
  • Get up and Walk!! (Powerful Sermon on John 5)
    Feb 26 2025

    At the pool of bethesda, the scribes, Pharisees and the lawyers couldn't help the man laying beside the pool. Laying there for 38 years, we are sure that a lot of people stepped over him, around him and avoided him. They could sit and listen to his problems, cry with him, maybe even take up money for him. However none of the people could help him ultimately! That is until Jesus comes to the pool and tells the man to get up and WALK! Have you tried to find healing through the people all around you? Only to figure out they are just as broken as you are? Reach out and grab the helm of Jesus' garment, as the master comes near. He is the only one who can help you! Grab your bible and lets study John 5, verse by verse!RiverSide Church3045 Richardson Bridge RdPrinceton NCSunday Morning at 10 am.Sunday Afternoon at 6 pm.Wednesday Night at 7 pm.https://linktr.ee/attheriver#church #localchurch #princetonnc #goldsboronc #faith #christianchurch #biblestudy #biblechurch #churchservice #worshiptogether #theriver #attheriver #riversidechurch#bookofjohn #biblesermon

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Doubling Down - Jesus is GOD!
    Feb 14 2025

    Using, *gasp*, logic! Have you ever considered why Jesus was crucified? Was it the feeding the 5k of people at once? Was it the healing of the blind or causing the lame to walk again? No, it was none of those reasons. It was because he claimed to be God in the flesh. Grab your bible viewer and lets investigate these claims and examine this portion of scripture that points to the divinity of Jesus Christ. Who knows you might even "double down" yourself and stake your claim that Jesus is who he claims to be!RiverSide Church3045 Richardson Bridge RdPrinceton NCSunday Morning at 10 am.Sunday Afternoon at 6 pm.Wednesday Night at 7 pm.https://linktr.ee/attheriver

    To watch the video of this podcast click --> https://youtu.be/eynct1w0kCk#church #localchurch #princetonnc #goldsboronc #faith #christianchurch #biblestudy #biblechurch #churchservice #WorshipTogether #theriver #attheriver #riversidechurch#faith

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • No More Excuses! (Jesus & the woman at the well!)
    Feb 9 2025

    When Jesus speaks to the woman at the well, she rushes back into town to tell everyone she knew about Jesus! This woman described Jesus as "The man who told me all I ever did!" She was amazed because even though Jesus knew what she did and was doing, he took the time to talk to her!! She does all she can to get people to come out to talk to Jesus! What about you viewer!? Are you getting people to Jesus? Or are you like the disciples who went into the same town, and didn't mention him to anyone. However when she went into the same town she gathered everyone she knew to come to Jesus. You are either gathering people to come to Jesus or hindering them from coming to Him! Grab your bible and lets study the book of John together!RiverSide Church3045 Richardson Bridge RdPrinceton NCSunday Morning at 10 am.Sunday Afternoon at 6 pm.Wednesday Night at 7 pm.https://linktr.ee/attheriver

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Entertainer or Savior? - (John 4)
    Jan 22 2025

    As Jesus speaks to the woman at the well, the town is turned inside out! The woman returns to town after the encounter and brings people to Christ! Syschar (the town where the Samaritans who were in the dark places where Jesus visited) came out to meet Him because they were desperate. However when he goes to Galilee the people want Him to perform miracles! These people would rather be entertained than healed! Does this describe you and your spiritual walk? This is a very convicting episode of "At The River" so fasten your seat belts as we study John Chapter 4 together. #healing #faith #christian #worship #christianvalues #jesus #god #sermonseries #sermons #entertainment #savior #bible #biblesermons #preaching #attheriver #theriver #localchurch #princetonnc #goldsboro #northcarolina #church #powerfulpreaching #biblicalpreaching #discipleship

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Ezra Chapter 3
    Oct 5 2024

    Zerubbabel and Jeshua set up the alter, long before the corner stone is placed for the temple. When the alter is set up daily sacrifices, celebrations, and free will offerings are now starting up again. The people begin to worship before a temple is in place. We must learn that we worship at our alters every day, no matter what we make our alters too. Do we worship at the alter of netflix, movies, sports, food, comfort, money? We have many alters. Then the cornerstone is laid at the place of the temple, and something incredible happens, the people shout! Some groan, and cry, and some shout for joy. Worship always evokes a reaction! Click the link as we study Ezra together!

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Ezra 1:2-11 & Chapter 2
    Sep 19 2024

    The faithful scribe doesn't show up until chapter 6, however the years before he's born lots of events take place. The King called by name is stirred in his spirit to build the House of God in Jerusalem. God stirs the clan leaders to come home to Israel. God stirs the people to come together, and stirs them to be concerned with the things of God! In these verses we find many mysteries, however we pull back the curtain and with careful examination find out what they mean! Grab your Bible and lets study together!

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Ezra (intro) Verse 1
    Sep 12 2024

    Begining with the intro and the overview of the book. We see that Ezra is two volumes written by the faithful scribe known as Ezra. Ezra doesn't show up until about chapter 6, and the begining chapters take place before Ezra is born. The first chapter has a king named Cyrus and we examine who Cyrus is and how God calls him out by name long before he's even born!

    https://linktr.ee/attheriver ---- A link to RiverSide's social media sites and more!

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Membership Matters - #1 (Example in the early church)
    May 6 2024

    In this first episode of Membership Matters, we examine certain scriptures that show us how the early church handled church membership. We look at the lists that the early church had to keep up with certain things that mattered to the early church and God. Following the example of the early church who gathered together, and committed themselves to God and their neighbor for the good of The Body of Christ. Grab your Bible and lets study together!

    Más Menos
    40 m