
  • Episode 17 - The Great Commission
    Aug 19 2021
    In today's episode we talk about the Great commission and how the church needs to rise up and how it is time that we stopped taking a back seat to the government to political correctness and to all the garbage that the devil has been forcing down our throats it is time that we stop arguing about doctrine theology and all the things that deal with religion and we deal with what Jesus has called us to do go ye therefore and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father the son and the Holy Ghost and teaching them to obey all of God's commandments and all that he has taught us to observe it's time the church comes to the unity of faith has spoken about in Ephesians 4 if you'd like to support this ministry you can do it on our cash app or PayPal account just go to cash app with cash tag $adma2j and you can find our PayPal account on our Facebook page @Anthony.Dean.Ministries and if you'd like to be a part of our unity of Faith Fall festival contact Stacy Washam stacywasham.adm@gmail.com for more information. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this episode The Great commission
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    36 m
  • Episode 16 : Fàith Illustrated
    Jul 29 2021
    In today's episode we learn how faith is illustrated in Romans chapter 4 and how Jesus has given us the power of attorney to use his name to call on those things that Be not as though they were we learned how James said to count it all joy that the train of our faith will work with patience and to let patience have her perfect work that will be lacking and wanting nothing we also learn how our faith manifests the desires of our heart through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ If you would like to support this ministry financially you can do so

    On the cash app with cash tag $adma2j
    Can also find out more information on how to give by going to our Facebook page@Anthony.Dean.Ministries and looking in the about me section of this page also you can find out all of our ways to give and our store website word of Faith apparel by going to taketake10withadm.wordpress.com here you can read all about our vision and also check out our women's ministry podcast women at the well hosted by Stacey washam,
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    34 m
  • Episode 15 Patience Brings Peace
    Jul 15 2021
    In today's episode we talk about James 1:2-9 we dive in and learn how God's word is always true and faithful when we rejoice in the midst of our trials and we put our faith and trust in him and ask for wisdom during times of doubt and not understanding we understand that God has our back regardless of what anything looks like if you would like to give to this ministry and his outreach programs check out take10withadm.wordpress.com for all of our giving platforms thank you and God bless hope you enjoy
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    14 m
  • no greater love a monent in Gods word
    Jun 29 2021
    a reading out of jhon 15
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    6 m
  • Season 2 : confidence in times if struggles
    Jun 9 2021
    In today's podcast we talk about having confidence in the Lord during hard time what the bible says we should be doing when we feel down depressed and discouraged and confidence we have is Jesus Christ our savoir also follow us on Facebook @Anthony.Dean.Ministries and subscribe to our YouTube channel just search Anthony dean Ministries, twitter account @AnthonyJamesDe8 and finally Instagram at anthony_dean_791 to to support this ministry financially just go down load cash app and search @adma2j also you can give via PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/anthonydeanministrie or purchase merchandise at www.bonfire.com/store/word-of-faith


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    28 m
  • A generation of vipers at a nation on the edge interview with Josh Muller
    Mar 23 2021
    today's episode we discuss a recent podcast called a generation of vipers and a nation on the edge will be discussing this episode with Josh Muller from politically insane Josh is a podcaster out of Ohio who believes in bringing the word of God to this great nation and standing up and speaking out against this crazy government we have in the United States using the word of God as the backbone to his platform politically insane


    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/anthonydeanministries01/support
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    32 m
  • A Generation of vipers and the nation on edge
    Feb 11 2021
    In this episode we look at matthew chapter 23 and 24 dealing with the signs of the end and what we see with in to days society and how close we are and what we need to do as the body of Christ and even has a little American history on how this nation was founded oh God And why we have let the enemy in to the country. And how we get him out. If you want to support us go to our Facebook page at @Anthony.Dean.Ministries and click our paypal account link and don't for get to like and follow while your there also like and follow us on our new clouthub page @ADM.jesusislord01 you can also purchase a word of faith apparel item at our online store at www.bonfire.com/store/word-of-faith proceed go to help fund this ministry thank and God bless and in joy this podcast we hope it feeds your soul


    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/anthonydeanministries01/support
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    48 m
  • Take 10 with ADM: you and I serve an unrealistic God
    Jan 27 2021
    In this podcast we explore the idea that God is unrealistic and as Christians and the body of Christ we wouldn't have it any other way because with God nothing is impossible except that he cannot lie so when he says he's going to do something take to the bank he's going to if you'd like to support this podcast click click support on this podcast page or click any of the links below facebook @Anthony.Dean.Ministries https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/anthonydeanministrie www.bonfire.com/store/Word-of-faith-apparel thank you again and God bless


    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/anthonydeanministries01/support
    Más Menos
    38 m