
  • The power of your beliefs and how they impact your life
    Sep 6 2024

    On this show, I discuss the power of beliefs and how they are often interconnected with our purpose in life. I elaborate on how most of our hard wired beliefs are often formed based on what we have been told and accepted as true, which sometimes goes unquestioned. However, challenging our beliefs is essential for personal growth and living the life we desire. I also emphasize the importance of rewiring our beliefs through repetition and creating new habits. I share my personal story on how I've been able to make small changes and create new habits that align with my visions and goals. I think it's important to understand that we can indeed rewire our beliefs as now discovered and studied through the science of the mind and neuroplasticity. However we must first be willing to identify and challenge limiting beliefs that may sometimes hold us back. By doing so, we can shatter our own limitations and live to our fullest potential.

    With patience and practice we can rewire our beliefs and ultimately live the life we most desire. With that, here are some takeways that I hope will be useful to you on your path:

    • Beliefs are formed based on what we have been told and accepted as true, often without questioning them.
    • Challenging our beliefs is essential for personal growth and living the life we desire.
    • Rewiring beliefs requires repetition and creating new habits.
    • Identifying and challenging limiting beliefs is crucial for shattering our own limitations and living to our fullest potential.

    I hope you enjoyed this episode, please remember to share this show with a friend, family member or with anyone you think can benefit from this topic. Please remember to also rate and review the show! For more information or to connect with me on social media, feel free to follow me on IG: at shadowspacehealing or Tik Tok: at shadowspacehealing or visit my website at ⁠www.shadowspacehealing.com.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • The power of defining your core values
    Aug 30 2024

    On this episode, I discuss the importance of core values and beliefs as they relate to each and every one of us on an individual level. I also talk about the importance of defining our core values clearly, because they ultimately are the foundation of who we are which shapes our life. I also dive into how our belief system is tied to our core values and shapes our core values. There are many ways we can begin to indentify and develop our core values, but above all I think it's important to challenge your beliefs and recognize where something may be supporting or not supporting you, resonates or doesn't resonate for you. We often operate and show up in the world as a reflection of what we value or deem important to us. I emphasize the fact that our core values and beliefs are personal and should not be compared to others. I also highlight the power of rewiring beliefs and the impact they have on our actions and choices.

    Here are some takeaways that may be useful to you:

    • Core values are the things that are important and unique to an individual, and they shape our lives.
    • It is important to identify and develop our core values, as they serve as a foundation for our choices and actions.
    • Questioning our beliefs is crucial, as they may not always be true or relevant to us.
    • Rewiring beliefs is possible through creating new habits and consistently challenging old beliefs.
    • Core values and beliefs are personal and should not be compared to others.

    If you found this episode helpful, feel free to share with a friend, family member or someone who can benefit from these topics. Otherwise if you are interested in learning more about me, this topic or would like to connect with me on social media, follow me: IG & Tik Tok both at shadowspacehealing. Or visit my website ⁠www.shadowspacehealing.com.⁠ As always your ratings and reviews are truly appreciated!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • What are the hidden signs of self-rejection?
    Aug 23 2024

    On this episode, I explore the topic of self-rejection and how it is a form of self-sabotage. I share personal stories and examples of self-rejection and highlight the importance of understanding and connecting with our shadow in order to bring awareness to the unconcious habits and behaviors we engage with. I also discuss various behaviors that can indicate self-rejection, such as isolating oneself, seeking validation from others, and not trusting one's instincts. I provide tips and ways you can overcome self-rejection, including accepting one's own self-criticism and practicing self-reflection and self-compassion. In addition to the the tips I also share some valuable takeways that can help you get started on your healing & self discoveries of these often unconscious behaviors.

    Here are some takeaways:

    • Self-rejection is a form of self-sabotage and is often unconscious.
    • Behaviors that indicate self-rejection include isolating oneself, seeking validation from others, and not trusting one's instincts.
    • Overcoming self-rejection requires accepting one's own self-criticism, practicing self-reflection, and bringing awareness to one's habits and behaviors.
    • Self-rejection can be healed through shadow work and understanding the root causes of one's self-rejection.
    • Transformation and change take time and require self-compassion and patience.

    If you found this episode helpful, feel free to share with a friend, family member or someone who can benefit from these topics. Otherwise if you are interested in learning more about this topic or would like to connect with me on social media you can connect with me on IG & Tik Tok both at shadowspacehealing. Or visit my website www.shadowspacehealing.com. As always your ratings and reviews are truly appreciated!

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • The power of determining & rebuilding your self-worth
    Aug 16 2024

    On this episode, I discuss the topic of self-worth and share two perspectives based on my research that I think are invaluable to help us understand, determine and regain our sense of worth. The two perspectives I dive into are psychological and spiritual. From these perspectives what I discovered and learned is that self-worth is determined by oneself and is not dependent on external achievements or validation. What was surprising also is the importance of understanding one's core values and beliefs is crutial in order to establish a sense of worth. With that it's also worth mentioning that our experiences in life and upbringing can have a huge impact on our self-worth therefore the need for self-reflection and personal development is extremely valuable. We have to be willing to learn from our failures as part of our growth journey. What we've been through or where we may find ourselves in life, as we may deem successful or not, established or not doesn't determine our worth. And if you feel like you've lost your sense of worth, please know that this is something you can rebuild. I want to share some takeways that can also help you as you continue to work on regaining your sense of worth.

    Key Takaways

    • Self-worth is determined by oneself and is not dependent on external achievements or validation.
    • Understanding one's core values and beliefs is crucial in establishing a sense of worth.
    • Experiences and upbringing can impact one's self-worth, but it is possible to regain a sense of worth through self-reflection and personal development.
    • Embracing vulnerability and learning from failures are important aspects of personal growth.

    If you don't take anything from this episode, here are some final thoughts I want to leave you with:

    "Your self-worth not only is intact, meaning you are worthy at any given point of your life, no matter what stage you find yourself in, but it also lies and rests in your hands."

    "Just because something doesn't go your way doesn't mean it was bad. It just means that it was there to teach you something about yourself."

    "Your sense of worth belongs to you. You get to determine that. You get to decide that. You have to believe that about yourself."

    I hope you enjoyed this episode, please remember to share this show with a friend, family member or with anyone you think can benefit from this topic. Please remember to also rate and review the show! For more information or to connect with me on social media, feel free to follow me on IG: at shadowspacehealing or Tik Tok: at shadowspacehealing or visit my website at www.shadowspacehealing.com.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • What is self-discovery and why is it important?
    Jun 6 2024

    As promised, here is your BONUS show on self-discovery. On this show, I talk about my healing journey that eventually led me down the path of self-discovery with a some interesting twists along the way. I also discuss the importance of being open to this experience because it is a path that can evolve over time and it takes a lot of patience, willingness and openness to navigate this stage. I also share the challenges that can present themselves when we begin this journey and how it can lead us to many breakthroughs. I also share the process of initiating your own self-discovery especially if you find yourself in a stage where you might feel stuck in your life. I hope you enjoy this episode and feel free to visit my website www.shadowspacehealing.com if you have any questions or would like to connect with me directly.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • How can we achieve more self-empowerment?
    Jun 1 2024

    On this episode, I share some thoughts around what self-empowerment means and the ways we can achieve more self-empowerment. My personal experience has taught me that we always have a choice, if not many as it relates to the matter of our life. I share some examples of self-empowering initiatives and quesitons I experiemented with in my life recently that led me to a sense of true empowerment. I also share some perspective around how we may be feeling dispempowered & stuck in our life, merely by the disempowering questions we are asking. By law, the Universe becomes an energitic match to how we ask for what we want. Therefore it's important to frame the questions we're asking in a way that supports our growth & evolution. I hope you enjoy this show! As always you can connect with me on all my socials or feel free to visit my website ⁠https://www.shadowspacehealing.com.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • What is the purpose of self-exploration?
    May 24 2024

    On this show, I share my perspective on self-exploration which was inspired by the synchronistic messages "never stop exploring" I kept seeing repeatedely on a recent conference trip to Las Vegas. I discuss the purpose of self-exploration and the clues it can reveal to us about ourselves. I also share my journey with self-exploration and how it has led me to discover so many things about myself and others. I dive into the benefits of developing a self-exploration practice and how it can expand your world beyond your wildest imagination. I share some ways you can begin to intentionally work on aspects and areas of yourself, by being open and inviting a level of curiosity to your experience. As well, I discuss why I think self-exploration can enhance your child-like wonder, which is a valuable skill we often lose in our adult life. Finally, I share my take on the differences between self-exploration and self-discovery and how both are not always synonymous. I will be sharing a bonus show on self-discovery as well, so please be on the lookout for that. I hope you enjoyed this show and please remember to follow me on my socials, or connect with me on my website at ⁠shadowspacehealing.com⁠.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • What can we learn from feeling fogged in?
    Apr 26 2024

    On this episode, I share a recent beach trip experience I had, where we experienced a dense fog that engulfed the entire beach and the entire environment. It was a surreal experience and one that captivated me and also helped me draw a few perspectives as it relates to our personal life and journey. I share my perspectives on the idea of feeling fogged in and how we can navigate these uncharted territories while feeling like we're trapped or stuck on our path. I also give some examples tied into this experience that I had where I felt unsure and uncertain about making certain life and career decisions. I also give some key takeaways as to what we can do when we find ourselves in a state like this or an environment like this such as perhaps learning to practice more patience, or learning to find stillness in order to allow the things that are trying to emerge out of our life to emerge or perhaps just reminding ourselves to have faith on our journey and know that what's ahead although may feel uncertain is not always a bad thing or negative.

    Más Menos
    33 m