
  • How to spot a greedy agent - - - and avoid them!
    Apr 26 2021

    One of the biggest problems in real estate is avoiding agents who just don't care about you. This episode focuses on how to spot greedy agents and avoid them at all costs. There are many key signs but today I'm going over the 3 top ones so you can make sure your agent isn't greedy. My name is Kimberly Mann And I'm a licensed Realtor® and Team Leader in Wisconsin. You can find out more about me by checking out our page on Facebook TAMT Homes @ Shorewest Realtors® or Instagram kimberly_mann_tamt_homes or tik tok real_estate_4_real_peopl. If you have a real estate question or comment or need help finding a great Realtor® in your area you can email me at kimberly@tamthomes.com

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Buying a House suitable for adoption-- the Laura and Michael T story
    Apr 19 2021

    Laura and Michael were unsuccessful in selling their home with another agent until they found us. But when we asked the right questions we totally invested in why adopting another child was important to them and how that house they were buying needed to be more than just a house. It needed to be a home. Laura tells her story about the journey and her feelings throughout the process.

    My name is Kimberly Mann And I'm a licensed Realtor® and Team Leader in Wisconsin. You can find out more about me by checking out our page on Facebook TAMT Homes @ Shorewest Realtors® or Instagram kimberly_mann_tamt_homes or tik tok real_estate_4_real_peopl. If you have a real estate question or comment or need help finding a great Realtor® in your area you can email me at kimberly@tamthomes.com

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    29 m
  • The number 1 way agents mess up
    Apr 12 2021
    it's sad that agents don't know how to cimmunicate. How can you find an agent who will communicate the way that you need them to? Check out this episode for the reasons they don't communicate or why you might want to fire them if they dont meet this very basic need. My name is Kimberly Mann And I'm a licensed Realtor® and Team Leader in Wisconsin. You can find out more about me by checking out our page on Facebook TAMT Homes @ Shorewest Realtors® or Instagram kimberly_mann_tamt_homes or tik tok real_estate_4_real_peopl. If you have a real estate question or comment or need help finding a great Realtor® in your area you can email me at kimberly@tamthomes.com
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Why should you buy or sell now?
    Apr 5 2021
    Not everyone should buy or sell right now. In this episode I go over who is most important to buy and sell right now and hit a couple strategies to make it successful for you. My name is Kimberly Mann And I'm a licensed Realtor® and Team Leader in Wisconsin. You can find out more about me by checking out our page on Facebook TAMT Homes @ Shorewest Realtors® or Instagram kimberly_mann_tamt_homes or tik tok real_estate_4_real_peopl. If you have a real estate question or comment or need help finding a great Realtor® in your area you can email me at kimberly@tamthomes.com
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Why listen to RE4RP?
    Mar 29 2021
    This podcast is NOT for investors. This podcast is NOT for Real Estate agents. This is for the average consumer. I'm your host Kimberly Mann and if you want to learn more about me then you can find me on Facebook under TAMT Homes @Shorewest Realtors and on instagram kimberly_mann_tamt_homes and on tiktok as @real_estate_4_real_peopl
    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Real Estate 4 Real People (Trailer)
    1 m