
  • Skeleton Crew S1E8 "The Real Good Guys"
    Jan 16 2025
    Well that's all folks! Well possibly anyway. We don't yet have official word on whether Disney and Lucasfilm will bring back 'Skeleton Crew' for another season. So as it stands, this is the story. Overall pretty great, and while we can gripe a bit about the lack of an epilogue to really tie up loose ends, on the whole this finale was satisfying. All four of the kids had an arch that felt complete and inclusion of the parents helped put a bow on that (despite Wendle largely still being an idiot). The episode had strong pacing, as none of the character centric moments felt rushed, though again, it could have maybe done with a few more minutes of run time to make sure that everyone got a fair shake. KB, for instance, got short shrift. The ending itself leaves a lot of story left to be told, and thankfully given it's placement in the timeline, even if we don't get a second season, there should be plenty of opportunity to pick up on some of the loose threads in future Star Wars projects. All in all, 'Skeleton Crew' is one of the strongest outings from Lucasfilm in awhile and it's our sincere hope that it represents a sign of what's to come from the recently maligned studio.
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    1 h y 57 m
  • Skeleton Crew S1E7 "We're Gonna Be in So Much Trouble "
    Jan 9 2025
    Penultimate; everyone's favourite TV word. When it came to 'Game of Thrones', we became accustomed to this next-to-final episodes being a big splash, before a relatively calm finale. That tradition has carried forward into all sorts of different series but Star Wars has never been one to follow the trends. So here we are, 'Skeleton Crew' now only has one episode remaining, and the big question is, did this week's lead-up do enough work setup a satisfying conclusion. In our humble opinions, yes, but that's largely on the back of what is, standing alone, a pretty amazing 30 minutes of Star Wars fun. This episode is full of twists and unexpected turns that left us genuinely surprised. The big factor here though is of course Jod (Jude Law), who has now gone full heel, which has us concerned whether the show has the balls to commit to this turn or unwind it all in the last few moments. Either way, not knowing is part of the fun and as they proved this week there are certainly a lot of ways this show can go to stick the landing. Time will tell!
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    1 h y 48 m
  • Skeleton Crew S1E6 “Zero Friends Again”
    Jan 2 2025
    After a very strong outing last week (maybe the best of the season!), which revealed the pirate lair and cracked the mystery wide open, 'Skeleton Crew' follows that up with the shortest episode so far, which provides neither much plot progression nor anything beyond overly simplistic character beats. Despite that, there is at least one extremely interesting reveal, that begs the question, "why wait this long to reveal this?". With now two episodes left to close out the season, and especially with this week really feeling like it was dedicated to setting up a bombastic finale, we can look forward to the kids meeting the pirate hoard back on At Attin very soon! And from all of us here at the show, we want to wish a Happy New Year to everyone in a Galaxy Far Far Away (do they celebrate galactic new year?), and to all the Small Screen Star Wars and Tower of Babble fans all around the globe. Here's to a much better year in 2025!
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    1 h y 34 m
  • Skeleton Crew S1E5 "You Have a Lot to Learn About Pirates"
    Dec 27 2024
    After a fairly odd WWII/French resistance inspired episode last week, we turn the page to something almost as weird - a luxury spa built on top of a pirate haven. Starting smartly with some needed character work and lore building, the episode then turns into a fairly wacky romp that draws similarities to the Canto Bight side quest from 'The Last Jedi', complete with alien species and visual easter-eggs aplenty. But what really works here is the humour. They seemed to have nailed a tone that allows for effortless comedy, while when needed, are able to ratchet up the tension effectively. Speaking of which, while we thought last week's heel turn from 33 was good, it doesn't hold a candle to this week's finish, surpassing it in every way. We couldn't be more excited to see what happens next!
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    2 h y 23 m
  • Skeleton Crew S1E4 "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin"
    Dec 19 2024
    Halfway through the season and 'Skeleton Crew' maintains its strong momentum, even if this fourth episode isn't necessarily a home run. The kids find themselves on a dark mirror-like version of At Attin that has been ravaged by generations of war. Unfortunately, this solid story idea is undercut by being executed slightly too simplistically, even for a kids show. That being said, there are some great moments here. The world-building, was interesting and a we get a few satisfying twists in the larger adventure, including a terrifying final moment. Of course we can't forget about Neel, who finally gets the attention he deserves, sieving upon the opportunity and becoming the internets new favourite adorable Star Wars character (at least until Grogu shows up again).
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    2 h y 11 m
  • Skeleton Crew S1E3 "Very Interesting, As An Astrogration problem"
    Dec 12 2024
    With the two-episode premiere out of the way, 'Skeleton Crew' can start finding its groove, and while this episode is enjoyable, the show might need to keep searching for what exactly that groove is for at least another week. Despite getting to spend a full, though somewhat short, episode with Jude Law, it's the kids (and especially Nick Frost's SM 33) that continue to steal the show. It's probably just a matter of time, but Jod (Jude Law) has yet to fully land as a character. A handful of charming scenes gets him going in the right direction though. Overall, this is a relatively safe step along the path for a show that has yet to get into the meaty parts of the adventure. Our prediction? Things really pick up in earnest next week. Stay tuned!
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    1 h y 44 m
  • Skeleton Crew - Series Premiere
    Dec 4 2024
    Ahoy me mateys! Star Wars is back on TV and this time it's pirate themed baby! Julian and Rachel return to recap and review this two-part series premiere, and are happy to report that the show is off to a great start. Star Wars has been in a difficult place as of late. Something that has been discussed a lot as of late. Each new piece of content announced or released is under a microscope, and probably rightfully so, considering the mixed levels of quality we've been getting from Lucasfilm of late. Amongst all that angst, 'Skeleton Crew' was not at the top of a lot of fans wish-lists, but sometimes low expectations can do wonders. Despite a somewhat slow first episode, the series seems to quickly figure out what it wants to be (Treasure Island in space basically) and hits it's stride through it's second episode. The child cast is charming with great chemistry, but it's Nick Frost's droid character that really steals the spotlight so far. Be warned shipmates, thar be full spoilers ahead!
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    2 h y 9 m
  • Bonus Episode - Star Wars Check-In - November 2024
    Nov 15 2024
    1 h y 23 m