
  • Human Sex Trafficking is Everyone's Issue
    Mar 21 2015
    Don't think that sex trafficking is something that you need to be concerned about? Think again. Today Paper Hope is honored to have special guest Carolyn Jones, survivor of childhood sexual abuse and sex trafficking with us to discuss why you should be aware of sex trafficking.Carolyn is a speaker with StreetLight USA. This conversation will bring awareness to sex trafficking, predatory grooming, and how to help survivors. Thank you Carolyn and StreetLightUSA for the work you do.
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    55 m
  • Making Big Decisions
    Jan 31 2015
    Getting married. Having children. Getting a tattoo or piercing. Elective surgery. So many life decisions women face as they enter their adult lives. How do you know when you have made the best choice for your life? Do you do the work to think through all possibilities? Today mother daughter team, Rio and Tamra, have a candid conversation about making big decisions. Sharing personal stories, they will ask hard questions and share times that they were successful in coming to a decision and times where they didn't do the work. We won't all agree on the actual decisions, and that is okay, how we face ourselves when making hard decisions is all that matters.
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    55 m
  • Eating Right with Maya Nahara, RD
    Jan 10 2015
    Do you know the difference between an nutritionalist and a registered dietitian? Ever wonder why you stress eat, don't eat or eat incorrectly? Who would you turn to to get help with eating for specific disease states? Today Paper Hope Next Generation is joined by registered dietitian, Maya Nahra, RD. Maya is a behavioral registered dietitian and founder at Healthy Habit Solutions, a company working to create permanent weight loss through behavior change and personal responsibility habits for serial dieters and emotional, stress, and binge eaters. Maya joins us to day to talk about the importance of healthy lifestyle and how to obtain better eating habits successfully. Find Maya here: http://www.healthyhabitsolutions.com
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  • Not Sorry
    Dec 20 2014
    What is your motivation when you say, I am sorry ? Is it a heartfelt apology or used to make yourself shrink to fit in? Many of us use I am sorry to appear less abrasive. Today mother daughter hosts, Rio and Tamra will discuss the use of I am sorry and share real life experiences. Listen in and have your own discussion on how you use this in your life. Think about the way that you use I am sorry.
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  • Deal Breakers
    Nov 1 2014
    Cheating, lying, betrayal...Deal Breakers? What are your deal breakers in your relationships? Would you leave your significant other if they cheated on you? Its much more complicated than a yes or no answer. Tamra and Rio address their personal deal breakers and share personal stories.
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  • Paper Hope Next Generation Saturday, October 18, 2014
    Oct 18 2014
    Judgement of others and of ourselves is damaging. Today Paper Hope Next Generation is having a candid conversation about judgement. We are joined in studio by Angel and Harmony of the VoiceAmerica Kids and KidStar Radio Network The Angel and Harmony show to gain the perspective of high school aged young women. Rio and Angel share how they have been effected by their hair color.
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  • Social Media - How it Shapes Expectations
    Oct 11 2014
    Social media has changed the way we communicate. Most technology such as texting, email and social media sites are not equipped to handle in-depth communication. So why do we try to use it when we need to express complicated feelings and situations? Today Paper Hope Next Generation will examine how technology has changed communication our expectations.
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  • Depression Relapse Prevention
    Aug 23 2014
    A very candid and personal conversation on depression. Show hosts and real life mother daughter, Rio and Tamra discuss their personal experiences with depression and anxiety. Tamra shares her experience with suicide, suicide attempts, treatment and recovery. Tamra will take you through her relapse prevention plan and offer suggestions on how to build your own. Listen with your peers and mentors and have your own conversation about depression and its effects. If you are at risk for harming yourself or others, please seek help immediately. One source: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org or toll free 1-800-273-8255
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    55 m