
  • Episode 11: Medical Recruiting Brigade Intergration Officer Feat. LTC Mary Alice Noel
    Nov 5 2024

    Welcome back to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities. This is Episode 11 Medical Recruiting Brigade Integration Officer Feat. LTC Mary Noel. Thanks for listening to episode 10 with CH Kazarovich I hope you all enjoyed that episode.

    On this episode the new LTC Noel stopped in and sat down with us to talk about Army medicine, medical recruiting, and being the new Recruiting Integration Officer at the Medical Recruiting Brigade. To start off the episode LTC Noel talks about her recent visit to the University of Louisville’s School of Medicine where she had the opportunity to chat with students about her experience as an Army Doctor. LTC Noel gave us a brief backstory of growing up and know from her childhood years that she wanted to be a doctor someday.

    While in high school LTC noel was very active in school from academics to athletics and would find herself preparing to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point. LTC Noel would later earn her Doctor of Medicine degree from the Uniformed Services University in 2012 then went on to do residency training at Martin Army Hospital at Fort Moore, GA.

    LTC Noel talks more about her journey and her current role as the Recruiting Intergration Office for the Medical Recruiting Brigade at Fort Knox, KY, what role she plays and what she likes to do with family once she is not in uniform.

    Press play and listen to LTC Noel talk about her joruney in the U.S. Army and her new role at the Recruiting Intergration Officer at the Medical Recruiting Brigade.

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    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Army Lifestyle Episode 4: Family Advocacy Program Feat. Joshua Rodeheaver
    Oct 31 2024

    Welcome to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities along with life inside the U.S. Army, which we call Army Lifestyle.

    Today on Episode 4 of our Army Lifestyle segments we have Army Community Service Specialist, Mr. Joshua Rodeheaver from the Fort Knox Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program here to talk about the special services they provide on the Fort Knox installation. FAP helps Soldiers and Families recognize and meet the unique challenges of military lifestyles. Their services include seminars, workshops, counseling, and intervention to help strengthen Army Families, enhance resiliency and relationship skills, and improve quality of life.

    The Family Advocacy Program is dedicated to helping Soldiers and Families with the complex challenges related to domestic abuse, child abuse, and neglect. We focus on prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention, and treatment.

    FAP has additional programs within the Family Advocacy Program such as:

    1. New Parent Support Program (NPSP)
    2. Transitional Compensation (TC) Program for Abused Dependents
    3. Victim Advocacy Program (VAP)

    Press play and listen to Joshua Rodeheaver give us more insight about the Army Community Service and how you and your family can benefit from their services.

    For more information visit the following websites:




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    Army Community Service (Fort Knox, KY

    To make a report of suspected domestic violence incidents that occur on post or to individuals who reside on post, contact the Military Police 24/7 hotline at (502) 624-2111.

    Off post - contact the local police.

    The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Army Lifestyle Episode 3: Introduction to Army Community Service Feat. Shannon Wilson
    Oct 31 2024

    Welcome to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities along with life inside the U.S. Army, which we call Army Lifestyle.

    Today on Episode 3 of our Army Lifestyle segments we have Mrs. Shannon Wilson from Fort Knox Army Community Service (ACS) here to talk about ACS and all of the wonderful programs that they have to offer for Soldiers and their Families.

    From Family readiness to financial health—and much more— Army Community Services (ACS) delivers programs tailored to your needs. ACS is on military installations to help maintain community readiness and resiliency through a wide range of educational opportunities, special events, individualized counseling services, and other offerings.

    Shannon Wilson and the staff help Soldiers from their first assignments all the way to separation or retirement, as well as Families, veterans, wounded warriors, survivors, and retirees. ACS supports the entire Army community.

    Press play and listen to Shannon Wilson give us more insight about the Army Community Service and how you and your family can benefit from their services.

    For more information visit the following websites:




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    North Central Chaplain Recruiting, Chicago, IL

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    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Episode 10: U.S. Army Human Resources Command Chaplain Feat. CH Stuart Kazarovich
    Oct 29 2024

    Welcome back to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities. This is Episode 10 U.S. Army Human Resources Command Chaplain Feat. CH Stuart Kazarovich.

    The AMEDD Effect sat down with CH Kazarovich for an in depth conversation about his path to becoming a Chaplain in the United States Army. But, before we got into his Army career we had to get to know CH Kazarovich as a young man growing up and finding his calling as a spiritual advisor. This episode begins with CH Kazarovich giving us the background information on his name and what it means. From there we get into the conversation on what in life sparked the Chaplains interest in mbecoming a mininster and how he got into serving the community.

    From there CH Kazarovich talks about always wanting to be a Soldier and takes us back to a time where he was struggling on if he wanted stay where he was or join the Army. Juggjling this decision CH Kazarovich put the military on the back burner and took a different route. CH Kazarovich would eventually begin to attend class at Moody Bible Institute and preaching at the Cleveland Rescue Mission. After spending time ar Moody Bible Institue CH Kazarovich relocated to Tennessee Temple University where hebegan theological training, met his wife, and learned about Military Chaplaincy from Dr. Billy Baugham. While at Tennessee Temple University he would receive his Bachelor of Arts Pastoral Studies and Evangelical Association Graduate Teacher Diploma.

    Upon completing studies at Tennessee Temple University CH Kazarovich attended Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary in Lansdale, PA where he started your Master of Divinity education and then Temple Baptist Seminary in Chattanooga, TN where he received his Master of Divinity Degree. It wouldn't be until 2000-2001 while the pastor at Liberty Baptist Church in Colorado when he would complete his Doctorate degree and pursue a career as a Military Chaplain.

    CH Kazarovich also explains the obstacles the went through when he tried to join the Navy as a Chaplain and how he almost gave up on the idea until meeting Chaplain Wayne Keast and having a conversation about U.S. Army Chaplaincy. In 2005 CH Kazarovich would attend Chaplain Officer Basic Training at Fort Jackson. We talk about deploying as a Chaplain and helping Soldiers with spiritual advice while abroad in the field to provding pastoral care on various miliarty installations and now being the Chaplain for the U.S. Army Human Resources Command.

    Press play and listen to CH Kazarovich talk about his joruney as a spiritual advisor in the U.S. Army.

    For more information visit the following websites:




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    North Central Chaplain Recruiting, Chicago, IL


    Más Menos
    1 h y 37 m
  • Army Lifestyle Episode 2: The Warrior Warehouse Feat. Amy Grimm
    Aug 14 2024

    Welcome to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities along with life inside the U.S. Army, which we call Army Lifestyle.

    Today on Episode 2 of Army Lifestyle we have Amy Grimm from the Warrior Warehouse located here at Fort Knox, KY. The Warrior Warehouse is an opportunity for financially challenged, active duty rank E6 and below to shop at no coast for needed items, clothing, miscellaneous household items, furniture, baby items, toys, and other necessities.

    Started in 2015 by Amy Grimm the Warrior Warehouse was something Mrs. Grimm was missing while stationed at Fort Knox. The idea was sparked by Amy when she found herself in a situation where she needed things during the time her and her husband were PSCing to a new installation. Seeing how Lending Closets worked on other installations Amy would create her version and today that is the Warrior Warehouse.

    With the help of various programs such as DAV, Active Heroes, Boots Across America, and Soldiers PCSing, Amy has been able to keep the Warrior Warehouse stocked with every item a family could use in every day life. The mission on the Warrior Warehouse id emergency needs first and then free shop for Service Members, E6 and below, the last Thursday of every month. Pre shop for E-7 and above (with donation item), the last friday of each month is open to all Veterans, Retirees, Dependants, DOD, NAF or Contract employees for cash donation, only. Last Saturday of each month is open for all including the off post public for cash donations, only. The funds that are raised go back to support the Fort Knox American Red Cross Soldier Support Program. Services include but are not limited to: The Helping Hands Food Pantry, Santa's Workshop, Candy Lane, the Loan Closet and more.

    Press play and listen to Amy Grimm give us more information about the Warrior Warehouse and how you can help with the cause.

    For more information visit the following websites:




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    North Central Chaplain Recruiting, Chicago, IL

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Episode 9: Perioperative Nursing Feat. CPT Donna Weakley
    Jul 10 2024

    Welcome back to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities. This is Episode 9: Perioperative Nursing Feat. CPT Donna Weakley who is here to talk about her role as the Assistant Operations Officer at Medical and Chaplain Recruiting Brigade and life as a Perioperative Nurse.

    To start episode 9 off CPT Weakley describes her life growing up in New Jersey for the early portion of her life and later moving to Nashville, TN. Growing up in a single parent household CPT Weakley’s mother was determined to ensure she was given the best education and opportunities possible and when the opportunity presented itself, her mother stood by her word. In high school CPT Weakley, a part of the JROTC program and after the 9/11 attacks she felt an immense sense of duty to our country and a desire to make a difference and decided to make a career out of the U.S. Army. Upon graduating from high school CPT Weakley would enlist in the U.S. Army where her journey would begin. It wasn’t until a conversation with her grandmother about health is when CPT Weakley decided to join the healthcare field.

    Once CPT Weakley’s mind was made up, she would begin her journey in the Army Nurse Corps where she would later become a Perioperative Nurse. CPT Weakley also discussed being active in the U.S. Army and being afforded the opportunity to work at the University of Louisville Hospital.

    In closing CPT Weakley and I discuss her being back in college at the University of Louisville, plans for her future in Army Medicine, future goals after retirement, and information to future medical professionals in the U.S. Army. Press play now and listen to the story of CPT Donna Weakley

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    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Episode 8: Medical Corps: Pediatric Intensivist Feat. MAJ Katie Neumayer
    Jun 11 2024

    Welcome back to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities. This is Episode 8: Pediatric IntensivistFeat. MAJ Katie Neumayer Featuring MAJ Katie Neumayer who is here to talk about her role as a RIO, being a Health Professions Scholarship Program recipient, along with working in the Army as a Pediatric Intensivist.

    MAJ Neumayer and I dove into this conversation talking about life growing in Colorado, her favorite hiking trail, and places tourist should visit when they come to the state. After getting some background information on MAJ Neumayer growing up, we began talking about life post high school. MAJ Neumayer talks about leaving home and moving to the Illinois to attend Lake Forrest College on an athletic scholarship and to pursue a career in the medical field. MAJ Neumayer discusses how she learned about the U.S Army's Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) and how excited she was when she learned about the benefits and opportunities to serve the country and follow her dreams to work in pediatrics.

    MAJ Neumayer details leaving from college and returning home to attend Rocky Vista University School of Osteopathic Medicine for medical school and how it prepared her for residency training at Madigan Army Medical Center. MAJ Neumayer then talked about the importance of going back to colleges and universities to talk/inform medical students about Army opportunities.

    We close out this episode with MAJ Neumayer giving advice to medical students, what her plans are for the future, and her hobbies once outside of the uniform. Press play now and listen to the story of Medical Recruiting Integration Officer MAJ Katie Neumayer.

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    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Episode 7: U.S. Army Dental Recruiting Integration Officer Feat. MAJ Brandon Jones
    May 21 2024

    Welcome back to The AMEDD Effect Podcast where we discuss the cause and effects of Army Medicine Opportunities. This is Episode 7: Dental Recruiting Integration Officer Featuring MAJ Brandon Jones who is here to talk about in career in the U.S. Army Dental Corps.

    This episode kicks off with the first time I found out who MAJ Jones was and what he did in the U.S. Army. One morning I attended a brief at the Medical and Chaplain Recruiting Brigade where MAJ Jones was recognized by Major General Johnny Davis for winning the plank off competition during morning PT. We later transition and discuss life growing up in a very diverse area in Chicago, Illinois, experiencing The Taste of Chicago and growing up a Michael Jordan/Chicago Bulls fan.

    MAJ Jones and I later talk about him attending college at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and receiving a Bachelors in Sociology. MAJ Jones then begins to detail how he had always had a passion for working as a dentist along with having the opportunity to train/work alongside his family Dentist growing up. After receiving his Sociology degree MAJ Jones would next join the Individual Ready Reserves where he was prepared if called upon. While in the Individual Ready Reserves, MAJ Jones would attend Marquette University School of Dentistry where he would obtain his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree.

    MAJ Jones gives listeners insight on the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP), how it was beneficial for him while in college and ways students can take advantage of the program. We would also take about life in the U.S. Army Dental Corps from being stationed at the Fort Bliss Dental Command, attending the 2-year Advanced Education General Dentistry program at Fort Hood, being assigned to Fort Sill DENTAC as a 63B Comprehensive Dentist, and deploying to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel .

    We close out talking about MAJ Jones' current job as the Dental Recruiting Intergration Officer, speaking and spreading his wealth of knowledge to students who are in a position he was once in, along with his next up and coming mission as he moves on to new opportunities.

    Press play and listen to the story of Dental Recruiting Integration Officer, MAJ Brandon Jones.

    For more information visit the following websites:


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    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m