
  • Stein Time - Fast Times with Chris Ferraro Jr - Ep 11
    Jun 27 2023

    You say Ferrari I say Ferraro! Episode 11 was indeed a very special one to my heart, being one of my "lucky" numbers and all, and I couldn't have shared it with a more genuine human being than the illustrious Chris Ferraro (Jr). Talk about keeping me on my toes, this man is a fast talker and even quicker thinker, and I had an absolute blast. It was nice to have a guest verbally spar with me over sarcasm and wit, and continually pin me against the ropes with their humor. I will definitely not forget you anytime soon, Mr. Ferraro. Besides-I may be calling you as soon as my homeowner’s insurance drops me for no apparent reason, as is the case many in our state have suddenly experienced thanks to the past 5 years of wildfires. Which actually brings me to the main point of our whole episode actually, or why/how Chris and I got together in the first place: to discuss the current state of our insurance agencies and causes for the skyrocketing homeowners premiums which are looming on the horizon for all of us (or have already hit some). So, to say this episode is a must listen I will not do, but, if you want to sound super smart the next time you’re at a dinner party with friends then yes, I would 1000% listen to this episode asap. I promise it will equip you with all that knowledge and then some, and you will kind of become like the Jim Cramer of insurance or something for the night. Eloquently explaining the rise in premiums and associated perceived risk on the insurers behalf-that I can guarantee! Ok, maybe Cramer was a bad example because that guy is a moron imo but still...you get the drift...Thank you Chris, you ruulleee!! Already looking forward to the next time...

    *If you or anybody you know wants to be on the show please email cstein33@icloud.com to make it happen.


    [Instagram @SteinTimepodcast]


    **LIVE BROADCAST (video + announcing) of Ladera Ranch Little League (TOC) tournament of champions games from Cox Field. Orioles AAA division youth baseball.

    [Stein Time Facebook]

    Más Menos
    1 h y 49 m
  • Stein Time - Jay Rogers the Mastodon - Ep 10
    Jun 20 2023

    I titled this episode “Jay Rogers the Mastodon” because not only is he a larger than life pillar of the community with teddybear like qualities, but physically he's also a big man whom could probably snap you in half if you really, truly angered him. And Papa Bear knows how to fight too so be careful….nah but for real the last thing you ever have to worry about with Jay is being hurt by him. I’m just trying to paint a picture for you same as we did in the making of this episode when we discussed an all matter of things. Most notably high school and youth sports-which can be a doozy here in Ladera, investing (concept of REITS and buying professional sporting teams), parenting high school to college age boys, [fighting] to keeping in shape and of course, Messi coming to America to play for InterMiami MLS soccer club. Ok, you got me, the latter we kinda just whizzed over with both of us being warm-blooded baseball loving Americans. But hey, at least we tried! Plus, can you believe with that move InterMiami is now valued to be over $1B USD…which is significantly more than a good chunk of major league baseball (MLB) franchises. Fml smh. I better get on this futbol americano thing asap eh! Well, regardless of your feelings on soccer/futbol I can assure you that you will 100% feel more enlightened after listening to this episode, and thank you again Mr. Jay Rogers-it was an absolute pleasure speaking with you…until next time!

    *If you or anybody you know wants to be on the show please email cstein33@icloud.com to make it happen.


    [Instagram @SteinTimepodcast]

    **LIVE BROADCAST (video + announcing) of Ladera Ranch Little League (TOC) tournament of champions games from Cox Field. Orioles AAA division youth baseball.


    Más Menos
    2 h y 1 m
  • Stein Time - Derek Willner the Californiadelphian with Class - Ep 09
    Jun 12 2023

    Every so often a person comes along where you kinda just have to invent a word to create a proper title, as was the case with my most recent guest a Mr. Derek Willner. Born and raised in Delaware by day, native Philadelphian and city whisperer by night, it wasn't until a couple years back when he and his family finally decided to join us and take up residence here in our lovely Ladera. Coming from San Francisco too...need I say more? Hehe. No, for real, we are so happy they did and to say they've been enjoying it would be a severe understatement! He truly did love SF so it was a big move indeed, and be sure to catch his punk rock venue tips in this episode so next time your up in the bay area you can go and check them out. But beyond local venue recommendations Derek literally brought so much other thought and insight to the table-and we talked about an all matter of things. From partying young, to raising children, touring with the Grateful Dead, career and college advice, this is surely an episode that you do not want to miss! And oh yeah, did I mention that Derek's also seen a real-life ghost, or apparition as some may say, and when it actually turned around and looked at him....well...I guess you'll just have to listen in to see exactly what transpired. Thank you again Derek, and I very much look forward to the next time we sit. There is so much that we did not cover which we totally could have, so a Round dues is most definitely in the cards here. Boomshockalocka!!


    Instagram @SteinTimepodcast

    *Remember you can visit laderalife.com for most community needs, answers to questions, volunteerism opportunities or to just get further connected in general.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 42 m
  • Stein Time - Ladera’s Finest with Jay Rogers & Greg Sink - Ep 08
    Jun 1 2023

    I definitely flipped the script for Ep 8 and beyond being my first threesome (myself + 2 guests in studio), community advocates Jay Rogers & Greg Sink literally taught me more about our community in 90 minutes than I’ve learned in the last 5 years. No joke! Did you know the HOA is not LARCS…nor LARMAC? Do any of those things ring a bell for you? If you’ve absolutely no idea what I’m saying then don’t worry, there is still hope, but not if you don’t listen to this episode. To say it was the most informative and community oriented show to date would be spot-on, as there were over 30 years combined servitude and experience sitting in the casita for this show. Jay & Greg, Greg & Jay, well they dropped knowledge like no other and we honestly could’ve all went on for another 3 hours had we the time. So, definitely lookout for each of them to be coming back individually in the future, for some 1-on-1 time in the hot seat. But, while I had them you no we couldn’t resist covering some of Ladera’s more juicy topics to date, such as e-bikes and safety, or theft, robbery and stabbings. Ok that last one was a super random one-off occurrence but still, you know. And I don’t think it was the Chileans-just some dumbass kids. Seems we’ve got plenty of those around here lately, instead of just add water I guess it’s just add e-bike. Massive thank you again to Mr. Jay Rogers and Mr. Greg Sink for joining me on this episode and literally donating their continued time and energy to our illustrious community. You two are honestly unsung heroes and thank you. Enjoy Ep 08!!

    PS - Vote for them both (if you like them as much as I did) for LARCS board. Check your email inbox for a message from larmac@tieivote.com for user name and password to vote, and please do so before June 9th!


    IG = @steintimepodcast

    Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/steintimepodcast


    Más Menos
    1 h y 41 m
  • Stein Time - Mr. Trustworthy Timmy Dean - Ep 07
    May 16 2023

    Well, the old adage is definitely false when it comes to Tim Dean-as he is most certainly a trustworthy man. From friend, to coach, husband and father…don’t believe anybody if they ever tell you "not to trust a man with 2 first names" as that is certifiable bs, and you'll know exactly why after listening to this episode. In reality, Tim may just be the most trustable guy ever when it comes to having two first names and has lived in our community for a decade and a half. So he’s got like TOTAL OG status on you most likely, as that's 15 years for all you mathematicians out there! From residing in Ladera's Canada (aka the "other" side of Crown Valley) to moving somewhere else within the community every 3.5 years approximately, Tim's definitely seen it all. Not to mention an expectant father-waiting on his third-I’m sure he’ll play it cool as a cucumber same as he did as Lead Guitarist in a ska band during his formative years. You definitely gotta tune in for our college discussion/portion at the very least…as Tim's band literally almost went all the way-but I’m not gonna give you the name of the band here as I don’t want to spoil anything. But if you know MTV....anyhow...The juice is worth the squeeze on this one I promise, and thank you again Mr. Tim Dean. It was an absolute honor and pleasure hosting you in the casita and I hope we get to hang or maybe go to the beach and get our bronze on soon…damn May Gray and June Gloom…anyhow…without further adieu I present to you Episode 7!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 49 m
  • Stein Time - Scotty da Boddy Earhart - Ep 06
    May 5 2023

    I titled this episode "Scotty da Boddy Earhart" because that is exactly who Mr. Earhart is, a man of the people’s body whom initiates change and reforms our neighborhood common areas for the better. His passion and dedication to our community are infectious, and it's hard not to be swept up in his enthusiasm to combat our HOA. All bs aside, if there’s one thing I know about this man it’s that he thrives on bringing people together and creating a sense of belonging, and it’s a very special thing when you can make everybody you come in contact with feel valued and appreciated (for the most part, sorry HOA). Mucho Mahalo Señor Scotty! (NOTE: to all you Ladera Ladies out there, would LOVE to have you on the show-seeking some Female perspective. C'mon, let's go!!)

    **Highlights include: EVERYTHING…episode was a banger!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 46 m
  • Stein Time - The Magnificent Chef Kiel (sounds like Kyle) - Ep 05
    Apr 28 2023

    I titled this episode The Magnificent Chef Kiel because that is exactly who Mr. Kiel Anderson is, an extremely rad homosapien sapien. A consummate friend, OC native and “Chopped” television show Champion (something we ironically did not get a chance to cover on the podcast) it was an absolute pleasure to host this man in the casita and chat about life for a couple hours. Being the most underground chef in the region, whose dishes have been tantalizing taste buds and winning hearts across our community for the past few years, get to know him now before he totally blows up and then doesn’t have time for us peons anymore! No, in all seriousness, Chef Kiel has been working his magic in the kitchen for almost two decades now and this passion started at a young age-as unlike most he knew exactly what he wanted to do and who he wanted to be before graduating high school. But, beyond his excellent cuisine, it is really the man whom he is and the support or visibility he has within our community or city which truly make him great. Kiel Anderson’s trajectory is like a rocket right now, and I was honored to hop on the gravy train for just a minute to learn about what truly sets him apart and the journey he (and his food) is on. Mucho Mahalo Chef Kiel! (NOTE: to all you Ladera Ladies out there, would LOVE to have you on the show-plz just lmk. Bring a friend too, no prob. Just seeking some Female perspective please)

    Find him and his fabulous food on IG @chef_kiel

    **Highlights include: Plucking the Yew, Life in a commercial kitchen, UFO battle over Los Angeles, Youth sports and Coaching, getting involved in your community, the HOA board, cash $$, growing up Local and sooo much more…

    Más Menos
    1 h y 38 m
  • Stein Time - eFoster the Team Builder - Ep 04
    Apr 9 2023

    **Apologies for my slight delay in releasing this episode or for the break in episodes recently, I was on vacation for spring break with the fam. But, I'm back, more refreshed than ever and ready to rock, so watch out now...Steiny back out the zoo y'all!!

    I titled this episode eFoster the team builder because not only is this something Eric [Foster] has apparently done very well professionally in life, but, in my opinion is also an attribute that directly correlates with his personality and all-encompassing good nature as a human being. Even if he does hold us up at that red light/street gone wrong we call Cecil Pasture, I promise you this show is quite an adventure. Hailing from the Midwest [MI] originally then moving to the South [Hotlanta], onto abroad [UK] - now finally settling here with his fam in our soCali paradoxical “bubble within the bubble” paradisio, Mr. Foster’s perspectives were unique, fun and strangely fantastic. I learned a ton about eFost (yupp, already abbreviating) as a fellow friend, creative, neighbor, dad, developer and sapien. Which, when I really look at it I’m outrageously pleased with, as that’s totally the WHOLE point of my show…Get to KNOW thy neighbor my friends!! Like all my guests, Eric is another solid dude and it was all genuine laughs and smiles creating this episode. Who knows, after the show we even chatted about him potentially coming back with a 3rd wheel (another guest) and popping my Threesome cherray in the process...so like I said-who truly knows. What I do know, however, is that Eric and I are homies now, so anytime we get to chill I'm all for it...thank you again kind sir. Mucho Mahalo (NOTE: to all you Ladera Ladies out there, would LOVE to have you on the show-plz just lmk. Bring a friend too, no prob. Just seeking some Female perspective please)

    **Highlights include: Yoshi dominates Mario Kart, neighborly love, raising little girls, CA drought still…really, foot fetishes, slangin’ fake Id’s, uprooting and buying a home during Covid, bad drivers, crossing the Canadian border, living in the UK and sooo much more…

    Más Menos
    1 h y 54 m