
  • New Norwegian Morning Courses with Daily Emails: 'Anlegg'
    Nov 26 2024

    Exciting news! Start your mornings with Norwegian - get our daily vocabulary lessons delivered straight to your inbox. Try our advanced Norwegian vocabulary course FREE for one week at dailynorwegian.com!

    Today's sample lesson features "anlegg" (system/facility/disposition) - get a taste of how our daily email lessons work with pronunciation guides and practical examples! For transcript visit: https://dailynorwegian.com/advanced-vocabulary

    Also: We have a few open slots for private Norwegian lessons opening from mid-December/January! Visit practicenorwegian.com to secure your spot.

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    Más Menos
    7 m
  • New Morning Email Courses - Free Trial Week! + Today's Word: 'Forbløffende
    Nov 25 2024

    Exciting news! Start your mornings with Norwegian - get our daily vocabulary lessons delivered straight to your inbox. Try our advanced Norwegian vocabulary course FREE for one week at dailynorwegian.com!

    Today's sample lesson features "forbløffende" (astonishing/remarkable) - get a taste of how our daily email lessons work with pronunciation guides and practical examples! For transcript visit: https://dailynorwegian.com/advanced-vocabulary

    Also: We have a few open slots for private Norwegian lessons opening from mid-December/January! Visit practicenorwegian.com and go to "Contact Us" for more information!

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    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Beginner Series continues!! Med "En tur til Italia" :))
    Apr 23 2020

    Good morning, and welcome! 🌇☕️ :)

    This is the first episode of the Beginner Series on the Practice Norwegian Member Podcast, building on the Basic Grammar series!

    For full transcripts of all the 50 Beginner Episodes, incl. summery of the Basic Grammar, visit here!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F16LK2

    For more readings and essays, and 280+ episodes for studies at the beginner to advanced level, visit: https://patreon.com/practicenorwegian - Welcome!! 😊

    Ha en super dag!☀️😊🏞

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    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Hamsun Reading, Episode 5!
    Apr 5 2020

    For transcript of this reading plus 250+ episodes of Norwegian studies at the beginner to advanced level, visit https://patreon.com/practicenorwegian!! 😊😊🎙🌟

    The novel "Sult" is also avaible in print form - it's an older style of Norwegian from the original edition, and the version we're using in these episodes! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F1CGQJJ (US/CA store only).

    For the PDF E-book of "Sult", visit: https://payhip.com/PracticeNorwegian!

    Thanks so much for listening,and enjoy! :))😄🌿☀️🏞🏞


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    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Grammar Extras #1 - "Ja, det er jeg", "Ja, det gjør jeg" - shortcut responses!
    Feb 3 2020

    In this episode we're starting a new little series about small bits of helpful and useful expressions, that are common in everyday speech.

    And a very helpful way of not repeating the whole phrase in a reponse to a question, we often say f.ex. "Yes, I can" or "Yes, I do".


    Kan du sykle? Ja, det kan jeg.

    Vil du spise? Ja, det vil jeg.

    Sykler du til jobben? Ja det gjør jeg.

    The rule is this: kan, vil, skal, må + er/har in the question => repeat the verb in the response. All others verbs as question => put "gjør" in the response.


    Er du glad i dag? Ja, det ... jeg.

    Kan du spille gitar? Ja, det ... jeg.

    Drikker du kaffe? Ja, det ... jeg.


    Great! Well done :)) 😊

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    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Advanced Reading - "Sult" av Hamsun #3
    Feb 3 2020

    In this episode we'll read further about the starving writer/artist in old Kristiania in the late 18 hundreds - and his venturing out into the streets.

    Thanks for listening, and enjoy! :)

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    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Basic Grammar #20 - Da/Når and past tense of helping verbs! ("De ville reise", "Hun kunne spille"). A2 Done!
    Jan 24 2020

    In the episode we'll go through the difference bewteen "da"/"når", both meaning "when", and then helping verbs in the past tense!

    In short for "when": "Da" is for "Once in the past" "Når" for everything else

    Ex: Da jeg var fire år. Når man studerer. 


    kan - kunne

    vil - ville

    må - måtte

    skal - skulle

    bør - burde


    Hun kunne ikke komme fordi hun var syk.

    De skulle gå hjem før det ble mørkt.

    Ole burde spille mer musikk.


    Da jeg var liten, ……... jeg ikke snakke italiensk. (kan)

    De ……... pakke kofferten kvelden før. (må)


    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎇🎇🎇🎊🌟🌟 :))

    A2 level of Grammar is finished!! Well done, and fantastic work!! Fantastisk jobbing! :DD


    For more readings and essays, and 280+ episodes for studies at the beginner to advanced level, visit: https://patreon.com/practicenorwegian - Welcome!! 😊

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    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Basic Grammar #19 - Prepositions about time, and "hos". "Om sommeren", "På tirsdag", "hos en venn"!
    Jan 23 2020

    In this episode we'll go through some very common (and consistent) expressions with time prepositions, and these are mostly just for remembering them :)


    Han er hos legen.

    Vi trener om kvelden.

    Vi skal sove ute i natt.

    Han spiller gitar på onsdag.

    Om høsten er det fine farger.


    Thanks for listening,

    and Great Work!! 😊

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    Más Menos
    7 m