
  • 1x09 What happened to the LAND?
    Mar 19 2023

    Did you know one of the most popular landmarks in the world is down to 69% (haha, nice) of what it was when it was first erected? And that this is so by design? Did you know that there was a point when it was considered an ‘eyesore’ by the people who lived near it?

    The landmark in question is the famous “Hollywood” sign in California, and I accidently found that there is a rich history behind the sign. Let’s just say, I went looking for the ‘LAND’ that disappeared and ended up discovering a philosophical question along the way! Listen to the episode to find out!

    (NB: Yeah, I know this episode was supposed to go out last week. I mean the actual scheduled date for the episode was 5th March but I was supposed to go on a short holiday in the first week of March, so I declared a hiatus that week. Except that week pretty much turned out to be the week from hell for various reasons. So, I took another break the subsequent week just to recover – mentally and physically. And, now, here I am.)

    Also, in case you missed it, the podcast now has a companion newsletter called The Tick-Tock – linked down below! You can find details of my struggles with producing the weekly episode and commiserate with (or laugh at) me if you subscribe to it. :P

    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions. Other music used in this week's episode: Tall Journey by Blue Dot Sessions.


    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Sign
    • https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/
    • https://web.archive.org/web/20140119055147/http://www.beachwoodcanyon.org/HISTORY.htm (Archived link)
    • https://web.archive.org/web/20130419031929/http://lareviewofbooks.org/article.php?type=&id=381&fulltext=1&media= (Archived link)

    Connect with me:

    • “The Tick-Tock" companion newsletter: https://theticktock.substack.com
    • Leave a voice message: https://app.voiceform.com/to/TqFbQji2OsQJu9uO
    • Mastodon: https://podcastindex.social/@clock
    • Email: tcsn@itishri.me

    NEXT WEEK'S THEME: "Crossing the Divide"

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • 1x08 Let There Be Light!
    Feb 26 2023

    Why did the philosopher crack the safe?

    No, this isn’t the beginning of some corny joke but the premise of this week’s episode. A Philosopher cracks a safe to help a dear friend who is desperate to get at what is inside it. The conversation they end up having is -shall we say- illuminating? :)

    (NB: This episode was supposed to go out last week but I was completely swamped and couldn’t finish this story in time. I finally sat down and wrote it this weekend in one sitting – yeah, go figure!)

    Also, in case you missed it, the podcast now has a companion newsletter called The Tick-Tock – linked down below! You can find details of my struggles with producing the weekly episode and commiserate with (or laugh at) me if you subscribe to it. :P

    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Other music used in this week's episode: Jemma by Blue Dot Sessions. SFX by Keyframe and bleepme.io


    • “Chup Tum Raho” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IelPNu6u4y4
    • Ship Of Theseus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus
    • Centennial Light: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centennial_Light
    • Phoebus Cartel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebus_cartel

    Connect with me:

    • “The Tick-Tock" companion newsletter: https://theticktock.substack.com
    • Leave a voice message : https://app.voiceform.com/to/TqFbQji2OsQJu9uO
    • Mastodon: https://podcastindex.social/@clock
    • Email: tcsn@itishri.me

    NEXT EPISODE'S THEME: "Hidden in Plain Sight"

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • 1x07 Crossing Twenty-Two
    Feb 12 2023

    Harsh Savergaonkar is unlike any other twenty-two-year-old I have met. At twenty-two, Harsh is the founder and CEO of his own startup – Cricinshots – a web3-powered cricket strategy game.

    Where others his age are busy trying to figure out what they want from life, Harsh already knows what he wants. And what Harsh wants is for his startup to be the one that brings the first million people onboard web3.

    (NEW) The podcast now has a companion newsletter! You can find details of my struggles with producing the weekly episode and commiserate with (or laugh at) me if you subscribe to it. :P

    Special thanks to Ankur for connecting us, thereby making this episode possible!

    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions. Other music used in this week's episode: Simple Melody and Borough by Blue Dot Sessions.


    • Cricinshots: https://go.cricinshots.com/
    • (NEW) "The Tick-Tock" newsletter: https://theticktock.substack.com
    • Leave a voice message : https://app.voiceform.com/to/TqFbQji2OsQJu9uO

    Connect with me:

    • Mastodon: https://podcastindex.social/@clock
    • Email: tcsn@itishri.me

    NEXT WEEK'S THEME: "Shut Up"

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 1x06 Journo-ing Non-Stop
    Feb 5 2023

    Sometimes called the second oldest profession, journalism is always in a state of constant flux. Especially with advancements in technology, the modes and modalities of sourcing news have changed over the years and look likely to continue doing so in the future.

    I spoke to a bunch of people in the industry to get a sense of where journalism had come from and where it seemed to be headed and I think I am pretty happy with the results?

    (NEW) The podcast now has a companion newsletter! It's called "The Tick-Tock" (haha!) and it contains details of my struggles with producing the weekly episode. You get to commiserate with (or laugh at) me if you subscribe to it... :P

    Special thanks to Rahul Gadpale and Dhruv Metkar of Sakal Media Group, Suhruda Kulkarni, Renu Garg, Srinidhi, Rajlakshmi, Swastika, and Ashima of Indira School of Communications. Thanks also to David Hooper of "Build a Big Podcast" for the wonderful shoutout! :)

    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions. Other music used in this week's episode: Stucco Grey by Blue Dot Sessions.


    • (NEW) "The Tick-Tock" newsletter: https://theticktock.substack.com
    • Leave a voice message: https://app.voiceform.com/to/TqFbQji2OsQJu9uO
    • "Build a Big Podcast" - https://podcast.bigpodcast.com/

    Connect with me:

    • Mastodon: https://podcastindex.social/@clock
    • Email: tcsn@itishri.me

    NEXT WEEK'S THEME: "Two Down, One to Go!"

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • 1x05 Shocking Jock-ing Discoveries
    Jan 29 2023

    This week’s theme turned out to be a tough nut to crack for several reasons. I think I may have bitten off a LOT more than I can chew…

    Should I do a companion newsletter or blog for this podcast? Email me: tcsn@itishri.me

    (NEW) You can now leave a voice message for me! Click here: https://app.voiceform.com/to/TqFbQji2OsQJu9uO


    • https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/va1wul/what_are_facts_about_your_job_that_general_public/
    • https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xa1ica/whats_a_trade_secret_you_know_from_working_the/

    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions. Other music used in this week's episode: Dolly and Pad, Taoudella, and Cornicob - all by Blue Dot Sessions.

    NEXT WEEK'S THEME: "Constant Motion"

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 1x04 Does ChatGPT Feel Trapped?
    Jan 22 2023

    Everyone asks "Who's ChatGPT?" but has anyone ever thought of asking "HOW is ChatGPT?" Well, think no more because I thought of it. And I went ahead and actually asked ChatGPT...


    • Game Jam Theme Generator
    • Sam Szuchan's post on Linkedin titled "How to actually use ChatGPT"


    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions. Email: tcsn@itishri.me

    NEXT WEEK'S THEME IS: "Beyond The Surface"

    (According to ChatGPT, it "could mean going beyond the surface of things, looking deeper or exploring what is hidden. It could also refer to people or situations, where there is more to them than meets the eye." Ok-a-a-a-a-a-y, then...)

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • 1x03 Closing Doors to Open Minds.
    Jan 15 2023

    In this week's story, Aakanksha Bhattacharyya reminisces about the moment when her idea to close some doors ended up opening several doors of her own.

    Aakanksha Bhattacharyya is a freelance writer who specialises in copy, content, UX, and all kinds of writing. She's also a brand strategist and loves working on all kinds of interesting ideas.

    Check out her work on the “Darwaza Band” anthem here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDX4z-xBO08.

    Links to Aakanksha's:

    • Behance: https://behance.net/auden
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aakankshazuria/
    • Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aakankshaazuriabhattacharyya
    • Poems: https://www.instagram.com/asequenceofwords/


    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions. Email: tcsn@itishri.me

    NEXT WEEK'S THEME IS: "Trapped in Another World"

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 1x02 The Fetal Position
    Jan 8 2023

    TRIGGER WARNING: This episode discusses abortions and medical termination of pregnancies. Listener discretion is strongly advised.

    This week's theme was "Your Secret Is Safe With Me". Next week's theme, as chosen by ChatGPT is: "Behind Closed Doors" - this one should be fun!

    Theme Music is Highway 430 by Blue Dot Sessions. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions. SFX from Sound Effects Factory and BBC Sounds

    Email: tcsn@itishri.me

    Más Menos
    19 m