
  • Ep 263 Navigating Emotions at Work
    Mar 13 2025

    Emotions are part of what makes us human, and in this episode I explore the sometimes problematic relationship between emotions and the workplace.

    I explore the extent to which it is acceptable to express emotions like tears or anger at work given the increasingly macho leadership styles that demand emotional suppression.

    This leads me to share my perspective about low emotional intelligence among leaders and the personal costs of suppressing emotions, such as increased stress levels. Drawing from my own experiences, I share strategies for managing emotions responsibly in professional settings.

    Fostering environments where it is both safe and encouraged to express emotions requires sufficient emotional intelligence and maturity.

    Through reflective practices, we can determine if our feelings are genuinely ours or absorbed from others - and these practices contribute to healthier workplace dynamics.

    *** Key Points ***

    • Importance of emotional intelligence
    • Strategies for responsible emotional regulation
    • Impact of emotional contagion

    #FlourishingIntroverts #Introvers #Emotions

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Ep 262 Flourishing in Anti-DEI Times
    Mar 6 2025

    Say DEI and you'll be ruffling many feathers these days. In this episode I am taking a deep dive into how we can flourish in these anti-Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) times. As disappointing as it is for us to see a sudden rollback from DEI Initiatives, I suspect 'they' do not realise what a rude awakening they are in for. Very few of today's generation and switched on workforce is going to sit back and accept it.

    While broligarchs are trumpeting the anti-DEI noises, thankfully many organisations big and small are finding innovative ways to sustain DEI efforts without attracting negative attention. As someone deeply involved in learning and development, I stress embedding sustainable changes into company cultures while guarding against the barriers being raised by 'the trumpeters'.

    I say, let us use our frustration to fuel our advocacy for DEI, visibly and covertly, as we can.

    *** Key Points ***

    • Keep the DEI advocacy happening
    • Reframe if we need to
    • Innovate to counteract anti-DEI rollbacks

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Ep 261 The Productivity Trap
    Feb 27 2025

    Productivity, Productivity, Productivity - the word is being thrown around by the broligarchs who are pushing the hustle-grind with unreasonable deadlines, back to back meetings and a way to put human needs at the backburner.

    I talk about how brobsession with efficiency over effectiveness leads to toxic productivity, undermining our well-being and ignoring their duty of care towards their teams. But efficiency has never been as powerful as effectiveness, and then these latest diktats … and you'll find me having a laugh but the matter is serious nonetheless.

    I highlight why toxic productivity compromises our wellbeing and forcing us to participate in a work culture that's helping no one. Then there are 'influencers generously sharing their way' but what's the real cost of falling for that?

    We need to redefine success to include genuine contributions and impact over mere activity, and create inclusive workplaces where everyone thrives.

    *** Key Points ***

    • Balancing efficiency with effectiveness.
    • Prioritise genuine contribution over busyness.
    • Advocate for our wellbeing.

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Ep 260 Rattling Cages, Fuelling Change and Flourishing!
    Feb 20 2025

    For those who believe introverts do not talk because they have nothing to say, the 260 Episodes and 22 Seasons of this podcast prove they couldn't be more wrong. And 65,000+ downloads across 58 countries speak for themselves that introverts are listening, and supporting the mission I am on - to rattle the cages of bias towards the extravert ideal in workplaces and our communities.

    Oh I was afraid, but I put my fear to good use by making it the fuel for my mission. Despite all the scepticism and external resistance that heightened my own internal resistance, I remain committed to advocating for we introverts through this podcast and other expansive work I am actively involved in.

    Let us continue dismantling the biases against we introverts as we encourage understanding, inclusivity and collaboration all around.

    *** Key Points ***

    • Celebrate the wins of we introverts
    • Defy resistance with resilience in journey of advocacy
    • Inclusion is an ongoing journey not a destination

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Ep 259 Empowering Future Generations
    Feb 13 2025

    I was in my 30s when I first realised and understood that I am neither broken nor abnormal but just an introvert. Oh, how wonderful it would have been if I knew that in my younger years. Better even if the adults around me understood my introversion.

    Through this episode, I want to highlight the significance of nurturing young introverts by drawing on my extensive experience in learning and development to help today's generations provide the right support to empower the future generations. In particular it would be helpful for them to understand introversion, about the impact of extravert bias and about power of inclusion.

    Let's help our future generations know head-on that their introversion isn't something that need fixing. Instead, it is their power and their introvert strengths can truly set them up for success. We have the ability to enable that by creating environments that support their needs. Let's together raise a generation of empowered individuals who are comfortable as their true selves.

    *** Key Points ***

    • Empower young introverts as future leaders
    • Importance of building self-esteem early
    • Creating supportive and inclusive environments

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Ep 258 Becoming an Introvert Changemaker
    Feb 6 2025

    I believe most of us are changemakers in one or other way, however in this episode I am focusing on the empowering journey for introverts intentionally aspiring to be change makers. With my background and qualification in change agent skills and strategies, I know with certainty that being a change maker is more about mindset and intention than formal qualifications.

    Our society and businesses are often biased towards the extravert ideal, hence it is crucial for introverts to harness our unique and quiet strengths of deep thinking, active listening, and genuine relationship-building so we can play a vital role in advocating for and implementing meaningful changes.

    I impress that we introverts can indeed become influential leaders by focusing on small cumulative efforts, the marginal gains that lead to significant impact over time. I talk about being prepared to respond to the extravert biases and leveraging quiet influence through written communication and meaningful one-on-one interactions, so we carry on our changemaking work while sustaining our quiet strength.

    *** Key Points ***

    • Mindset matters more than qualifications
    • Leverage quiet influence strategically
    • Build resilience against extravert bias

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Ep 257 The Power of Your Voice
    Jan 30 2025

    Oh the myths about we introverts are endless, unfortunately though it happens with our continued collusion. In this episode, my invitation is for we introverts to recognise and utilise our voices to effectively so we confidently debunk these myths while showing up as our authentic and unapologetic self.

    Our well-thought through and clearly presented contributions often command more respect than our louder counterparts. It is our deep thinking and clarity that enhances the quality and value of conversations by focusing on what truly matters.

    Our think-say-think communication process is a power, so is our ability to build deeper connections. Let's dive right in.

    *** Key Points ***

    • Recognise our introvert strengths.
    • Amplify our voice selectively and intentionally.
    • Identify and choose the right platform to show up.

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Ep 256 Navigating Extravert Settings
    Jan 23 2025

    With so much noise around us in both work and social settings, how do we quieter ones function effectively?

    Drawing from my nearly 50 years of corporate experience, I discuss societal biases towards the extravert ideal that starts in childhood and extends through education and professional environments. It's these settings and other's expectations that often pressure we introverts to significantly alter our behaviour which potentially harms our wellbeing.

    I believe it is imperative therefore for we introverts to understand the personal cost of sacrificing our authentic self for the sake of conforming to an ideal that is not ours. We can still use our introvert strengths like thoughtful problem solving and meaningful listening effectively without succumbing to external pressures.

    So how do we set social boundaries while remaining nonconfrontational in order to prioritise our wellbeing? Let's explore!

    *** Key Points ***

    • Maintain authenticity amidst societal biases.
    • Embrace introverted strengths confidently.
    • Set boundaries assertively in all contexts.

    *** Resources ***

    Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    15 m