
  • Faith Notes for Young Men | Rev. Michael Newman
    Feb 8 2025

    On this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Rev. Michael Newman joins host Elizabeth Pittman as the guest to talk about his recently released book with CPH, Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Men. Mike talks with Elizabeth about the struggles young men face today, from isolation to peer pressure and bullying. He tells listeners how his new book (the companion to Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Womenby Cassie Moore) contains devotions that point young men to the hope that can only be found in Jesus.

    Learn more and get the book at cph.org/faith-notes.

    Show Notes
    Anxiety. Isolation. Bullying. Faced with issues like these, where can teen boys turn? They can turn to God. During the episode, author Mike Newman tells listeners how his book, Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Men, features nearly 100 devotions on topics like these, pointing youth to God's truth, showing them God's forgiveness and hope, and steering them toward Christ. Devotional topics include anxiety, mistakes, family and home life, purity, relationships, and more.

    Mike also delves into his experiences as a pastor and father and how these shaped his insight in the book, advice he has for young men who feel disconnected from God, why he chose the format he did for the book, and more.


    • How did your experiences as a pastor and parent shape the topics covered in the book?
    • What are some of the biggest struggles you see young men facing today?
    • The book covers difficult topics like anxiety and pornography—how do you approach these issues with grace and biblical guidance?
    • Why did you choose the format of short reflections with space to write or sketch?
    • How do you hope young men will engage with this book—individually, in small groups, or with mentors?
    • What advice would you give to a young man who feels disconnected from God and struggles to trust in Him?
    • The title calls this a “survival kit”—how does this devotional equip young men to navigate today’s world?
    • What feedback have you received from young men, parents, or youth leaders about this book?

    About the Guest
    When not teaching and writing, Michael W. Newman enjoys running the Texas roads, reading a good book, and spending time with his family. He is husband to Cindy, father to two beautiful daughters, and grandpa to a brood of wonderful grandchildren.

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    29 m
  • Ten Lies Satan Loves to Tell | Rev. Andrew R. Jones
    Jan 22 2025

    In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, host Elizabeth Pittman speaks with author Rev. Andrew R. Jones about his newest book, Ten Lies Satan Loves to Tell. Andy dives into the truth that Satan lies to us all the time but helps us recognize and combat 10 of the major lies with God’s Word.

    Get Andy’s newest book at cph.org/tenlies.

    Show Notes
    “You need and deserve more.” “You should cover up your sins.” “You are too sinful to be forgiven.”

    Have you ever heard Satan murmur these lies into your ear? In Ten Lies Satan Loves to Tell, Andrew R. Jones identifies 10 lies Satan—the father of lies (John 8:44)—tells in an effort to dismantle God’s kingdom and God’s people. Andy tells listeners that by enhancing your radar for Satan’s schemes, you can better defend against his deception, and be encouraged to live in God’s truth. Andy also talks about writing this book as a follow-up to his first, Ten Questions to Ask Every Time You Read the Bible, how he narrowed down all the lies Satan tells to just 10, what Satan aims to achieve through his lies, and how God provides us tools to defend against both sin and Satan.

    About the Guest
    Andrew R. Jones lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he enjoys writing, hiking, and adventuring with his wife, Stephanie. He has served the church on three continents in varying roles, including campus ministry, international mission work, professor of preaching, and parish pastor. His writings speak to the importance of spiritual formation in the midst of a hectic world.

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    35 m
  • Evangelical Lutheran Homiletics | Rev. Isaac Johnson
    Jan 15 2025

    On this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, we take a look at the history and legacy of Lutheran homiletics with guest Pastor Isaac Johnson. Isaac is the translator of Reinhold Pieper's Evangelical Lutheran Homiletics, available now on cph.org.

    Show Notes

    Listen now as host Elizabeth Pittman and guest Isaac Johnson talk discuss his translation of Reinhold Pieper’s Evangelical Lutheran Homiletics, which offers a fuller understanding of the history of preaching within the LCMS as typified by C. F. W. Walther. Pieper, a student of Walther who would serve as a homiletics professor and president of Concordia Preachers’ Seminary from 1891–1914, dissects the task of preaching from start to finish as inspired by the classic German homiletics textbook by J. J. Rambach.

    Isaac talks about who Reinhold Pieper was, historical context behind Pieper’s writing, how Pieper has influenced his own work, and advice for pastors and the challenges they face in today’s fast-paced world.


    • Who was Reinhold Pieper?
    • In the foreword, Dr. Adam Koontz writes Reinhold was “the heir of much and the preserver of more.” What motivated Reinhold to write this book, and what were the influences that he was working to preserve?
    • How does this work reflect the influence of Reinhold’s teacher, CFW Walther?
    • How does this book complement Walther's Law and Gospel as a preaching guide?
    • What was the historical context in which Pieper wrote this book? How did this context shape his approach to preaching?
    • How was this book used at LCMS seminaries before the transition to English?Pieper emphasized “strictly textual” preaching. What does this mean, and why is it important?
    • Walk us through Pieper’s approach to sermon preparation.
    • What does Pieper have to say about the preachers personal style, and how pastors can balance individuality with faithfulness to the text?
    • How has Pieper influenced your own preaching? If you could ask him any questions about preaching in our modern context, what would you ask him?
    • What advice might you expect Pieper to give to pastors today who are faced with the challenges of preaching in a highly digital and fast-paced world?

    About the Guest

    Isaac Johnson is the pastor of New Hope Lutheran Church in Charles City, Iowa. He is married to Kaite Johnson, and they have five children: Elise, Clara, Lyla, James, and Annie. Besides ministry and family, Johnson is involved in the translation of German and Latin, focusing on the field of early Missouri Synod homiletics. He is currently enrolled in the reduced-residency Ph.D. program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in the Culture and Theology department with an emphasis in homiletics. He enjoys preaching, reading aloud to his family, classical guitar, and choral music.

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    34 m
  • Finding Peace in God’s Faithfulness | Michelle Diercks
    Dec 21 2024

    Guest and author Michelle Diercks joins this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast to speak with host Elizabeth Pittman about her newest Bible study, Promised Hope: Finding Peace in God’s Faithfulness. Michelle talks about the hope we have in Jesus and how to use Promised Hope in your study, a group study, or a book club and face whatever uncertainty you have in your life.

    Pre-order the book on cph.org now! Available on January 7.

    Show Notes
    In this life, we aren't promised health, wealth, stability, or even perfect relationships. What we are promised is hope in Jesus. In Promised Hope, Michelle Diercks, author of Promised Rest: Finding Peace in God’s Presence, explores eight different names and characteristics of God and what they teach us about who He is and the hope He promises.

    Michelle and Elizabeth discuss the inspiration behind Promised Hope, how she chose the names of God to study in the book, how she hopes readers use the Bible study, how the book’s theme speaks to modern struggles, and more.


    • What inspired you to write Promised Hope and how does it build on Promised Rest?
    • Why do you think hope is a topic that women today are hungry for?
    • How did you choose the names of God to feature in Promised Hope?
    • How do you see understanding the names of God to enhance a woman’s faith and life?
    • What name(s) in Promised Hope are especially meaningful for you?
    • Was there a particular name that was challenging for you?
    • Let’s focus in on one or two names: Adonai and The Lord is My Rock.
    • How do you see readers using Promised Hope?
    • In your opinion, how does the theme of God’s faithfulness speak to modern struggles like anxiety, fear, or uncertainty?
    • What is the main thing you hope readers take away from Promised Hope?

    About the Guest
    Michelle Diercks is a writer and speaker. As a professional and as a volunteer, she has taught God’s Word for more than thirty years. Michelle is the author of Promised Rest: Finding Peace in God’s Presence and the host of the podcast Peace in His Presence. She and her husband are the parents of two sons and live in Iowa.

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    27 m
  • Lamentations – Concordia Commentary | R. Reed Lessing
    Nov 27 2024

    Listen to this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast as author and guest R. Reed Lessing takes a close look at recent interpretations, historical and canonical settings, genres, and more in the book of Lamentations. Lessing provides his perspective on all of these things and more in the newest volume in the Concordia Commentary series that he authored - Lamentations - Concordia Commentary.

    Pre-order the next Concordia Commentary edition on the book of Lamentations on our website today or subscribe to the Concordia Commentary series to save 30% on all new and previously published volumes.

    Show Notes
    The book of Lamentations, marked by its tone of mourning, loss, defeat, and heartache, provides neither a pleasant nor an easy read. Nonetheless, it meets us in the valleys of suffering we inevitably face, offering a glimpse of hope in God’s faithfulness.

    In the newest Concordia Commentary volume on Lamentations, Lessing walks readers through this valley, providing insight into the history of interpretations, narratives, and theological context. Listen to the episode as Lessing talks with host Elizabeth Pittman about why Christians should read the book of Lamentations, the destruction of Zion with the temple in Jerusalem and its implications, the Law and Gospel parts included in the book, who he wants to reach with this commentary volume, and more.


    • Why should a Christian bother to read the biblical book of Lamentations?
    • When we read through the English Bible, why not skip over this short book and go straight from Jeremiah to Ezekiel?
    • Most of the book seems depressing. After all, it is a lament. Shouldn’t Christians rejoice always? What place does a lament have in the Christian life?
    • Should lamenting be part of the corporate worship life of the church? Is Lamentations ever read as part of the lectionary in the church year? When and why?
    • Much of the book mourns the destruction of Zion with the temple in Jerusalem. When did this happen in history? What was the prior history of Zion earlier in the Bible? What happens to Zion later in the Bible?
    • Does Zion have anything to do with Jesus in the Gospels, or with the Christian hope expressed in the rest of the New Testament?
    • Do any Christian hymns feature Zion and the temple? Do hymns include laments?
    • Is the book of Lamentations all Law? Is there Gospel hope in it anywhere?
    • It seems like the beginning of the book and the end of the book are all about judgment, death, and mourning. Wouldn’t it be better for a biblical book to start out happy and be optimistic at the end? If it has to have sad parts, why not hide them in the middle?
    • In English the book is laid out as poetry. Is the Hebrew poetry? What constitutes Hebrew poetry? Does it have rhyme, or other things that mark it as poetry? Lamentations seems to repeat words and ideas in several lines or even a whole stanza. Why the repetition? Why not just say it concisely, once, and move on?
    • What’s up with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet that are reproduced in English Bibles?
    • Finally, who do you want to reach with your commentary?

    About the Guest
    Dr. R. Reed Lessing is the The Edwin F. and Esther L. Laatsch Chair of Old Testament Studies at Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota. He also serves as the University’s Director for the Center of Biblical Studies and oversees the University’s Pre-Seminary Program. Previously he was Senior Pastor at Saint Michael Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana, and before that, Professor of Ex

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    40 m
  • Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Women | Cassie Moore
    Nov 20 2024

    Young women today are faced with a host of challenges, including things like loneliness, isolation, anxiety, bullying, social media behavior, and relationship issues. Guest and author Cassie Moore reminds us that young women can turn to God through all the issues they meet. Listen to the episode now as Cassie discusses her new book, Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Women with host Elizabeth Pittman.

    Faith Notes is available on the CPH website now!

    Show Notes

    Anxiety. Isolation. Bullying. Issues with parents. Pornography. Faced with issues like these, where can teen girls turn? They can turn to God. Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Women features nearly 100 devotions on topics like these, pointing youth to God's truth, showing them God's forgiveness and hope, and steering them toward Christ. During the episode, Cassie explains how readers can go through devotions one-by-one, or browse by topic—with plenty of room to journal or sketch. She also discusses her background in youth ministry and how she helps teens use the Bible to walk through life with confidence.

    About the Guest

    Cassie Moore is an author, speaker, and leadership consultant with over 15 years of experience in ministry to young people. She is the author of Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Women and Authentic Youth Ministry: Straight Talk about Working with Kids, Teens & In-Betweens, contributor for Connected for Life: Essential Guide to Youth Ministry and Words of Peace and Protection: Devotions for Women, as well as The Gallivanter Saga adventure fiction series. She has published over 80 articles on youth and culture in addition to freelance curriculum writing. She grew up in Illinois & Minnesota, earned her master’s degree in organizational leadership from the Townsend Institute at Concordia University Irvine, has worked on national & district youth gatherings, and enjoys speaking internationally. She loves travel, hiking, & talking to strangers. She and her husband, Pastor Tyler, live in Hood River, Oregon and have two dogs. Connect with her at cassieahmoore.com.

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    29 m
  • Celebrating 500 Years of Lutheran Hymnals | Peter Reske
    Nov 6 2024

    Beloved Lutheran hymnals have a long history, dating all the way back to 1524. This year in 2024, we are celebrating 500 years of Lutheran hymnals. This episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast features returning guest Peter Reske, Senior Editor of Music and Worship at Concordia Publishing House. Peter's takes listeners on a trip back in time to 1524 to teach us a little bit about the earliest Lutheran hymnals, how they came about, some of the stories that surround their creation, and how they were used in the congregations of the time.

    Shop all the editions of the Lutheran Service Book by visiting cph.org.

    Show Notes

    Listen to the episode now as guest Peter Reske and host Elizabeth Pittman discuss the history of Lutheran hymnals, the connection between Scripture and the hymnody, Martin Luther’s work, how Lutheran hymns have developed throughout history, and more.

    About the Guest

    Peter C. Reske, senior editor of music/worship at Concordia Publishing House, holds degrees in English literature and historical musicology from Marquette University and Pennsylvania State University. He was the editor of the Lutheran Service Book and its attendant resources.

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    57 m
  • God's Purpose in Your Every Day | Martha Van Buskirk
    Oct 30 2024

    In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, author Martha Van Buskirk joins host Elizabeth Pittman to talk about her new book Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Grace: God's Purpose in Your Every Day. During the conversation, Martha shares how you can make a difference in your very own family, neighborhood, and community through small but Spirit-led acts.

    Pre-order the book on cph.org. Available November 7!

    Show Notes
    Can ordinary lives be extraordinary? In this episode, writer, speaker, and author Martha Van Buskirk passionately and graciously shares how you can make a difference in your everyday life.

    During the episode, Martha talks about her new book looks into how when we seek to glorify and serve God through our "small" everyday actions, we can make a big impact in others' lives—no matter who we are, where we live, or where God takes us. She also talks about how she first started writing the book, what it means to be spiritually anchored, how we can shine the light throughout the holiday season and the many gatherings that come with it, and more.


    • Talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic got you started thinking about writing this book, and how you think others may have related to how you were feeling at the time.
    • How have you seen or witnessed actions of other people that turned out to be extraordinary?
    • You mentioned being “spiritually anchored” in the book. Talk about what that means and how we can be sure we are spiritually anchored.
    • How can we make sure to reserve time for our routines?
    • What advice do you have for someone who is struggling and how do you remind them where they’re anchored during those times?
    • For many of our listeners, one of the areas we serve is in the local congregation. When it comes to how we are helping in our local congregation, why should kindness be kept at the center of our interactions?
    • What would you have wanted younger Martha of 20 years ago to know or resonate with from this book?
    • What would you say to someone who has tried to help someone and has been burned in the past?
    • Families will be gathering again soon during the holiday season. It can be easy to put our guards down and snap at somebody at these gatherings. How can we be intentional during these events and make sure we are shining a light?
    • Leave our listeners with an action challenge with how they can find their purpose in their every day.

    About the Guest

    Martha Van Buskirk is a professional writer, encouraging speaker, and new author living in Houston. She and her husband, Raymond, are proud parents of three and doting grandparents. Martha loves Jesus, her family, reading, strong coffee, abstract art, long walks, and the mountains. She holds a BA in journalism from Valparaiso University and certification in nonprofit leadership from Rice University.

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    37 m