
  • Slaying the Demon of Hair Envy for Lent: Ep 9
    Mar 4 2025

    A short episode sharing 3 tips for overcoming hair envy and jealousy over another woman's hair. These tips can also be applied to any area of your life where you are dealing with envy over another person.

    Resource Mentioned In The Podcast Episode:

    Love Your Hair in 30 Days Devotional and Journal is a tool to help you take an exploratory journey through the Word of God that will lead you to a destination of intentional love for your own hair. It's a resource that can help you overcome hair envy.

    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Spring Cleaning Your Physical and Spiritual Life: Ep 8
    Feb 14 2025

    In this week's episode, I'm kicking off Spring early with some tips on how to spring clean your physical and spiritual life. We touch on:

    • your physical and digital space
    • your personal care products
    • your routines
    • how you are feeding your spirit and more.

    The skin care products I use are all shared in this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/WztYaEceFqo?si=GR5D933mx8EQXoDS

    I go through them. At the age of 56 (as of this recording), these are the skin care products that have helped my skin to stay youthful-looking and free of acne and blemishes.

    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Can AI Be Your Natural Hair Assistant? Christian Reflections - Ep 7
    Jan 31 2025

    In this episode we are delving into the use of AI for natural hair care, specifically tapping into AI to build out a hair regimen and answering the question: Is the use of AI ungodly?

    Show links:

    Can AI Create the Perfect Natural Hair Regimen for You?:


    Setting Hair Goals that Honor God: https://podcasts.helloaudio.fm/player?episodeId=f67a5725-fe32-43b3-9a00-328b0474a657&code=c5kxuQHoOD¢ered=true

    Business Insider Article: https://www.businessinsider.com/natural-hair-products-personalized-recommendations-ai-2023-10

    Seedtime Money Article: https://seedtime.com/satans-plan/

    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Ep 6: Winter Hair Care Strategies to Protect Your Crown
    Jan 17 2025

    In this episode, I'm sharing various strategies and tips for effective winter hair care. The tips are generally for those with natural hair but those with other hair types may find value in them as well.

    The goal of these different hair care tips and strategies is so you protect your hair from drying out and getting damaged. If you are intentional about your hair care during the colder months, you'll be supporting any hair goal you may have.

    Topics discussed in the podcast:

    • 3 Winter hair care strategies
    • Night time routines
    • Using essential oils to strengthen and nourish your hair & scalp
    • Reducing winter shedding
    • Eating a balanced diet

    Resources Mentioned In The Podcast Episode:

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Finenaturalhairandfaith1

    The Faithful Living Shop: https://shop.finenaturalhairandfaith.com/collections/all-products

    Butcher Box: https://shop.butcherbox.com/partners/try-bb-free?coupon_code=EGTB-495321-uhAuOyKH&utm_source=referral&utm_medium=copy_link (you'll get you first box free! just pay for shipping)

    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Ep 5: Setting Hair Goals That Honor God
    Jan 3 2025

    At the start of the new year, it's quite common to set new goals for the upcoming year. Here on the Faithful Living Podcast, our goals will be solely focused on hair care fueled by our faith.

    Join me in this episode where I'm sharing how you can set hair goals that honor God and are rooted in your faith and values.



    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Ep 4: 3 Prayer Points for Hair Growth Goals
    Dec 13 2024

    Are you fed up with this natural hair journey? Maybe you're just a bit discouraged. Well, I want to offer you a different perspective than what you would normally hear or read about.

    In this short episode, I cover you with 3 prayer points to help you on your natural hair journey. What you'll discover:

    • Hair care techniques are great to follow but what do you do when they don't seem to work?
    • The 3 keys to being successful at growing your hair (and they aren't what you think)

    Thanks for tuning in


    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Ep 3: Natural Hair Care Mistakes & How to Turn Them into Wins
    Nov 5 2024

    In this episode, i'm examining 3 mistakes you likely make when it comes to caring for your natural hair. These are actual mistakes, that any one of us can make at any time. You've probably made them already.

    Learn to love your natural hair and discover what God has to say about it in this 30-day Love Your Hair in 30 Days Christian Women’s Devotional: https://shop.finenaturalhairandfaith.com/products/love-your-hair-in-30-days-devotional

    We also have a new guide to help you find shortcuts and innovative ways to care for your natural hair: EveryDay Vital Hair Hacks: https://shop.finenaturalhairandfaith.com/products/daily-hair-care-life-hacks

    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Ep 2: 5 Reasons to Scrap Your Entire Natural Hair Regimen
    May 13 2024

    In this episode I'm sharing 5 major reasons that you will need to either renovate or totally recreate your natural hair regimen.

    This episode is born out of the 30 day Natural Hair Regimen Reset Challenge. You can sign up for the free challenge here: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/hair-regimen-reset-challenge/

    For the full printable PDF guide that accompanies the challenge PLUS additional resources, explore more here: https://shop.finenaturalhairandfaith.com/products/30-day-natural-hair-regimen-refresh

    Subscribe to the Faithful Living Newsletter to receive faith-filled natural hair care tips, spiritual wisdom and the expertise you need to take your hair and your faith to the next level.

    Start your journey with this free hair care and faith reflections journal: https://finenaturalhairandfaith.com/newsletter/

    Más Menos
    8 m