
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 248 - Scrote Jerky (feat. Jimmy Fleischer)
    Mar 7 2025

    It's the five year anniversary of our podcast! Join us as we do almost nothing to celebrate this.

    Topics include: who makes the the best chocolate?; biting down on coins; why you can't straight up punch a motherfucker anymore; jackass radar; standup comedy; we actually talk about the history of the podcast; eggs and other food; scrote cups; eating bugs; Mike Patton; Happy Gilmore 2; Tom accidentally buys a McDonald's uniform; hash slaves; beer; Mike's plans for upgrading his recording space

    #ComedyPodcast #FunnyPodcast #PodcastComedy #IrreverentComedy #NSFWComedy #OffColorHumor #WeirdPodcast #ListenNow

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    https://discord.gg/EUH3z6PcJv https://www.tomandmike.com https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 247 - On the Glans
    Feb 21 2025

    Riiiiiight on it.

    Topics include: YouTube thinks Tom is a femboy; piss troughs; Japan; Choose Your Own Adventure books; Mike stands up for the dignity of gay people; beer tiers; Mex-Italian fusion cuisine; getting ready for the podcast's five year anniversary; could you handle three days of uninterrupted hiccuping?; scrotumatronics

    #ComedyPodcast #FunnyPodcast #PodcastComedy #IrreverentComedy #NSFWComedy #OffColorHumor #WeirdPodcast #ListenNow #PissTroughs #ChooseYourOwnAdventure #BeerSnobs #MexItalian #Scrotumatronics #FemboyConfusion

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    ***************************************************** VISIT OUR OFFICIAL SITE! https://www.tomandmike.com *****************************************************

    Check out our let's play channel, Gaming with Tom & Mike: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 246 - Decapitated by Kegels (feat. Amber Richard)
    Feb 7 2025


    Topics include: hole in the magnetosphere and the coming pole shift; Mike does not own the prerequisite pants to become the Incredible Hulk; get those shoes signed!; Tom performs a dissertation on Mike's farts; Elevator Game; Tom's army of child super soldiers; what mural would you paint on your house?; what kind of cat are Tom, Mike, and Amber as a collective?; a tasteless, hilarious joke; Mike's new air fryer

    #podcast #funny #comedy #comedypodcast #magnetosphere #poleshift #IncredibleHulk #farts #giantess #murals #childsoldiers

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    ***************************************************** VISIT OUR OFFICIAL SITE! https://www.tomandmike.com *****************************************************

    Check out our let's play channel, Gaming with Tom & Mike: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 245 - Brokedancing (feat. Brandon Marsdin)
    Jan 24 2025

    That thing about the snapping turtles is totally true, BTW.

    Topics include: standup comedy; Watching Amy Shumer Until I Laugh; the Hawk Tuah girl is suing people for no reason; Rachael Gunn; degloving your penis; cheese commercials about adult illiteracy; Gwar; Jim Morrison died of snapping turtles; things become heated leading up to and including Song of the Week; Charles Manson; ASMR (Sneaker Sex); Brandon is bootycalled or something by a D-List celebrity

    See the full Gilbert Gottfried video here: https://youtu.be/4zDf_sKMUeA?si=1P0NPuayQa2PsV9h

    #podcast #funny #comedy #comedypodcast #GilbertGottfriedRealVoice #HawkTuahgirl #RachaelGunn #JimMorrison #ASMR #CharlesManson

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    ***************************************************** VISIT OUR OFFICIAL SITE! https://www.tomandmike.com *****************************************************

    Check out our let's play channel, Gaming with Tom & Mike: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 244 - That Wasn't a Fart!
    Jan 10 2025

    It was a cough, I tell you!

    Topics include: Mike gets really high; Gemini AI goes insane and tells a user to die; our dystopian present and future; vajankles; Reese's Peanut Butter Cunt; Hershey's Chocolate World; what's up with kids running the air conditioning in the dead of winter?; fake it until you do not make it; gingers

    #podcast #funny #comedy #comedypodcast #weed #stoner #GeminiAI #dystopia #HersheyChocolateWorld #HersheyPark #airconditioning #gingers

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    ***************************************************** VISIT OUR OFFICIAL SITE! https://www.tomandmike.com *****************************************************

    Check out our let's play channel, Gaming with Tom & Mike: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 243 - Gravy Boatless (2024 Holiday Special)
    Dec 25 2024

    Take your little milk and cookies and get the fuck out of here!

    Topics include: the Slap Heard 'Round the World; craft candy; various December holidays in 2024; new traditions; put the 'mas; back in Christmas; double butts; Tom bastardizes Christianity again; terrible holiday songs; gift giving, receiving, and insufferable spoiled brats; I'm buying pantyhose for ME!; Kurt Cobain's massive cockarms; lovely foreign insults; Richard Peterson

    #podcast #funny #comedy #comedypodcast #OrangeCreamsicle #craftcandy #decemberholidays #winterholidays #giftgiving #KurtCobainQuotes #RichardPeterson

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    ***************************************************** VISIT OUR OFFICIAL SITE! https://www.tomandmike.com *****************************************************

    Check out our let's play channel, Gaming with Tom & Mike: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 242 - I Stunned a Nun with a Stun Gun
    Dec 13 2024

    Put on the Meat Suit and deal with it.

    Topics include: Tom's Philadelphia doppelganger; a truly unique band shirt; Wesley Willis and his headbump bruise; eating Play Doh; Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul; could you cut your own head off with a chainsaw?; This Old House; evolution and why it doesn't happen in a hundred years; The Meat Suit

    #podcast #funny #comedy #comedypodcast #painting #doppelganger #bandshirts #WesleyWillis #PlayDoh #MikeTysonVsJakePaul #ThisOldHouse

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    ***************************************************** VISIT OUR OFFICIAL SITE! https://www.tomandmike.com *****************************************************

    Check out our let's play channel, Gaming with Tom & Mike: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • Story Time with Tom & Mike 241 - The Song of ADD
    Nov 29 2024

    Gather 'round folks, and I will sing you the song of my peop - OOH, BUTTERFLY, BUTTERFLY!!!

    Topics include: Ghost in the Alexa; Jodi Arias; the human race is doomed; Tom's old comic book; Mike reviews the Wendy's Crabby Patty Meal; Indian food; weird band names; tech support; engagement rings; Mike's Tech Tips; Mike is lucky he doesn't get beaten up more often; bicyclists; BMX; ADD; conversion vans

    #podcast #funny #comedy #comedypodcast #JodiArias #CrabbyPattyMeal #IndianFood #TechSupport #diamonds #EngagmentRings #techtips #bicyclists #BMX

    Cartoon avatars of Tom & Mike created by Gary Bacon: https://twitter.com/pixelbud

    ***************************************************** VISIT OUR OFFICIAL SITE! https://www.tomandmike.com *****************************************************

    Check out our let's play channel, Gaming with Tom & Mike: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingwithtommike

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m