
  • 20 Minute workouts RULE!
    Mar 2 2025

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    One piece of misinformation that has been around for a long time is the idea that strength training workouts need to be…LONG! And I mean HOURS long…

    I fell for this myself in my younger days. I mean, if 1 hour of intense workout exercises is good, well, 2 hours is even better, right? And the big one: if 3 workouts per week is enough for Steve Reeves and his ilk, well why not be like Arnold and Zane, and workout 6 days per week, sometimes twice per day!

    This is all sad, and ridiculous, really. Especially for average people, who don’t want to win bodybuilding contests, but just want to be strong and healthy for a lifetime! I remember reading about Jean Claude von Damme, and how he worked out 6 hours per DAY!! What a joke, really…

    I’m here to give you a liberating philosophy of strength training:

    You can reach your ultimate potential, and train for your whole life long, by training for 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to three times per week! Really. I now train my lower body one day for about that long, and my upper body for the same time frame. I train, skip a day, and then train again. My weights and gymnastic rings are all set up in my basement, and I just walk downstairs, and start working…

    Very convenient, quickly done, and very productive! Today, for instance, I took off two days between workouts, since leg training sometimes is more draining than upper body. No matter; I just try to feel how I am recovering, and judge accordingly.

    It really is surprising to learn that, when you workout really intensely, a short duration is really all you need, and really all your body can stand! An intense stimulation of the targeted musculature must necessarily be brief, and is all that you really need or want.

    Just as you don’t need a ton of food to grow and recover, you don’t need a TON of exercise to stimulate gains! Just make sure that the food you do eat is mainly protein, meat, eggs, cheese and seafood, and you will be very strong and healthy…Supplements are good too, so take vitamin D, magnesium and potassium, vitamin C and you will have all you need to grow, thrive, and be super healthy and strong!!

    That is really all there is to it! It’s really not that complicated, my friends.

    My only qualification is that I also work out every morning, first thing, for about an hour…

    But that is my joy and pleasure- working out in front of the television, mainly with stretching and virtual resistance exercises, that feel amazing and make you like a cat, twisting and stretching to make you supple, and feel like you are a free creature of the jungle! You learn to use the muscles you build strength training like a feline, feeling alive in your body, injury free and vital!

    To me, that is the ultimate, lifelong goal of physical culture.

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  • Rehab your Shoulders with Virtual Resistance podcast
    Jan 24 2025

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    I have worked out with weights, and then with calisthenics for many, many years. Starting in my teens, and continuing now, as I prepare to turn 73 in April. My results have been phenomenal, and as I continue to work out daily, I have turned more and more away from weights and equipment, and more and more rely on calisthenics and virtual resistance.

    I have acquired some injuries over time, and the most nagging is the shoulder. Everyone who does heavy pressing movements, particularly the bench press, has problems with the rotator cuff of their shoulders. Me included, even though I stopped bench pressing long ago, in favor of gymnastic ring pushups and dips. These movements are far superior to bench presses, and are highly recommended to all! Far more natural in movement; the joints are also brought through a full range of motion.

    However, shoulder injuries will haunt you if your exercise in the standard manner when young, or from sports or other injuries. What then? Should you use bands and/or dumbbells to do lighter, therapeutic types of rotator cuff exercises? Well, you can… but I have found a better method. Far safer, and no equipment is needed.

    Virtual resistance is applying force through the limb itself. For the shoulders, just stand relaxed, legs shoulder width apart. Move your arms backwards, from down by your hips, applying force simply by flexing as you move. You can make it as hard, or easy, as you like, simply by applying internal force.

    Move forward in an arc, as if you are doing a fly, followed by a row. Do one rep, slowly with internal resistance, forward and then back. Move your arms up a bit, and repeat. Then, move up some more (higher) and repeat. Then, repeat downwards, for five sets, up and then down. Do maybe five cycles, upwards to the sides of your body.

    Do this daily, or at least a few times per week. Trust me; this will cure your rotator cuff shoulder problems completely! Gently, yet inevitably, without risk of further injury.

    You will probably realize that this form of exercise can be done throughout your body, not only on your shoulders. Try doing a curl, without weights, but only with internally generated resistance. You can make it as hard, or as easy, as you’d like!

    Try it with flies, and military presses- generate a lot of resistance. It is just as effective as weights or pulley machines! You can also replicate squats, and deadlifts- generate the resistance within your own body. You can also do bent rows, shrugs, and even pressing outwards, imitating the bench press- but without risk of injury, since the ‘weight’, or resistance, can be nullified in an instant by you, yourself, internally!

    And there you have it! Not just a shoulder rehab although that is a perfect place to start, and to show yourself just how well it works. Virtual Resistance!

    Now, I don’t stop there: I also do gymnastic ring exercises, dips, presses, and pull-ups, among others. But the fact remains that Virtual Resistance, by itself, can replicate any other exercises, and can do so with perfect safety, and is the ideal way to recover from injuries.

    Learn it, and incorporate it into your fitness strategy!

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  • A New Beginning!
    Dec 20 2024

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    Our country has been failing, for quite some time. The democrats have become a new party, completely: from the “party of the working man”, which was never really true at all, they have fallen to the level of a totally leftist, socialist/communist totalitarian state, ready to rule over us all!

    Donald Trump has changed all that. Not that he’s a perfect person, no one says that. But, he is a real, honest-to-God person that represents us all, in particular real, honest-to-God workers: those of us who actually do a real day’s work, and are proud of it!

    NO DEI bullshit, or affirmative action, or anything FAKE. We are back on the track of MERIT to accomplish things, we shall return to honesty and reality. We were dangerously going down the path of the French Revolution, where all of history, and Western civilization itself, was being questioned and reinvented! An awful nightmare, where the basic tenets of civilization, like the days of the week, were being questioned and reinvented.

    Just as our own nightmare democrat leftists, were questioning basic gender rules, and leading us into a nightmare scenario of no men, and no women, but instead into a hellish dreamscape of no rules or reality, but instead a land of lunacy where the state decides what is reality. It started with Obama, who was awful from the start, and it has continued until now…

    I’ll bet you probably wonder why on this fitness and health oriented podcast I am bringing up such things…. Well, I will say that we were literally on the brink of civilization failing, and now we are saved, for the moment! That is how extreme our situation was, and only now are we starting to see the glimmer of light ahead…

    Even in the choice of Robert Kennedy Jr. we are being shown a path to health! He is a path to sanity and life, and thank GOD! The Democrats were leading us into the land of endless medication, and processed food- now we have a chance to escape this nightmare scenario.

    Rfk jr. plans to lead us into an uncontaminated world, a world where glyphosate is not pumped into our grains and environment without restriction, poisoning us all. A world where proven carcinogens like various food dyes are banned as well, and a harmful chemical like fluoride, (which does NOT protect dental health!), is banned from our water supplies, as it should be.

    And this is all at Trump’s behest, as he hires the very best and brightest to run our governmental agencies! Biden and his traitorous administration is even now selling the fencing we need to protect our borders for pennies on the dollar- just to harm Trump’s administration and keep them from efficiently building the immigration fencing that the American people want and need. This is blatant criminality!

    Our future, my fellow Americans, is firmly in our past- we should expect and relish the chance to reenter the American 1950’s, that halcyon time when women stayed home and raised families, and men supported those families on one salary that was not over-taxed so that both spouses needed to work, and a time when patriotism was a given, because our country was a golden beacon to the rest of the world!

    We WERE a shining beacon to the rest of the world, a bright light in the pantheon of Western Civilization- and now, under Trump’s leadership- we can and will be again!!

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  • Workout for One Hour per day!
    Nov 13 2024

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    I think this is a sane recommendation for any person: work out sensibly for one hour, every day of your life! Not too extreme, and not wimpy- you need this hour for strength and flexibility training, not mindless cardio, where you run like a brainless chicken. Such “training” only drains you, diminishes your muscle, not build it, and ignores strength building (the essence of truly working out!).

    A true workout is very mindful. You need to ‘think into’ your muscles, flexing them slowly, and intentionally, throughout each exercise. This can be using weights, barbells and dumbbells, or bands, calisthenics, or a myriad of machines. What you use is not really that important at all- sales people will tell you otherwise, but trust me: it’s the intensity that matters. Time under tension, if you will.

    I use a combination, gymnastic rings hung up high are actually a near genius exercise device! Instantly scalable, from very easy, to superhuman level. All in a rather cheap, portable package that never wears out, and can target every part of your body. Pushups, pull ups, rows, one-legged squats, dips- you have it all in the rings! Plus, it’s silent, and actually kind of fun, in a way…

    You can also add in other things, like heavy deadlifts (on occasion!), along with Jefferson curls, also called stiff legged deadlifts for the lower back- very effective, and very SAFE! As I have aged, I have stopped doing a full routine, and instead do upper body one workout, and the next workout do lower body. Full body, at least at age 72, is too much; better to split the workout for recovery.

    To workout for one hour per day should not seem onerous- it is well worth it to spend one hour out of 24, when by doing so you make the other 23 hours far more enjoyable and productive! You will make yourself immune from awful joint replacement operations, and bypass endless diseases of disuse that clog our medical clinics!

    Each day, what works for me, and has for many years, is to get up, and stretch and do what I call ‘virtual resistance’ in front of the television. This is simply flexing your limbs, for repetitions, as if you were lifting weights. You supply the resistance from within as you move. Try it with curls: just curl you arms, as if you hold weights. You can make it as hard as you like, simply by flexing! Do it with curls, military presses, shoulder raises- every exercise there is. Cover the whole body, and you will be drenched in sweat if you did it intensely enough, and on top of it you will feel energized, rather than drained as if you had used actual weights.

    Do this for about 1/2 hour, while you enjoy your TV program. Then, later that day, go to your rings and weights. Mine are in the basement, yours could be outside, or anywhere really. Rings at least!

    I also add in, besides ring pushups and pull-ups, etc. : Superslow pull-ups, dips, and military presses! I watch my big clock on the wall, and do military presses with a dowel, slowly, as I resist my super slow movement up, and then down, for one minute, to a minute and a half. You need a power rack for this, but you could do the super slow pull-up slowly on the rings, bending your legs on both the upward, and the lowering portion. Just make it as hard as you can, for both up and down!

    Then, the super slow dip needs a dip station: I made mine out of plumbing pipe years ago. Just go slowly up, and down, for at least a minute.

    The beauty is, that there is NO danger of injury, and you are strengthening not only your musculature- but your tendons and ligaments as well! This whole routine should only be anothe

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  • Dealing With Medical Nonsense!
    Oct 6 2024

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    As we age, standard medical practice expects us to give up all common sense, and self-determination. They want to “take over” everything, and we are supposed to just acquiesce…

    I am here to tell you to vehemently protest, and to take charge of your own health and future, just as you hopefully have for your entire life. Modern Medicine is NOT your friend!

    My uncle Bob Manthey, my mother’s older brother, just turned 102 last week. He never saw a medical doctor during his life, except when he enlisted before World War 2. He got mandatory vaccines then, probably for smallpox, tetanus, and cholera. That was the last time he received medical treatment…

    Uncle Bob became an eye doctor himself after the war, where he served as a Navy Pilot. He was (and is still!) a very intelligent man, and very concerned with natural health!

    He went on to have 12 children, and a wonderful, healthy, rural life. He started in South Dakota, where he was born, and eventually moved to Kansas City to expand his medical practice.

    Of course, natural genetics has a lot to do with lifespan. But the way you live, a life in nature on the land, eating a natural ancestral diet while avoiding toxins such as cigarettes, excessive sweets, and participating in natural exercise protocols also has a lot to do with anyone’s health!

    Uncle Bob used to come visit us at my parent’s house, and he never failed to give lectures and demonstrations about natural health and its importance! He always posed for pictures with ours and his family, seated cross-legged on the ground, throughout his 90’s! He never ceased to amaze me, and still does.

    Now, he lives with his daughter, and still enjoys dancing and playing music on a number of instruments. He is a role model for us all!

    Compare this to people today, who go constantly to the doctor and clinic. Whether they have an ailment or not!

    Colonoscopies, Cat scans, extensive examinations; the list goes on and on….

    Trust me, the list is endless, and once they get you in their clutches, they will test and scan endlessly, until all of your money is gone. Even with good insurance, they will take all of your money- even if nothing, ultimately, is really wrong.

    This is the modern scam.

    I am here to suggest that you just be like my Uncle Bob! AVOID the doctor. If you break a gone, or are gun-shot- go in. They are Great at such emergency care! But as for granting you health, for making you a vital, healthy, long-lived person?

    In this, they are without a clue.

    I am 72 now. My wife of the same age and I have both gotten cataract surgery, and that is a true wonder of modern medicine, just like emergency life saving medicine. In fact, going to an eye doctor is probably the best care you can get- non-invasive, no harm involved, and they can tell by observing your eye health the entire cardiovascular health of your whole body! Just by seeing the condition or the vascular makeup of your eyes.

    But if you go to a standard medical internal medicine doctor, they just go by charts and generalities. “You are over 50? Take a statin! And blood pressure medications! And see me twice per year, and I’ll give you endless meds, forever and ever. You’re welcome…”

    They told my own father that he had high blood pressure his whole life. They said he still did when he died at 98.

    I call bullshit.

    No doctor will tell you that high blood pressure happens for a reason. Your body needs blood somewhere,

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  • A Good Life is a Paleo LIfe podcast
    Aug 24 2024

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    We all want to live a good life. We NEED to live a good, successful, in harmony with nature and our neighbors type of life! But, what sort of life should this be? Should we live in accordance with modern tradition, by moving to a major metropolitan area, and get a high paying job, and raise our family either in the city itself, or in the nearby suburbs?

    NO! What you really want and need, to be healthy and well adjusted, is to live a PALEO LIFE. By this, I mean a life that is in accordance with our evolutionary past. A life that, just like the paleo diet itself, is in the way that we evolved, and and the type of life that we are meant to live. A life that will make us ourselves, our families, and our nearby community all in sync with nature, and will allow us to be the best, most in harmony with our evolution that we can be!

    What sort of life would this be? We are going back go Ancient Greek, and early Christian ideals here. I believe # 1 would mean a rural, either country or small town type of life. A place where we know our neighbors well, where everyone is as self-sufficient as they can be!

    A place where all have a voice, and big government is as minimal as it can be. A place in the woods, or in the countryside, far from the inevitable corruption that accompanies metro-types of areas, where there are huge concentrations of people in a smallish area.

    Look at our big cities of today, everywhere: they have become awful places, in every sense of the word. Out of control crime, de-policing, no punishment for horrible acts, along with horrible schools that teach nothing, and could care less. Big cities are now cesspools of crime, where the most evil and incompetent are put in charge!

    I see our modern cities in the U.S. where I live now, as akin to old cities of antiquity, that are abandoned and left in the jungles. The builders have left, or been destroyed, and replaced by degenerates, and even subhumans who have wandered into these cities, and pretended, or ‘aped’ the former residents, with no knowledge or ability of how to actually maintain or step into the roles of these forebears. They only want the power, the ‘prestige’ of the former geniuses, with no responsibilities or anything else.

    So, where to go? These cities are utterly lost. Rural America is still unspoiled! Go there, and build a life. It is still available, as long as big government, meaning nowadays big Democratic top-down authoritative government if kept at bay!!

    Smaller cities, particularly in the Midwest and the West are still unsullied, and open to honest settlers. They are basically unchanged, and while ‘liberal’ socialist types are everywhere, even here, they are not given free rein! Reason still rules, although liberal/socialistic/communistic nonsense is constantly attacking…

    Florida is an antidote to the retarded hellhole of what California has become, and so that is certainly an option. You will need to do your homework, but the thing is: at least in the U.S. there are many places where you can still go to live a successful paleo type of life! A life unencumbered by Big Government, and a purposeful breakdown of Western Civilization itself.

    Go to where small towns, small businesses, and small schools still hold sway! Homeschooling is wonderful, and small towns is very similar to what it was in “Little House on the Prairie”, where local families hired a teacher to teach their children directly, and determined the curriculum. No Teacher’s Union was asked for, or wanted!

    Remember: This is for your own good as well. Each person and family is such communities wil

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  • Save Your Homeland to Save Yourself podcast
    Aug 8 2024

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    We talk here about what to do to optimize our health and wellness. And rightly so! Eat right, a strongly protein-centric diet. Plenty of micronutrients, from a paleo type of diet. Good sleep, every night, in a dark room, devoid of blue light distractions and screens…

    Of course, all of these are essential to a healthy life for us and our family! Along with proper strength training, and adequate flexibility.

    But all of this counts for naught- if we lose our country of Western civilization and all that that has given the world at large!

    Right now, the Democrat party in the US has proven that they are determined to undermine, and then terminate our country as it has stood since its inception. By erasing our borders through non-enforcement, and allowing unlimited illegal immigration of the uncivilized and unlawful into our country, they have literally turned traitor.

    Every advantage built into our country by our forefathers is open now to be trashed! Crime is being redefined, and legitimized throughout our nation, particularly in the large cities. Traffic laws are being ignored and punishments are no longer enforced.

    Hiring is now meant to be done by quotas of race and sex, not by merit. Excellence is suffering; soon to be ruined by such quotas and mandates. We are allowing the 3rd world primitives to enter our developed, civilized space of refinement and privilege. No requirements are being asked, no basic levels of literacy, or knowledge of civics and western civilization are being asked for…

    Why is this being perpetrated on the American people??

    Because the Democrats want the votes of what they see as a permanent underclass. A huge group of basically illegal people that are, and will be, eternally beholden to their ‘Masters’; the politicians in the Democrat party that will give them everything they need and want. Forever!

    This is the bottom line. Sad but very, very true. It is also sad that here, in a basically health and fitness podcast, these political matters should of necessity be brought up. But the truth is that, without our free, clean, and very much Western nation and way of life, all else we desire to achieve and enjoy in our lives is gone- impossible!

    It would be as if the Persians, long ago, had conquered Greece, and destroyed the freedom and Western way of life they were even then developing for us. It would all just- disappear!

    The Democrats of today are as the traitors of the past- those who would offer the Persian invaders a secret way into their homelands, for a bribe of golden coins. They were foiled back then: and they need to be stopped now!

    And this invasion is only part of the horror. The Democrats plan not only to swamp us with invaders, but they also plan to deny us the ability to innovate, and enhance our energy resources so as to deal with transportation and heating and cooling. They raise Climate Change as a false god to which we should sacrifice our technology, which is the undeniable fruit of Western civilization and capitalism. In other words: discard the armor that we have developed that protects us from the undeveloped and primitive of the rest of the world.

    Even things like allowing biological men to compete with women in women’s sports- the Democrats are overwhelmingly in FAVOR of this, and virtually no one else.

    I could go on. But my point if made: if you want you, and your family, to live a free, healthy life, lived as you have determined is the best for you and yours-

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  • The Human Diet and Lifestyle
    Jun 23 2024

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    Ever since the paleo diet hit the news and the internet, different iterations and ‘spins’ on that format have appeared endlessly. Even at the supermarket, I see magazines in the checkout lane, screaming KETO in large print! “Eat FAT FAT FAT!” is all around, along with Carbs are death!

    On the next magazine, Ozempic the diet drug is touted. “ Get skinny fast!” Really? They neglect to mention that not only do you need to take the drug for LIFE, but also that you lose muscle as well as fat! (What a wonder drug is THAT??!!

    Actually, nothing has really changed. The Paleo Diet is still the ancestral human diet, and drugs and ketone inducers should be ignored. The Carnivore diet of all animal products, primarily beef, can be great temporarily, as a kind of reset. But really, an ancestral human diet, a paleo diet, is our long-term sweet spot; a place that humans can live forever. In fact a place where humans have lived forever, and where we can maintain healthy, happy bodies of vigor and resilience for our whole life!

    All we have to do is eat real, nutritious foods of natural meats and seafood, with a mix of vegetables and some fruits and nuts. Have full fat dairy in the form of cheeses, yogurt, and kefir, and add in exercise of strength training, small amounts of running, and walking, preferably barefoot on the grass. Sleep a good eight hours per night in a blackened room, without checking the clock during sleeping hours! (Really, don’t look at the clock at night. That only puts you into a ‘doom loop’ where you constantly are checking with mental gymnastics as to ‘how many hours are left til I have to wake up’…. This alone ruins your rest and sleep. Set an alarm if you want or need to- but don’t check that clock every time you awaken for a minute! Changing this one habit alone completely rescued my nightly sleep…

    Stretch daily! Morning stretches done daily in front of the TV, along with a dedicated strength session in your yard, deck, garage or basement are completely mandatory for every human. Without such daily attention to your very humanity, and you will start to break down, slowly but surely. Let your muscles atrophy and so too does your brain, bit by bit.

    The human body is an intricate balancing act of the proper nutrients, consumed by a body that is stimulated by the proper activity to require those nutrients to fuel and rebuild a sophisticated animal machine. It’s kind of like the ‘Dance of Life’!

    As for drugs, as in ‘diet drugs’? They don’t belong in your human body! In fact- NO DRUGS BELONG IN THE HUMAN BODY! That is the ideal, now and forever. If you are taking drugs, either recreational or prescription- get off of them! God made your body as is; he never required man-made drugs for you to thrive. TAKE NO DRUGS!

    The same goes for surgeries. Most surgeries are optional, and are a way for clinics and hospitals to MAKE MONEY. For instance, you can reverse the need for knee surgery replacement with exercises shown by Ben Patrick on the kneesovertoesguy.com website. Many drugs and surgeries deal with conditions that can be rectified using natural methods that aren’t so invasive, expensive, and destructive of the body as those from the clinics!

    But all of that aside: just lead a natural, ancestral life! Be outside in nature, as much as possible. Garden, play and relax in your yard. Get lots of sunshine, and keep chemicals OFF of your lawn and garden. Be a keen observer of nature- birds, deer, and all the wildlife in your area. Relish it, it is TRUE beauty!

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