re true. You can be healthy and big! You can be healthy and small! You can be unhealthy and be small or big too!

    We’re all just trying to get through our day, and we’re all in the body we’re in. You don’t have to get thin to get healthy, so let’s make our bodies healthy now, regardless of what size or shape they are. And let’s love them too because bodies are pretty amazing actually!

    If you have a moment, it would help us a lot if you could subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen. This helps others find us more easily. Thank you!!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Herbal Detox? Heed the Don’t Ox! ❌🐂
    Feb 14 2025

    Talk of herbal detox comes up every spring – some years, earlier than others. We field a lot of questions from people asking our opinions on detox protocols, bowel cleanses, liver flushes, you name it. So, in this episode, we’re giving you our fundamental thoughts on the topic.

    Ryn wrote you a poem that sums up our perspective. Here it is:

    The Don’t Ox

    if you think you need a detox,
    hear & heed the Don’t Ox –
    listen well when he talks,
    when he says:

    don’t you doubt your liver!,
    and the action it delivers
    in concert with your kidneys
    to clean your blood.

    if you feed your body rightly
    if you sleep you well a-nightly
    if you walk when sun shines brightly
    you’ll keep inner waters clear.

    you don’t need to haunt the potty –
    you just need to trust your body:
    give it nicely more than naughty
    without force and without fear.

    if you taste a bit of bitter
    eat some greens at every dinner
    then you’ll run that inner river
    in a flow, but not a flood!

    now every day’s a detox
    and our good old friend the Don’t Ox
    is sure when we hear “purge” talk
    we’ll remember:

    Listen to the episode for the elucidation and explanation of everything that’s contained in this poem!

    Perhaps you will adopt the Don’t Ox as a personal mascot, too. 🙂

    For the full story, you’ll want to dig in to our course Elements of Detoxification. This course takes a fresh look at the concepts of “toxicity” and “detoxification”, a holistic perspective that goes beyond “cleanses” and products. Learn a memorable, practical model for understanding how the body’s detox functions work, along with the roles herbs can play in supporting them.

    Like all our offerings, this is a self-paced online video course, which comes with free access to twice-weekly live Q&A sessions with us, lifetime access to current & future course material, open discussion threads integrated in each lesson, an active student community, study guides, quizzes & capstone assignments, and more!

    If you enjoyed the episode, it helps us a lot if you subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen. This helps others find us more easily. Thank you!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Two Herbal UTI Formulae - Moving Beyond Uva Ursi and Cranberry
    Jan 23 2025

    When you think of UTI and herbs, you probably think of cranberry and uva ursi first. You’re not wrong to do so! They’re reliable and effective remedies. But if you stop there, though, you’ll be missing out on some herbs who can also do the job, and do it well. In this episode we outline two herbal UTI formulae we work with ourselves, and explain why and how they’re helpful.

    We also take this opportunity to demonstrate our method of formulation, and show how the same actions and qualities can be achieved from different sets of plants.

    Formula 1:
    primary – yarrow (Achillea millefolium) flower, goldenrod (Solidago spp.) flower;
    support – linden (Tilia spp.), marshmallow (Althaea off.) leaf, chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
    catalyst – juniper (Juniperus spp.)

    Formula 2:
    primary – heather (Calluna vulgaris), calendula (Calendula off.)
    support – marshmallow (Althaea off.) root, catnip (Nepeta cataria), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
    catalyst – cedar (Thuja plicata) leaf

    If you’d like to learn more about supporting your urinary system, our Urinary Health course is for you! It’s too common to neglect this system of the body – until something goes wrong. Take proactive steps to prevent UTIs and kidney stones, and learn methods to manage issues such as interstitial cystitis or incontinence. You’ll be glad you did!

    And if you’d like to dig deeper into formulation, well, then our Fundamentals of Formulation course is where to go next! Learn our strategies for combining herbal actions and balancing the qualities of herbs to produce more effective remedies.

    Like all our offerings, these are self-paced online video courses, which come with free access to twice-weekly live Q&A sessions with us, lifetime access to current & future course material, open discussion threads integrated in each lesson, an active student community, study guides, quizzes & capstone assignments, and more!

    If you enjoyed the episode, it helps us a lot if you subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen. This helps others find us more easily. Thank you!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Herbalists' Views on the Top-Selling Herbs (Part 1): Psyllium, Elderberry, Turmeric, Ashwagandha
    Jan 11 2025

    This episode begins an intermittent series we’ll be doing this year, covering the top-selling herbs in the United States and giving you our thoughts about them. From the perspective of a practicing herbalist, these herbs are frequently pigeon-holed into very narrow ranges of application – the “what is it good for” answers are quite limited!

    The Herbal Market Report from the American Botanical Council comes out every year, with data about herbal supplement sales for the prior year. Check it out and take a look at the “mainstream” and “natural channel” best-seller lists – you might be surprised at what’s on there!

    If you’re an herbalist, you should be well-educated about the herbs people take most frequently. You should know what’s popular, and why. You should know how to talk to people about these herbs, how to correct misconceptions, how to offer more effective alternatives, and which ones are worth the money. We’re hoping this series will help you do that!

    If you’re new to herbalism – yay, we get first crack at forming your opinion of these herbs! 😄 More importantly, this will serve as an introduction to marketing literacy in the realm of herbal supplements, as well as some good materia medica study.

    In today’s episode we cover psyllium, elder berry, turmeric, and ashwagandha.

    1. Psyllium – Plantago ovata

    • HHP 205: Herbs A-Z: Pinus & Plantago
    • Plantain: Herb of the Week

    2. Elder berry – Sambucus nigra, S. canadensis

    • Elder: Herb of the Week
    • HHP 216: Herbs A-Z: Sambucus & Sassafras
    • Elderberry and Cytokine Storms

    3. Turmeric – Curcuma longa

    • HHP 184: Herbs A-Z: Crataegus & Curcuma
    • HHP 149: Our Top Topical Herbs for Acne

    4. Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera

    • HHP 226: Herbs A-Z: Withania & Zanthoxylum
    • Ashwagandha: Herb of the Week
    • HHP 155: Equinox Thoughts On Balance & Amphoteric Herbs

    Whether you’re a brand-new beginner or an herbalist with experience, it’s always helpful to study the herbs in depth! Our comprehensive presentation of herbal allies is in our Holistic Herbalism Materia Medica course. It includes detailed profiles of 100 medicinal herbs!

    Like all our offerings, this self-paced online video course comes with free access to twice-weekly live Q&A sessions with us, lifetime access to current & future course material, open discussion threads integrated in each lesson, an active student community, and more!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • A Definitive Guide to Bitters
    Jan 3 2025

    Welcome to 2025, everyone! Let’s give the year a bitter start – that’s better than a bitter end, right? If you don’t think so yet, listen to this episode and by the end, we’re sure you’ll agree!

    Bitters are a truly indispensable piece of an herbal toolkit. They – like demulcents, adaptogens, and alteratives – can achieve things in the body which pharmaceuticals, acupuncture, and other healing modalities simply cannot replicate. Bitters are one of the herbalist’s superpowers!

    In this episode, we cover:

    • bitter as signal – and why their actions on the body are nearly immediate
    • bitter deficiency syndrome – a uniquely modern human problem
    • energetics of bitters – is bitter always cooling, or is it more complicated than that?
    • actions of bitter herbs – digestion-activating, fluid-draining, liver-awakening… mind-centering…
    • bitter-tasting constituents – and an ode to the flexibility & variety of bitter taste receptors
    • subcategories of bitter herbs: pure bitters, mild bitters, aromaic bitters, inulin/berberine/artemisinin-bearing bitters, fungal bitters, warming/relaxant/moistening bitters, …
    • how to take bitters – drops, sips, chews, and more.

    Since they’re so helpful – and really, not only for digestion – we address bitter herbs in many of our courses. Quite possibly all of them, now that we think about it! They’re that important. Bitters get a significant mention in:

    • Holistic Herbalism Materia Medica
    • Herbal Medicine-Making
    • Holistic Nutrition & Digestive Health
    • Basic Phytochemistry
    • Neurological & Emotional Health

    Like all our offerings, these are self-paced online video courses, which come with free access to twice-weekly live Q&A sessions with us, lifetime access to current & future course material, open discussion threads integrated in each lesson, an active student community, study guides, quizzes & capstone assignments, and more!

    If you have a moment, it would help us a lot if you could subscribe, rate, & review our podcast wherever you listen. This helps others find us more easily. Thank you!!

    Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.

    Support the show

    You can find all of our online herbalism courses at online.commonwealthherbs.com!

    Más Menos
    2 h y 24 m