
  • Resources You Can Find on This App!
    Oct 14 2020

    Welcome to Sober Meditations!

    Sober Meditations is a 100% free resource and contains over 400 contemplative alcohol recovery meditations on a variety of topics.

    Our recordings have many uses, including contemplative meditation, recovery topic study, meeting discussion topics, and sponsee education on the steps – just another free tool for your recovery toolbox!

    Sober Meditations are recorded by a recovering alcoholic who shares his experience, strength, and hope in a contemplative meditation format, one thought at a time!

    To access meditations by topic, go to the menu at the top left of your screen and then to categories.

    Here is a link to access all of the recordings and app: SoberMeditationsApp.com

    Mediation Topics Include:

    Unguided timer for 10, 20, & 30 Minutes

    Mindful Breathing

    Cravings - 7 Meditations - 2 Min, 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Empty Version of the Serenity Prayer - 5 Min, 10 Min

    God's Will - 18 Min

    Letting Go/Powerlessness - 7 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Loving Your Body - 11 Min

    Step 1 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 2 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 3 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 4 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 5 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 6 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 7 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 8 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 9 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 10 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 11 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Step 12 - 9 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Each Step includes 7 meditations plus a Christian and a Taoist meditation specific to that step.

    The Tao and Recovery - 8 Meditations - 5 Min, 10 Min, & 20 Min

    Plus a Resources Category including recovery podcasts, Daily Thought and ACIM Calendars, recovery email services, and other outside resources to aid in recovery!

    Future Meditation Series;

    Finding Your Purpose
    Living in Peace
    Plus many more!

    Meditations may be a single meditation or a series of any length. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    This app contains the following additional features:

    * All Meditations can be easily accessed under categories in the menu
    * Favorites, Played, Unplayed, and Download Options
    * Resources Category includes recovery podcasts, Daily Thought and ACIM Calendars, recovery email services, and other outside resources to aid in recovery
    * Playback controls like continuous play, Speed 1x, Repeat Off, and Sleep Timer
    * Playback resume (when interrupted by a call or other distraction)
    * Always updated with the latest meditations- and an archived back catalog
    * Access to exclusive extras like PDFs, wallpapers, and bonus content
    * Streaming access to play episodes from anywhere

    Thank you for checking out Sober Meditations! We hope Sober Meditations can be a valuable tool for you, your friends, and sponsees in recovery!

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Cravings - 2 Min Emergency Meditation 1 of 7
    May 19 2020

    Am I Staying Connected?

    Meditation 1 of 7

    Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our first 2 minute emergency meditation in our series discussing cravings. The topic is, "Am I staying connected?" As an alcoholic, I know what it is like to have cravings so overwhelming that I can think of nothing else. In this series, we are going to talk about a specific tool in each meditation that has helped me in recovery.

    Remember, this meditation series comes in a 2 minute emergency meditation, and a 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 Minute more traditional contemplative guided meditation, focusing on the specific topic for that meditation series. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    All of our recordings are organized by topic. Go to the menu on the top left of your screen, then to categories.

    The purpose of this meditation is to look through our thoughts to clearly see the recovery that is at our fingertips instead of focusing on our present circumstances that are causing the illusion that a drink would be a good idea. I know from personal experience that a drink is never a good idea. It is easy to lose sight of this when I am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this meditation will help you form a better perspective.

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Are you enjoying these meditations? Sober Meditations is 100% free and will always be free. If you want to help support our efforts, click here.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Cravings - 2 Min Emergency Meditation 2 of 7
    May 19 2020

    If I Can Stop Drinking Anyone Can!

    Meditation 2 or 7

    Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our second 2 minute emergency meditation in our series discussing cravings. The topic is, "If I can stop drinking, anyone can." As an alcoholic, I know what it is like to have cravings so overwhelming that I can think of nothing else. In this series, we are going to talk about a specific tool in each meditation that has helped me in recovery.

    Remember, this meditation series comes in a 2 minute emergency meditation, and a 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 Minute more traditional contemplative guided meditation, focusing on the specific topic for that meditation series. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    All of our recordings are organized by topic. Go to the menu on the top left of your screen, then to categories.

    The purpose of this meditation is to look through our thoughts to clearly see the recovery that is at our fingertips instead of focusing on our present circumstances that are causing the illusion that a drink would be a good idea. I know from personal experience that a drink is never a good idea. It is easy to lose sight of this when I am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this meditation will help you form a better perspective.

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Are you enjoying these meditations? Sober Meditations is 100% free and will always be free. If you want to help support our efforts, click here.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Cravings - 2 Min Emergency Meditation 3 of 7
    May 19 2020

    Who Can I Help?

    Meditation 3 of 7

    Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our third 2 minute emergency meditation in our series discussing cravings. The topic is "Who Can I Help?” As an alcoholic, I know what it is like to have cravings so overwhelming that I can think of nothing else. In this series, we are going to talk about a specific tool in each meditation that has helped me in recovery.

    Remember, this meditation series comes in a 2 minute emergency meditation, and a 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 Minute more traditional contemplative guided meditation, focusing on the specific topic for that meditation series. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    All of our recordings are organized by topic. Go to the menu on the top left of your screen, then to categories.

    The purpose of this meditation is to look through our thoughts to clearly see the recovery that is at our fingertips instead of focusing on our present circumstances that are causing the illusion that a drink would be a good idea. I know from personal experience that a drink is never a good idea. It is easy to lose sight of this when I am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this meditation will help you form a better perspective.

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Are you enjoying these meditations? Sober Meditations is 100% free and will always be free. If you want to help support our efforts, click here.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Cravings - 2 Min Emergency Meditation 4 of 7
    May 19 2020

    Think the Drink Through!

    Meditation 4 of 7

    Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our fourth 2 minute emergency meditation in our series discussing cravings. The topic is "Think the Drink Through.” As an alcoholic, I know what it is like to have cravings so overwhelming that I can think of nothing else. In this series, we are going to talk about a specific tool in each meditation that has helped me in recovery.

    Remember, this meditation series comes in a 2 minute emergency meditation, and a 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 Minute more traditional contemplative guided meditation, focusing on the specific topic for that meditation series. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    All of our recordings are organized by topic. Go to the menu on the top left of your screen, then to categories.

    The purpose of this meditation is to look through our thoughts to clearly see the recovery that is at our fingertips instead of focusing on our present circumstances that are causing the illusion that a drink would be a good idea. I know from personal experience that a drink is never a good idea. It is easy to lose sight of this when I am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this meditation will help you form a better perspective.

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Are you enjoying these meditations? Sober Meditations is 100% free and will always be free. If you want to help support our efforts, click here.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Cravings - 2 Min Emergency Meditation 5 of 7
    May 19 2020

    Only a Thought!

    Meditation 5 of 7

    Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our fifth 2 minute emergency meditation in our series discussing cravings. The topic is "Only a Thought.” As an alcoholic, I know what it is like to have cravings so overwhelming that I can think of nothing else. In this series, we are going to talk about a specific tool in each meditation that has helped me in recovery.

    Remember, this meditation series comes in a 2 minute emergency meditation, and a 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 Minute more traditional contemplative guided meditation, focusing on the specific topic for that meditation series. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    All of our recordings are organized by topic. Go to the menu on the top left of your screen, then to categories.

    The purpose of this meditation is to look through our thoughts to clearly see the recovery that is at our fingertips instead of focusing on our present circumstances that are causing the illusion that a drink would be a good idea. I know from personal experience that a drink is never a good idea. It is easy to lose sight of this when I am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this meditation will help you form a better perspective.

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Are you enjoying these meditations? Sober Meditations is 100% free and will always be free. If you want to help support our efforts, click here.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Cravings - 2 Min Emergency Meditation 6 of 7
    May 19 2020

    I am Powerless!

    Meditation 6 of 7

    Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our sixth 2 minute emergency meditation in our series discussing cravings. The topic is " I am Powerless.” As an alcoholic, I know what it is like to have cravings so overwhelming that I can think of nothing else. In this series, we are going to talk about a specific tool in each meditation that has helped me in recovery.

    Remember, this meditation series comes in a 2 minute emergency meditation, and a 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 Minute more traditional contemplative guided meditation, focusing on the specific topic for that meditation series. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    All of our recordings are organized by topic. Go to the menu on the top left of your screen, then to categories.

    The purpose of this meditation is to look through our thoughts to clearly see the recovery that is at our fingertips instead of focusing on our present circumstances that are causing the illusion that a drink would be a good idea. I know from personal experience that a drink is never a good idea. It is easy to lose sight of this when I am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this meditation will help you form a better perspective.

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Are you enjoying these meditations? Sober Meditations is 100% free and will always be free. If you want to help support our efforts, click here.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Cravings - 2 Min Emergency Meditation 7 of 7
    May 19 2020


    Meditation 7 of 7

    Hi, I am Buddy C, and this is our last 2 minute emergency meditation in our series discussing cravings. The topic is "Gratitude” As an alcoholic, I know what it is like to have cravings so overwhelming that I can think of nothing else. In this series, we are going to talk about a specific tool in each meditation that has helped me in recovery.

    Remember, this meditation series comes in a 2 minute emergency meditation, and a 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 Minute more traditional contemplative guided meditation, focusing on the specific topic for that meditation series. The tools are the same, with the longer meditations giving more time for reflection and shared experience about each tool.

    All of our recordings are organized by topic. Go to the menu on the top left of your screen, then to categories.

    The purpose of this meditation is to look through our thoughts to clearly see the recovery that is at our fingertips instead of focusing on our present circumstances that are causing the illusion that a drink would be a good idea. I know from personal experience that a drink is never a good idea. It is easy to lose sight of this when I am overwhelmed. Hopefully, this meditation will help you form a better perspective.

    More about Buddy C.

    Even after almost dying from pancreatitis, Buddy constantly relapsed for five years before learning to be powerless over alcohol and surrender. That was in 2008, and Buddy has been sober ever since. Buddy practices AA but has a very open-minded approach to recovery, including hosting The Tao of Our understanding Recovery Podcast. You can also visit BuddyC.org for information on his book, Powerless But Not Helpless, a free daily Tao recovery meditation, and other sobriety resources.

    Are you enjoying these meditations? Sober Meditations is 100% free and will always be free. If you want to help support our efforts, click here.

    Más Menos
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