• Ep 152. Prepisode for Daniel chapter 11 (Women's Bible Study)
    Mar 14 2025

    We are winding down another book of the Bible as we come to the next to last chapter of the Book of Daniel this week.

    This chapter sorta has bragging rights to the most detailed section of prophecy in all of the Bible. The chapter covers a time-span of about 375 years, and vs 1-35 contain some 135 prophecies that have been fulfilled!

    Now, I will admit it can seem a little bulky if you don't know a lot of very specific history, but what is my rule? (DON'T GET BOGGED DOWN!!)

    This episode gives you some information to help you keep it straight as you read, and gives you some tips to help sort out the passage of time.

    Also keep in mind: "The king of the South" always refers to the Ptolemaic Dynasty of EGYPT; "The king of the North" always refers to the Seleucid Dynasty of SYRIA. And since it covers 375 years, the crowns are passed down throughout the verses. (I know you're smart enough to figure that out, but it's just a little extra for no charge!)

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    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Daniel Chapter 11 | Predictive Prophecy | Alexander the Great | King of the North | Seleucus I Nicator |King of the South | Ptolemy I

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Ep 151. Daniel chapter 10: A Peek into the Spiritual Realm (Women's Bible Study)
    Mar 13 2025

    What a fascinating chapter this week in our Women's Bible Study. Daniel Chapter 10 is one that can easily be skimmed over, or even skipped over, as its short narrative is a prelude to chapters 11 and 12. What a terrible and sad mistake this would be. Though it be short, it is deep and beautiful.

    In this episode, we talk about some of the interpretative differences which challenge us...what was Daniel mourning over, who was the man in linen, how many people are speaking with Daniel?

    These are not differences that should cause division, but I enjoy a healthy discussion and would always be open to that if you disagree with my interpretation.

    For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram:


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    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Daniel chapter 10 | Daniel's Man in Linen | Daniel Greatly Loved | Spiritual Warfare | Prince of the Kingdom of Persia |Sacrifice of Mourning

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Ep 150. Prepisode for Daniel chapter 10 (Women's Bible Study)
    Mar 7 2025

    It's pretty light reading this week as we prepare for the next couple of weeks as we wrap up the Book of Daniel. Daniel receives another round of heavenly visitors who explain the things taking place in the heavenly space that human eyes cannot see, in other words, spiritual warfare. It's going on right in the very context of chapter 10, and it will continue until the very end when the last enemy is defeated and God fully restores his kingdom and fills it with his saints.

    Here are the Scripture references you can read for additional insight:

    Revelation 1:13-15

    Ezekiel 1:26-28

    Leviticus 16:4

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    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Book of Daniel | Daniel chapter 10 | Spiritual Warfare | Edict of Cyrus

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Ep 149. Daniel chapter 9: Seventy Sevens (Women's Bible Study)
    Mar 7 2025

    Judah's time in exile is almost over according to the word of the Lord to Jeremiah. As Daniel is reading Jeremiah's scroll, he comes across the passage where God tells Jeremiah that the people of Judah will serve the king of Babylon for 70 years.

    Now since Daniel is also a student of the Torah, he also knows that the final phase of judgement (namely, exile) doesn't end until there is repentance and a turning back to the Lord.

    So what's a man of God to do? Daniel sets out to be the voice of contrition for his people, pleading for mercy according to the covenant promises God has made.

    And he receives a supernatural answer. The angel Gabriel visits Daniel again to explain how and when restoration will take place. Not when the 70 years end, but when 70 Sevens have passed. You know my motto: Don't get bogged down in the specific details. We can understand even amid the interpretations of the experts, that quite frankly, are a little messy, in my opinion.

    Here is the link for the sermon I mentioned at the beginning:


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    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Daniel chapter 9 | Seventy Weeks | 70 Sevens | Daniel's Confession |

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Ep 148. Prepisode for Daniel chapter 9 (Women's Bible Study)
    Feb 28 2025

    This is our prepisode for Daniel chapter 9, with hints and reading tips to help make your study more profitable.

    The bulk of our reading is going to be Daniel's prayer in vs 4-19. Daniel makes use of several repeated themes that will be helpful to take note of.

    Daniel pleads for mercy for his people, but not based on their performance or righteousness. What is Daniel's basis for God's mercy?

    Gabriel comes bearing the news that there is still another period of time decreed for God's people to bear their suffering. Why was the 70 years of exile not enough?

    God's plan for total and complete restoration of God's people will come in three stages, based on this additional period of time. Don't get all bogged down with the time frames....but what are the three stages of restoration?

    For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram:


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    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Daniel chapter 9 | 70 weeks in Daniel | 70 Sevens in Daniel | Apocalyptic literature |

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Ep 147. Daniel Chapter 8: A Ram, A Goat, and another Little Horn (Women's Bible Study)
    Feb 28 2025

    A history lover's dream. That's what Daniel 8 is. And while the setting is a backdrop of ancient world history, God has written it into his Bigger Story. As Cyrus' Medo-Persian Empire takes shape as the greatest superpower the world had known up to that point, God's story is BIGGER than that. As epic as Alexander the Great's story is, God's story is BIGGER. As big as Antiochus Epiphanes thought he was, God's story is BIGGER.

    Daniel witnesses almost unthinkable things in his second vision, things that once explained to him, leave him ill. But God has not abandoned his throne, and it's all part of his BIGGER story. Sometimes that's hard for us to understand. We don't have a compartment in our mind for "the sufferings of this world aren't worth comparing to the glory that awaits us." But that is where Daniel's faith carries him, and that is where our faith must carry us. And while we wait, there is kingdom work to be done.

    For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram:


    SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Daniel chapter 8 | Daniel's second vision | Daniel's vision of the ram and the goat | Alexander the Great | Antiochus Epiphanes | The Little Horn | Daniel's visions |

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Ep 146. Re-Release of Ep 94 - Summer Mini Series, The Intertestamental Period (Women's Bible Study)
    Feb 22 2025

    OK, so this is a little extra for no charge. This is a re-release which I think will be a helpful tool for Daniel Chapter 8, which partly covers the time frame of the Intertestamental Period.

    Right up front, I will tell you that I mispronounce the word "Intertestamental" not once...not twice...but through the entire episode. (insert facepalm emoji!!) So, yes, I am aware of it, but there's nothing I can do about it now, so please just overlook that part. That was just my brain playing a cruel trick on me.

    But back to the content...This episode covers the timeframe from the Babylonian exile (a little bit before the Intertestamental period) all the way through the early 1st century. We talk about the two Greats: Cyrus and Alexander, who are specifically referred to (not by name, but by nation) in Daniel 8. And also, Antiochus Epiphanes, who I don't mention by name (I think I was afraid to pronounce it. lol), but I do mention by reputation and deed. And he is a big part of Daniel chapter 8. So yeah, I think this episode will be insightful as you put the pieces together for this weeks Bible Study.

    For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram:


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    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Intertestamental Period | Cyrus the Great | Alexander the Great | Hellenization | Roman Roads | Bible History

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Ep 145. Prepisode for Daniel chapter 8 (Women's Bible Study)
    Feb 22 2025

    We've got a lesson straight out of the history books this week as we read Daniel chapter 8. It's Daniel's second vision about a ram, a goat, and some horns.

    The vision gets pretty specific this week, and it may be beneficial for you to listen to an episode released last summer about the Intertestamental Period, because that's the period of time a lot of this chapter deals with. (But let me warn you up front, I mispronounce "intertestamental" through the ENTIRE episode. Yes, it's quite embarrassing, but it's already out there, so what am I gonna do?? Mispronounciation aside, I think it will be helpful for you. You can listen to the episode here:


    For a little extra for no charge, follow She Walks Worthy Podcast on Facebook or Instagram:


    SheWalksWorthyPodcast (@shewalksworthypodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

    Follow along for Women's Bible Study or Bible Study for Women (however you prefer to say it!), Beginners Bible Study, Teen Bible Study, Bible Study for New Christians, Busy Mom's Bible Study, Working Woman Bible Study, Mature Christian Bible Study,

    Daniel chapter 8 | Daniel's second vision | Daniel's vision of the ram and the goat | Intertestamental Period | Antiochus Epiphanes

    Más Menos
    8 m