
  • The Blood Covenant: the Mark on the hand, the Terms of Forgiveness and the Exchange of Robes | 03.09.25
    Mar 10 2025

    In ancient times, the representatives of the contracting parties would often make an incision on, or near their wrists, and mingle the blood of the representatives. They would introduce material like dirt or gunpowder to prevent the wounds from healing in a normal fashion, leaving a noticeable scar. The scar was to be displayed to mutual enemies to put them on notice of the covenant relationship and commitments of the contracting parties.

    Father God told Jesus in Isaiah 49:16 that He had engraved Jesus on the palm of His hands. In Isaiah 55:5, the prophet talks about the Messiah being pierced for our transgressions. The mark on the hands of Jesus puts the Adversary on notice that Jesus is our covenant representative.

    One of the terms of the New Covenant is that the Father agrees to forgive a repentant, sinful mankind in exchange for the sacrificial blood of Jesus becoming the redeeming instrumentality for the reconciling of God and man.

    The exchange of robes of covenant representatives symbolized a mixture of identities of the contracting parties. In the New Covenant, Jesus takes on our robe of sinfulness to become sin on our behalf. (2Cor.5:21) We in turn take on the robe of Christ, which makes us the righteousness of God in Christ. (2Cor.5:21) (also known as imputed righteousness

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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  • Are We Ready to Perform the New Covenant in the Kingdom of God manner? | 03/02/2025
    Mar 3 2025

    Performing the New Covenant requirements in a Kingdom of God context is radically different than our "Church attendance" habits, one time per week. It is a life-style. It requires a new level of commitment in time, focus, priorities, and dedication. It requires a new way of thinking, taking every thought captive to make them obey the instructions of Messiah Jesus. Our spiritual "radar" has to be engaged 24/7 as we are led by the Holy Spirit in all aspects of our lives. This new level of commitment is consistent with the selflessness and dedication expressed in the formation of ancient blood covenants. This is God's normative. It is expected if we are to be engaged in the mission and battle of bringing God's heavenly kingdom structure to Earth. It requires our all in all.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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  • Simple Truth Moments | 02/23/25 | Is the New Covenant a "Blood Covenant"?
    Feb 24 2025

    Jesus as Messiah serves in multiple roles in the formation of a covenant between God and his people. He is both the representative of mankind as the Son of Man, and He is the actual blood sacrifice in place of the blood of bulls and goats. Access to Father God is achieved through the perfect, precious blood of the Lamb which tore the curtain (veil) separating the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of Moses. Man, due to the rebellion of sin, had no access to the Presence of Father God. The perfect sacrifice of the Son of God confirms the blood covenant agreement (compact) between Father God and mankind. Mankind is once again given access to the presence of our Divine Father to experience eternal life. (See John 17:3, 20-23)

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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  • Simple Truth Moments | 02.16.25 | The Meaning Behind the Blood Covenants ceremonies
    Feb 17 2025

    Description: Jesus is our representative in the formation of a blood covenant between ourselves and Father God. The "walk of death" which occurs as both parties to the covenant participate in walking in a "figure 8" fashion between the sacrifice animal indicating that the covenant can only be ended in the death of one of the parties and that there commitment and dedication to their mutual obligations is for infinity, the revelation of the "figure 8" movement.

    Exchanges of clothes and belts and weapons symbolize the promise to defend their blood covenant brother from mutual enemies.

    Exchanges of eldest sons and names symbolized new family identities and connectedness between the parties to the blood covenant.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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  • Ceremonial Significance of the Covenant Ceremony | 02.10.25
    Feb 10 2025

    There are so many ceremonial steps to covenant making, that it is worthwhile to take the time to study them. They are full of relational significance. Once we learn them, we begin to appreciate why God selected covenants as the tool to implement a profound relationship between Himself and his children. This is a study that will pay off amazing relational dividends between you and God.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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  • Simple Truth Moments | 02/03/25 | What You Should Know About God and Covenants
    Feb 3 2025

    What are some of the key words found in the Formation and Performance of covenants? Covenants are contracts governing relationships.

    Words often found in covenants: kindness, mercy, peace, steadfast, faithfulness, loyalty, friendship.

    Identificational words found in covenants: "in", "with", "together", "joined to", "included".

    Ceremonial words found in covenants: "blessings", "curses", "oath", "vow", "treaty", "testament".

    Ceremonies regarding the making of Covenants were often public affairs witnessed by several observers to accentuate the significance of the event. Representatives from the tribal or community groups were selected to represent the parties and to later act as guarantors of the performance of the covenant terms.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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  • Simple Truth Moments | 01.26.25 | What is the Difference between Contracts and Covenants?
    Jan 27 2025

    Covenants, unlike contracts; are written in blood. Contracts are written in ink. A covenant is the giving over of one self relationally and unselfishly to the well-being of another person. In order for covenants to work, one must have a healthy reverence/fear of God. The only way to end a covenant is through the death of one of the participants. (similar to a wedding covenant's vows.)

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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  • Simple Truth Moments | 01.19.25 | Did God cast a ballot based on How California voters cast their ballots on Nov. 5,2024 which amended the California State Constitution by redefining marriage?
    Jan 20 2025

    The words describing the whirlwind conflagrations in Los Angeles the last several days have been "apocalyptic, unprecedented".

    There has been virtually no rain in Southern California for the last several months. The beginning of the "Rainy season" has never recorded lower amounts of rain for the last 174 years. California has been a state of the United States since Sept. 9,1850. (174 years).

    The terms used to describe this drought include "unprecedented".

    Elijah the prophet confronted the evil King Ahab with the declaration that there would be no rain until he said so. (1Kings 17:1)

    Is God judging our State of California through drought and firestorms for having eliminated the traditional/ biblical definition of marriage and for having amended our State Constitution to include the absolute right to marry anyone or virtually anything according to what is right in mans' eyes?

    Spiritual physics: If we sow the wind, we reap the whirlwind. (See Hosea 8:7)

    Repentance must begin with the household of God. (See 1Peter 4:17)

    Rabbi Jonathan Cann: Without a revival of repentance, America will perish as a country.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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