
  • Rotor Revolution RC Podcast EP.37 Rotor Live 2025
    Mar 18 2025

    This week the crew digs into all of the news to come out of the largest tradeshow in the RC helicopter hobby: Rotor Live. With a mix of exclusive interviews from the tradeshow floor the crew walks you through all of the new models and electronics to be released at Rotor Live. Scorpion and Midland Helicopter team pilot Rob Bingham is also back this year to bring us interviews from the tradeshow floor again. You won't find coverage of Rotor Live this in depth anywhere else, so sit back, grab a drink, and enjoy all of the updates from the major brands in the hobby.

    Putting an episode like this together isn't easy... so we want to offer a special thanks to Rob Bingham, as well as to Simone Zunterer's youtube channel as well as RC Helicopter Richard's for helping to bring some of the event to life and help us feel like we were there. Checkout their youtube channels here;

    Simone Zunterer:

    RC Helicopter Richard

    Rotor Replay: Check out this epic Crash / Save / Crash by Vava Boonmala during the 3D competition

    As always have questions for the crew you can reach us via email at questions@rotorrevolution.live or find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/rotorrevolutionrcpodcast. Thanks for Listening! Brian, Nick, Alex, and Kenny.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 14 m
  • Rotor Revolution RC Podcast Ep. 36 XL Power Specter WC Edition Review
    Mar 4 2025

    This week all 4 of the crew dig into the review of the popular XL Power Specter World Champion Edition review. Brian has recently started his new Wraith build featuring many of the same parts from the WC Kit, and Kenny, Nick, and Alex are all flying the WC Edition kit so we get a unique opportunity for all 4 of us to share some insights about a model. There's also the usual news, some pre Rotor Live announcements, and the usual shenanigans from the crew.

    As always thanks for listening to the show! We greatly appreciate it. Have questions for the crew? Find us on facebook and message us there at www.facebook.com/rotorrevolutionrcpodcast or email us directly at questions@rotorrevolution.live. Want to help out the show? Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform.

    Más Menos
    2 h
  • Rotor Revolution RC Podcast Ep.35 OMPHOBBY M2 EVO MK2 Review with Chris Kim
    Feb 18 2025

    This week we capitalize on a unique opportunity... the chance to review a model with someone from the development team for that model on the show! Chris Kim from the OMP Hobby team joins us as we review the new OMP Hobby M2 Mk 2 Evo micro helicopter. We all know that every new micro helicopter to come to market claims it's the best in it's class and the "next evolution" but how does the OMP shape up? What does it come with? Who is it aimed at? We'll answer all this and hear what OMP might be working on in the future on this episode. Plus all the news and our usual updates from the crew.

    As always, thanks for listening! Got questions for the crew? Email us at questions@rotorrevolution.live, or find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/rotorrevolution.live and message us there too.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 9 m
  • Rotor Revolution RC Podcast EP.34 The SXC Crew
    Feb 4 2025

    This week we sat down with the crew from the SXC discord community: Archie Harris, Herman Quinones, and Sean Hall. Together the three of them make up the team from the SXC discord community which is a discussion group centered around helping others get started with Rotorflight. SXC also creates and share "presets" for both transmitter files and model files to help folks gets up and running with Rotorflight much faster than they would be able to on their own.

    We also cover the usual news and our winter updates as we get ready for the spring season, and some of us brave the cold to knock some flights out.

    As always, thanks for listening to the show! Questions for the team or want to share your funfly details with us? Email us at questions@rotorrevolution.live or message us on our facebook page www.facebook.com/rotorrevolutionrcpodcast.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 8 m
  • Rotor Revolution RC Podcast EP.33 Goal Setting
    Jan 21 2025

    This week the crew is back to talk about goal setting. We'll cover how we did on our 2024 goals, and set new ones for 2025. Plus plenty of shop talk as we all navigate winter, and our usual roundup for the news.

    Rotor Replay:
    Quiet Eye Video for better focus on your helicopter

    Merak 750 Unboxing Video

    As always... send any questions, funfly updates, news or anything else out way via email to questions@rotorrevolution.live, or message us on our facebook page at www.facebook.com/rotorrevolutionrcpodcast. Thanks for listening!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 54 m
  • Rotor Revolution RC Podcast EP.32 - Ben Storick and a HUGE win for the hobby!
    Jan 7 2025

    Happy New Year! The gang is back again to kick off the new year with an amazing story for our hobby. This week we're joined by Helidirect team manager Sean Hall and Helidirect and Futaba team pilot Ben Storick to hear all about how a chance encounter at the Winter Bash funfly led to Ben appearing on Cleetus McFarland's youtube channel showcasing what our hobby has to offer to his 4 million subscribers! Teams and sponsors aside, this is a huge win for the entire hobby

    We'll also hear all about what the guys were up to over the break and the holiday, and catch up on the latest new from Mikado and others. Plus there's a slew of new funfly announcements.

    Rotor Replay:

    Cleetus McFarland Video:

    Ben Storick's Youtube Channel

    As always thanks for listening! If you'd like to support our podcast we'd love for you to like, follow and share our facebook page at www.facebook.com/rotorrevolutionrcpodcast and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help others find the show. Message any of us via our facebook page or via email at questions@rotorrevolution.live. Send us your funfly news, listener questions, and what your hobby goals are for 2025.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 56 m
  • Rotor Revolution EP31 - The Rotor Bash (Winter Bash!), Listener Mail, NSDRC Servo Review
    Dec 17 2024

    This week the gang is Back from the Rotor Bash, I mean Winter Bash and we had an absolute BLAST! We'll cover some highlights of the funfly: Brian and Nick dip their toes deeper into the Rotorflight waters, The princess lives a fairy tale and then puts one in while doing so, and Kenny discovers how to shut his ESC down in mid air, and Brian attempts to bury his Genesis in a pile of mulch.

    Feeling spicy? Grab a drink and get ready to take a sip every time someone says "Rotorflight". We guarantee you'll be in a GREAT mood by about ten minutes into the episode.

    We also cover the news including the latest micro heli to hit the market, and then for our main topic this week we catch back up on listener emails, as well as do our review of the new NSDRC Helicopter Servos Kenny and Nick have been testing.

    Rotor Replay: There isn't one per say this week, but the guys mention several videos so we've put links below

    Alex throwing down on the BK Nitron 90 at the Winter Bash

    Alex Dean and Bert Kamerer fly a tandem at the Winter Bash

    Bert K and Kyle Stacy tandem at the winter bash

    Alex tries his hand at flight commentary while Ben Storrick shreds at the winter bash

    Jonas's latest video on the new OMP Hobby Micro Helicopter

    That's a wrap for us in 2024! Thank you to ALL of you that listen and download our show! We so appreciate you. We wish you all an amazing holiday season and can't wait to share more with you in 2025. We're taking a bit of a holiday break, and our next episode won't drop till January 7th. In the meantime, come find us on facebook, like and share our episode posts, and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help folks find the show. See you in 2025.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 54 m
  • Rotor Revolution EP.30 - Advanced Flybarless Tuning with Jiawen Bao
    Dec 3 2024

    This week the gang sits down with OMP Hobby team pilot Jiawen Bao to discuss advanced flybarless tuning techniques. While we mainly focus on the Vbar Neo/Evo and Rotorflight FBLs, the concepts described are universally applicable to most flybarless units. Jiawen has studied control loops and systems in depth at Stanford University where he earned his graduate degree in mechanical engineering. So pull up a chair, get out a notebook, and dig into this episode with us as we all learn how to improve the performance of our RC helicopters.

    There's also the usual updates as we bought stuff, flew stuff, crashed stuff and sold stuff, and we also dig into the latest news in the hobby.

    Jiawen's Rotorflight Template Model:

    Rotor Replay:
    SAB team pilot CD throws down an amazing flight on the Il Goblin at only 1680RPM.

    If you're planning on attending the Winter Bash in the Orlando area this weekend Dec 6-8th, 2024 then come on by and say hello to the crew. We'll all be there starting on Friday and would love to hear from you.

    Got questions for the crew? episode suggestions? feedback? well you can always reach us on our facebook page, or on facebook messenger at www.facebook.com/rotorrevolutionrcpodcast, or email us at questions@rotorrevolution.live.

    Thanks for listening!

    Más Menos
    2 h y 10 m