
  • The Role of Technology in Austrian Startups
    Feb 27 2023

    In this episode, we discuss the role that technology plays in the Austrian start-up market - something we have seen a growing trend in over the last number of years. And with the rapid acceptance of ai technology happening as we speak, how will that affect the start-up seen in years to come?

    To help us answer some of these questions and provide some insider insights, we are very excited to introduce our guest for this episode, Hannah Wundsam. Hannah is the Managing Director at Austrian Startups, an independent non-profit platform for innovative entrepreneurship in Austria that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship through a vibrant community and large-scale change initiatives.

    Episode Guest: Hannah Wundsam
    Podcast Host: Marc Babin

    Austrian Startups

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
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    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Disruptive Innovation with Daniel Burrus
    May 3 2022

    Fueled by the last two years of continuous change and market development, disruptive technology and innovation have been key drivers of how we live our lives today.

    Join us as we address disruptive innovation and technology with Daniel Burrus. A best-selling author, keynote speaker, and strategic business consultant at Burrus Research, Inc.

    From the importance of it to how you can proactively prepare and leverage it to rapidly grow your business, we have plenty to get into on this episode and of course, some tips to get you started near the end.

    Host: Marc Babin
    Guest: Daniel Burrus

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyline
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    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Make Innovation Your Strongest Business Asset
    Feb 13 2022

    Episode 6

    If you look at the organizations that lead their industries, you will always find a common thread, they have all embraced innovation.

    In this episode, we dive deep into this world and explore what businesses can do to better plan, encourage, and execute on innovation. We are joined in this episode by the "Father of Innovation" at the CEO at HYVE, Johann Füller! Enjoy the great talk!

    Host: Marc Babin
    Guest: Johann Füller

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyline
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anyline_com/

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Making the Perfect Mobile Solution
    Feb 6 2022

    Episode 5

    Mobile applications are everywhere and can do nearly anything that we need, want, or could dream of. But the difference between an app you use all the time and the ones you forget about can be crucial to your success. So what makes an app more likely to succeed? Two words, User Experience.

    Host: Marc Babin
    Guest: Corina Stirbu

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyline
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anyline_com/

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Advancing Few Shot Learning with Johannes Kepler University
    Jan 30 2022

    Episode 4

    In 2020, we partnered with Johannes Kepler University to pair a globally recognized research program with industry-leading data capture technology, all with the hope of taking big steps forward for the world of machine learning and mobile data capture.

    The areas in focus include Few Shot Learning and Transformer Engineering. Both will have a large focus on machine learning, allowing for better mobile data capture solutions in industries around the world.

    Host: Marc Babin
    Guests: Hubert Ramsauer, and Dmytro Kotsur

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/anyline/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anylinecom/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyline
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anyline_com/

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Creating a New World of User Experiences with AR and Mobile Data Capture
    Jan 23 2022

    Episode 3

    Augmented Reality (AR) has taken the world by storm in recent years. Applications like Snapchat, TikTok, Pokemon Go, etc. brought AR to our everyday lives, but what about AR within business integration and processes?

    In this talk, we speak with the Head of Marketing at Wikitude, Paula Perrichot, to discuss the potential when combining AR and OCR Mobile Data Capture technology. The convenience of mobile data capture with the engagement of AR is a powerful combination that would benefit any industry.

    Host: Marc Babin
    Guest: Paula Perrichot

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyline
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anyline_com/

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Empowering AI in Business Today
    Jan 16 2022

    Episode 2

    No, we are not talking about robots and self-driving cars, but something much more practical and relatable to many business owners. From data capture processes to safety and security protocols, AI has the power to create a new sense of efficiency that is far beyond what you think is currently capable. In fact, its effects are so profound that by NOT embracing these solutions, you could be giving yourself a serious business handicap in the future.

    Host: Marc Babin
    Guest: Clemens Wasner

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/anyline/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anylinecom/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyline
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anyline_com/

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • ISO Certification for Data Based Companies
    Jan 9 2022

    Episode 1

    Have you considered ISO Certification in your business?

    That is the BIG question addressed in this podcast episode. If your company deals with any type of personal data or data collection, we break down why you need to consider ISO certification and why it is key driver in taking the next step in your growth.

    We are joined by David Rieger and Mario-Valentin Trompeter from SEC Consult, a cybersecurity company that has specialized in the ISO certification process, among other IT Security Services. We recently worked with SEC Consult for our ISO 27001 certification!

    Host: Marc Babin
    Guest: David Rieger and Mario-Valentin Trompeter

    If you wish to discuss your project or unique use case, please request a live demonstration with us using the link below.


    More information about Anyline can be found at:
    Visit our website here: https://anyline.com/
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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anylinecom/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyline
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anyline_com/

    Más Menos
    26 m