
  • #100: “Moses & The Burning Bush” | Exodus (Part 1)
    Aug 22 2024

    The Bible story of Moses’ birth and calling from God through the burning bush as told in the Book of Exodus. Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: After spending 430 years in Egypt, God has heard the cries of Israel and has chosen to call Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. In Part 1 of this Bible story in the Book of Exodus, we explain the book of Exodus as a whole and summarize and explain the first four chapters of the book, which covers Moses' incredible birth story, his calling from God through the Burning Bush, and his return to Egypt to declare to the Pharaoh to let God’s people go.

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  • #99: “Israel Moves To Egypt” | Genesis (Part 9)
    Jun 28 2024

    The Bible story of how Israel moved to Egypt after discovering that Joseph had risen to power (the Book of Genesis summarized & explained). Pre-order your copy of "Book of Enoch: A Great Prophet" now! Click here: https://www.enochbook.co/Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: In Part 9 of this series on the Book of Genesis, we summarize and explain the Bible story of how the nation of Israel ended up in Egypt due to a severe famine. Joseph reveals himself to his brothers after rising to second in command in all of Egypt. He invites his entire family to move to Egypt and the Pharaoh promises to offer his brothers the best of all of the land. As the famine continues, the surrounding nations starve, but Israel thrives in Egypt under the provisions of Joseph. In these final chapters of Genesis, we read Jacob’s last words: his request to be buried in the land of Canaan and the blessings he says for his children. We also hear one of the Bibles best stories of forgiveness between Joseph and his brothers who had sold him into slavery decades prior.

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    29 m
  • #98: “Joseph’s Rise To Power In Egypt” | Genesis (Part 8)
    Jun 26 2024

    The Bible Story of Joseph getting sold into slavery then rising to power in Egypt. The book of Genesis summarized and explained. Pre-order your copy of "Book of Enoch: A Great Prophet" now! Click here: https://www.enochbook.co/ Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: Part 8 of this series on the Book of Genesis tells the story of what happened to Joseph after he was sold into slavery in Egypt. First he became an honest and blessed servant of Potiphar, the Pharaoh’s captain of the guard. Then Potiphar’s wife frames Joseph and he gets thrown into prison. In prison, Joseph first interprets two prisoners dreams, and then the Pharaoh’s dreams that foretell the coming for seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. This earns Joseph a seat as second in command in all of Egypt. When the famine strikes, Egypt has grain stored up due to a plan commissioned by Joseph, so all the surrounding landing (including Joseph’s brothers) come to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph meets his brothers again, but is reaction is not what you would expect!

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  • #97: “Joseph Sold Into Slavery” | Genesis (Part 7)
    Jun 25 2024

    The Bible story from the Book of Genesis of Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt summarized and explained. Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: Part 7 of our “Genesis” Bible Stories series explains what happens after Jacob returns back to the promised land. It tells the story of how Joseph was the favorite child and had dreams of his brothers and parents bowing down to him. This aggrivated his brothers and they sold him to the Ishmaelites who then sold him to the Egyptians. This among other stories that take place in the Promised Land set the stage for the Jews to enter Egypt, where they will eventually become slaves to the Egyptians before the Exodus.

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  • #82: “Jacobs Life On The Run” | Genesis (Part 6)
    May 31 2024

    This is the Bible story of Jacob fleeing from his brother Esau, meeting his wives, and feuding with his father in law before returning back to his home country as told in the Book of Genesi Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: This Bible story continues to reveal the stories in the book of Genesis. In this episode, we summarize and explain the biblical history of how Jacob fled from his brother Esau, met his wife Rachel, was deceived by his father-in-law into also marrying his other daughter, Leah. It explains how long Jacob lived in Mesopotamia serving his father-in-law, Laban, and the family in-fighting that happened, which led to Jacob leaving his father-in-law’s house in the middle of the night. It also includes a covenant that God makes with Jacob, the story of how Jacob was renamed to Israel after wrestling with God, and his eventual return and happy reunion with his brother Esau.

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  • #79: “Isaac, Jacob, & Esau” | Genesis (Part 5)
    May 23 2024

    Part 5 of our “Bible Stories” podcast summarizes and explains the life of three of the main characters in the Book of Genesis: Isaac, Jacob, and Esau. Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: This “Bible Stories” series covers all the stories from the Bible starting in Genesis all the way through Revelation. In this episode, we cover introduce the story of three of the most important patriarchs in biblical history: Isaac, Jacob, and Esau. We cover the entire life of Isaac from birth until death including how he met and married Rebekah, his wife. We also introduce Isaac and Rebekah’s two children (Jacob and Esau) and summarize the brotherly feud that happened between starting in the womb and escalated twice: once when Esau sold over his birthright to Jacob and again when Jacob deceived his own father, Isaac, into giving him the paternal blessing instead of his brother. We end the story when Jacob flees to Rebekah’s home town because Esau plans to kill him after Isaac’s death.

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    28 m
  • #77: “The Story of Abraham” | Genesis (Part 4)
    May 21 2024

    The bible story of Abraham, the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam according to the Book of Genesis. Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: This “Bible Stories” covers all the stories from the Bible starting in Genesis all the way through Revelation. In this episode, we cover introduce the story of Abraham in the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. In this episode we learn about the calling of Abram, the covenants that God makes with Abram (soon to be Abraham) about inheriting the promised land and having many descendants. We learn about Abram and Sarais trip to Egypt, the capture of Lot by enemy armies, how Abram gathers together his own household to retrieve Lot, the introduction of the high priest Melchizadek, the introduction of the covenant of circumcision, and the promise of the birth of Isaac, and the birth of Ishmael. We also learn about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the story of Lot and how his two daughters got him drunk and had sex with him and how their descendants ended up becoming the nations of the Moabites and the Ammonites, two of Israel’s greatest enemies. For more Bible Stories like this, like, subscribe, & comment below!

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  • #75: “Noahs Ark & The Tower of Babel” | Genesis (Part 3)
    May 17 2024

    A brief summary of the story of Noah’s Ark, the Tower of Babel, and the calling of Abraham in the Book of Genesis. Please consider donating: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/give

    Free Resources: 📚Top 5 Free Resources For New Christians: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/5-free 🙏Prayer Sessions Every Tuesday @‌ 6 am MST: https://www.prayerforhealing.co/prayer-sets 📖Bible Study Every Tuesday @‌ 6 pm MST: http://www.prayerforhealing.co/bible-study 😇Download Hospital of Jesus Christ Guided Prayer Meditation: ⁠⁠https://www.prayerforhealing.co/miracle-prayer Socials: 🎶 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healedbyfaith_podcast 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healedbyfaith_podcast/ 👫 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healedbyfaith About: In this episode we dive deeper into the book of Genesis and cover everything that happened from the time of the flood up until the calling of Abraham. This includes details on Noah’s Ark and the flood, the second fall of humanity through Noah, the repopulation of humanity on earth, the tower of Babel, and the reintroduction to wickedness and idolatry on earth. We describe these stories as told in the Bible with some additional details from the apocryphal Book of Jasher.

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