This VoiceAmerica Special, “HUMANITY’S MOMENT OF CHOICE: HOLOMOVEMENT” explores what “Holomovement” means-- and the global community “THE HOLOMOVEMENT” (at that is advancing Holomovement vision and action-- excitingly toward Love and a world that works for all. This Special also marks the occasion of the Holomovement’s new free e-publication which we direct you to immediately below. More than just a catchy title, Holomovement has become a name to rally around for global collaborative social change. It was first coined by David Bohm, American physicist and contemporary of Einstein-- echoing the millennial vision of the world’s Great Wisdom Traditions and current cutting edge science-- that our Universe is a unified whole in which our deepest human experience is an intimate part. It affirms that since all actions in the Universe ultimately unfold for the good of the whole, we can say We and our Universe are really about Love and the well-being of all. We direct you to a colorful free e-publication about all this at Click there on the multi-colored cover entitled THE HOLOMOVEMENT WAVE: CO-CREATING A RIPPLE EFFECT OF CHANGE. See also the book THE HOLOMOVEMENT: EMBRACING OUR COLLECTIVE PURPOSE TO UNITE HUMANITY (available at all booksellers) edited by Emanuel Kuntzelman and Jill Robinson, In this VoiceAmerica Special, Emanuel joins eight other key members of the Holomovment Core Team to discuss multiple aspects of the Holomovement vision and work. Ultimately the Guest List, as reflected above in the Showpage links to guest bio’s, is Emanuel Kuntzleman, Paulette Pipe, Scarlett Lewis, Mariko Pitts, Zenka Caro, Adam Cupell, Yasmine El Baggari, and Laura Rose. Guided by science and spirituality, this unifying movement is part of catalyzing a massive shift in human consciousness. The Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a project of the Source of Synergy Foundation, which sponsors and hosts Humanity’s Moment of Choice is pleased to present this program. It also partnered with The Holomovement for its “Igniting the Holomovement”” event in Sedona Arizona in 2023 and its Holomovement Wave event in 2024 in Ibiza Spain. Light on Light Publications and Media, which co-host this Humanity’s Moment of Choice Series on VoiceAmerica, produced both Holomovement publications. The VoiceAmerica host for this Special is Dr. Kurt Johnson of the Holomovement, Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and Light on Light. Again, please enjoy and be inspired by the free e-publication just mentioned, at THE HOLOMOVEMENT WAVE: CO-CREATING A RIPPLE EFFECT OF CHANGE. And, check out for information on the next Holomovement Wave event, partnered with the Asheville, North Carolina community, in May 2025.