
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Indiana Getting Love From His Distant Father is the Real Holy Grail
    Mar 13 2025

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    Movie Madness continues this week with the DUOS region, and the winner is Harrison Ford and pointing his finger! We're covering 1989's brilliant third installment in the Indiana Jones franchise: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!

    ANNA is the PRO and she's itching for a button push from Katrina. Will this be the episode? And in a movie highlighting the Indiana Jones origin story, it seems only appropriate to delve into the history of the Indiana Jones character as a whole.

    KATRINA is the CON and she's gonna have to work extra hard to avoid a button push with a movie this good. She does have some questions, though. For instance, how exactly does one survive a stomach bullet wound so long? Or why does Indiana bother ripping out the pages of the journal at all instead of just sending the whole thing?

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    1 h y 33 m
  • Jurassic Park: (disclaimer: some park guests not guaranteed to leave the park alive)
    Mar 5 2025

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    You voted and we listened! Thank you all for voting which movies you wanted us to cover, and we’re starting off our Movie Madness with the Director region. Stephen Spielberg took the prize by a mile, so 1993’s Jurassic Park, it is. We’re heading down to Isla Nublar to discuss this iconic blockbuster and and maybe have one or two tequila shots. Or possibly more, it’s hard to say. Enjoy the episode and let us know what you think!

    Anna is the PRO and she’s gonna throw every trick she has at Katrina to try and get a button push.

    Katrina is the CON and she’s attacking science like a T-rex attacks a plexiglass car roof. Can she throw Anna off her game? Listen and find out!

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    1 h y 29 m
  • Snatch: Of Course I Like Dags. Everyone Likes Dags.
    Nov 21 2024

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    All. Bets. Are. Off. This week we’re celebrating Katrina’s wedding anniversary and she chose Guy Ritchie’s brilliant dark comedy—Snatch! Katrina comes with a briefcase full of trivia. Like how did Brad Pitt end up in the film? And what’s with his accent?

    KATRINA-is the PRO and she will get a button push from Anna no matter what. Even if she has to threaten Anna with fake guns and hungry pigs.

    ANNA-is the CON and she’s just hoping she can mumble her way through the synopsis so Katrina won’t catch a penalty. Wanna find out? Well than slam a shot and board a plane, because this is gonna be good.

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    1 h y 19 m
  • Bugsy Malone: We Coulda Been Anything That We Wanted to Be…Like a Singing, Pie-Throwing, Child Mafiaso
    Nov 14 2024

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    Grab a fedora and a pie because it’s time to talk about 1976’s Bugsy Malone! This is an absolute favorite for Anna and Katrina and we don’t wanna hear any guff about it!

    This utterly charming musical from first time director, Sir Alan Parker, has everything—200 child actors, songs written and performed by the brilliant Paul Williams, SPLURGE GUNS….everything! We truly hope you’ll enjoy this one and if you want to watch the movie before listening to the episode, it’s free on Pluto TV, and available to buy or rent on Amazon Prime and Apple TV.

    ANNA-is the PRO on this one and boy, oh boy is she ever excited! She’s ready to throw a pie and push a button because this one was chosen by Anna for her birthday and the movie is so delightful it really is a birthday gift for everyone!

    Well…except for maybe Katrina who has to attack it.

    KATRINA-is the CON and isn’t particularly happy about it, as she has to attack a movie with her favorite actress of all time, Jodie Foster. Will Jodie be Katrina’s downfall and lead to a button push? Listen and find out!

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    1 h y 32 m
  • Tango and Cash: Hot Take--Cash and Tango Sounds Better, Fight Me.
    Nov 7 2024

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    Anna and Katrina, Katrina and Anna. While they are technically not two of the 80's biggest action stars, they were alive in the 80's, and watched a lot of action movies. Including the movie they are covering this week, and this movie has everything! Rats in a maze for absolutely no reason. Actors willy nilly changing their accents. A slinky. Social commentary on the need for prison reform. Everything! Please enjoy 1989's Tango and Cash!

    KATRINA-is the pro, and she is going to giggle her way through some great trivia in the hopes that between accents, rodents, a Howard brother, and a questionable "dance" number she can trap Anna in a button push.

    ANNA-is the con, and she thinks that between accents, rodents, Sly's propensity to "help" the director, and a questionable "dance" number there will be more cons in this movie than Stallone has Razzie nominations.

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    1 h y 21 m
  • Trick or Treat (1986): Okay Fine, He's a Dead, Evil Murderer...but he Dances Like an Angel and his Song is a Bop
    Nov 1 2024

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    Do you love horror movies with a hero who is a rockin non-conformist that can't wait for a gaggle of preppy pricks to get their comeuppance? And also, Gene Simmons as a disc jockey, Ozzy Osbourne as preacher, and acclaimed Solid Gold dancer Tony Fields (RIP) as a recently crispified and mostly deceased hard rock idol? You might think this sounds like a fever dream, but it is actually 1986's Trick or Treat!!!

    ANNA-is the pro, and she has the power of kick ass trivia, an amazing rock soundtrack (yeah, we said it), dance moves (all amazing, no notes), and even a Tim Curry reference, so safe to say she won't need a trick to get a button push out of Katrina. Or will she?

    KATRINA-is the con, and she had tequila. And she loves kick ass trivia, amazing rock soundtracks, dance moves off kinds, and of course, Tim Curry. She gives up and accepts her fate. This one is all treats, no tricks. Listen and enjoy!!!

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    1 h y 32 m
  • Frailty: Swinging Axes and Burying Demons for Jesus
    Oct 23 2024

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    It's our 2nd to last spook-tober episode for 2024, and if you are a demon disguising as a human this one is going to scare the spirit out of your soul-less corpse! This movie is so good Matthew McConaughey is better than all right, all right, all right. Sorry, it was right there. And Powers Boothe as Special Agent Wesley Doyle? Yes, please! Enjoy Bill Paxton's directorial debut, 2002's Frailty!

    KATRINA-is the pro, and she loves this movie so much she barely gets Bill Paxton mixed up with Bill Pullman. Barely. She has trivia, insults for Anna, tequila, insults for Anna. But does she get a button push from Anna, or does the Colorado altitude make her immune?

    ANNA-is the con, and if she thought a Matty Mac movie would be a slam dunk for the con, she has another thing coming! He's great in this! What will she find to distract Katrina from her serial killer love fest? Listen and find out!

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    1 h y 13 m
  • Child's Play: Sure He's a Murderous Doll, but No One Can Say Chucky Isn't At Least Friendly-ish
    Oct 17 2024

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    Wanna plaaaaaaay..........our latest episode? Will you be our podcast friend till the end? C'mon, these hints are gold. Plus, we give you the name of the episode at the top, so you kind of go into this with an advantage. The Split Happens sisters can't think of anything that gets you more in the mood for spooktober than an adorable, albeit homicidal foul mouthed doll with an unending un-alive list. We are thrilled to bring you 1988's Child's Play.

    KATRINA-is the pro, and she has about 7 hours of pre-synopsis trivia, which works out great since Anna distracted her with about 7 gallons of tequila during the episode, so things may get more sloppy than spooky.

    ANNA-is the con and she sure does love foul mouthed short people, being as she is one, and Katrina is banking on this episode being button push nirvana. If only she can see straight to push the button........

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    1 h y 22 m