
  • How to Persuade Your Instagram and Prospects Effectively - Paul Ross
    Dec 9 2021

    Todays guest is steven ross an expert in persuasion.  Persuasion is one of my favorite topics because everyday in multiple ways we play persuasion games.  According to game theory everything we do is an act of persuasion---we do this at work, at home, with our kids and with our partners.  For most of us---trying to get another to see the world as we see it is the most important thing and that is never truer than in business.  Whether its on our instagram or on facebook we are trying to persuade others to see the world as we see it or the way we want them to see it.  I would make the argument that persuasion is the single most effective thing we can learn to master in order to shape our lives in a way that we are ultimately happy.

    Persuasion starts with our body---our facial expressions extends to our tonality and pace of speech and ends with the content we are delivering.  Often we get into sales pitches and deliver our pitch perfectly only to walk away with a blank contract-------why?  Effective persuasion is part psychology, part sociology and to be effective we need to understand both game theory and be able to be an illusionist knowing what to reveal and when. 

    Today I have Steven Ross on the show and if you havent heard our first interview a few years ago I would encourage you to go back and find the episode I think its number 276 we get into doublespeak and subtle words can effectively put people into a more receiving state---we also talk about how to use the power of touch.

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    1 h y 6 m
  • How To Get Exposure and Win More Deals --Million Dollar Listing Agent Tyler Whitman
    Nov 22 2021

    Today on the show we bring on Tyler Whitman of the hit show Million Dollar Listing.  We discuss why you need to be a hyper local expert in your market.  We dig into the type of expertise you must develop to differentiate yourself and why differentiation is the difference between winning and going hungry.


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    57 m
  • A Billion Dollars in Sales by 18 - Shaahin Cheyene of Thrill Pill Cult
    Nov 5 2021

    Getting rich is rarely about being the smartest person in the room nor, is it always about taking gigantic risks and betting it all on black.  More often than not, its about being in the right place at the right time and recognizing that the world is shifting beneath your feet.  That's why the "luckiest" entrepreneurs often have a very diverse group of friends and  interests.  Today's guest recognized there was gold laying in plain sight.


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    59 m
  • DOJ Against the Nations Realtors and What That Could Mean For You - Grant Clayton
    Oct 29 2021

    Whether its from government intervention or tech innovation the way realtors have typically made a living are about to change.   Some of the changes that have been proposed are small and relatively unimportant.  A rule that was enacted across the board was that buyers agents could no longer advertise that there services were "free" and that agents could no longer "not" show a property due to the low co-op fee.  Those seem pretty reasonable and were enacted by most MLS's across the nation.

    At the heart of the REX initiated DOJ antitrust lawsuit that seems to be most confusing is that they are arguing that buyers should pay for their own agents services and the seller should pay for their agent.  This may benefit a company like REX but, it seems like it would create a larger barrier to first time homebuyers and stifle the overall market.  Today we discuss.

    Please visit our sponsor issuu.com  We all have creative ideas but, how do you take your idea and turn it into a digital asset?  Issuu helps creators, marketers, designers, and really anyone who wants to make content that stands out.

    Taking our ideas and transforming them into a marketing piece that can be used on all of our social media can be maddening.  This is why large teams have a dedicated marketing person doing nothing but, creating and reformatting content for use on all of our platforms. 

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    1 h
  • How To Reach Your Potential - Dr Hank Seitz
    Oct 22 2021

    When you are stuck how do you breakout?  What separates the average performer from the super successful?  Dr. Hank Seitz and I discuss these issues along with various other topics including mental mapping and how we all may be cut from the same cloth but, just haven't yet realized it.

    Our sponsor is issuu.com.

    Issuu helps creators, marketers, designers, and really anyone who wants to make content that stands out.  Make it once and distribute on all of your platforms.  Go to issuu.com/podcast and use the promo code super agents to get 50% off

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    1 h
  • Getting Unstuck and Breaking Through The Next Level - Matthew Ferry
    Sep 15 2021

    Today I talk with Matthew Ferry.  Matthew is a long time and prominent coach to Wall Street folks, Fortune 500 CEOs and he even coaches someone in the royal family but, he doesnt divulge names which I can so very much appreciate.


    I bring Matthew on to talk about his brand of goal setting which he calls enlightened goal setting.  Its a term which he has probably coined and I suggest you drop any preconceived notions about what it is and whether it will work for you.


    The reason why Matthew coaches people at such a high level is that successful people gain mastery in the basics, time management, goal setting, delegation, etc. but, often its when we reach all or most of our goals in life we become stagnant not knowing how to break through to the next level.  Sometimes we cant even envision a next level and we can feel stuck, stagnant and sometimes having the outward appearance of massive success but, on the inside feel like frauds--I certainly have felt like that at many points in my life and career.  Most of the times I have felt like that its been because money alone has stopped being my primary driver.


    Its in those times that I need to stop and find a higher purpose---I need to find something larger than myself to aim toward.  Heres my conversation with matthew Ferry.

    Download his free workbook here


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    1 h y 17 m
  • Using Predictive Analytics to Find Sellers - Brad McDaneil
    Aug 18 2021

     One thing that has really improved in this industry is technology--technology used to be your CRM now its the ability to send targeted ads to age groups, specific geography or category.


    One thing that is going to get better and better is predictive analytics.  All kinds of companies are developing new predictive models.  If companies better predict buying or selling behavior we can get in front of the seller sooner. 


    Its going to be a while before these things really get sorted out so Im not worried about this in the short term.  I do see a few threats on the horizon and some of these you probably should be aware of.


    First--are you familiar with the lawsuit between redfin and the DOJ?  Redfin was suing for more transparency around buyer broker commissions.  Redfin wants to fundamentally remove the ability for buyers agents to work for a buyer and get paid by the seller.  They want buyers to pay their agents directly.  That means that when you take on a new buyer you will have to negotiate your own buyers agent fee upfront.  No more will you help a buyer find a house and get paid by the seller at closings.  


    While this sort of transparency is always good it will undoubtedly effect commissions in many markets.  Here in San Diego where the average price is 850,000 dollars a buy side commission is roughly 25,000 dollars.  I think a lot of buyers are going to experience sticker shock.  We will have to see what this ends up looking like over the next 18 months but, I think this is a call to action whereby agents particularly ones focusing on buyers that they up their game.  You going to have to up your game and really get clear on what value you add to a transaction.  


    I might do an episode on that----hit me on twitter if that sounds interesting my handle is @superagentslive

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    1 h y 2 m
  • Selling 100 Plus Houses a year. Krista Mashore reveals her secrets
    Aug 3 2021

    Krista has been a top agent for a very long time.  I ask her what she has learned from coaching top agents as well as, what agents are getting wrong.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

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    50 m