
  • Noticing the Body and the Breath
    Dec 4 2019

    In this guided meditation, you will be bring your attention to your body and breath. As you focus your attention, allow your mind to fully focus on what you are experiencing and gently bring it back as it wanders. Using this exercise each day will help settle and ground you, calming down your body and nervous system. To learn more, go to PainRehabSource.com

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • The Body Scan
    Dec 4 2019

    In this guided meditation, you will bring your attention to your body. As you focus your attention, allow your mind to fully focus on what you are experiencing and gently bring it back as it wanders. Develop the skill of aiming the focus of your attention on one area of the body, avoiding the pull evaluate or judge what you notice, and letting go of any effort to change, relax, and relieve any discomfort that you notice. To learn more, go to PainRehabSrouce.com

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation
    Dec 4 2019

    Progress Muscle Relaxation is designed to help you reduce tension throughout your body. As you are learning to do this exercise, practice at least once per day for two weeks so that you can train your nervous system and muscles to relax quickly and efficiently. This is a good exercise to use when you are sitting in a car, train, or plane and cannot get up to move around. This is also helpful to use if you are sitting at your desk, in a meeting, and when standing in line for a long period of time. If you have problems with pain or other physical limitations, be sure to have clearance from your healthcare professional before using this exercise. To learn more, go to PainRehabSource.com

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Short Version
    Dec 4 2019

    Progress Muscle Relaxation is designed to help you reduce tension throughout your body. This podcast is present the relaxation exercise without the additional explanation and instructions at the beginning. As you are learning to do this exercise, practice at least once per day for two weeks so that you can train your nervous system and muscles to relax quickly and efficiently. This is a good exercise to use when you are sitting in a car, train, or plane and cannot get up to move around. This is also helpful to use if you are sitting at your desk, in a meeting, and when standing in line for a long period of time. If you have problems with pain or other physical limitations, be sure to have clearance from your healthcare professional before using this exercise. To learn more, go to PainRehabSource.com

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Five Sense Awareness Exercise
    Dec 4 2019

    This will be a guided awareness exercise designed to help you focus your attention and keep you connected to the present moment. When we experience stress and find that we are feeling upset, have difficulty staying focused, and cannot stop worrying, this exercise is a simple method to get centered and grounded again. To learn more, go to PainRehabSource.com

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Leaves on a Stream
    Dec 4 2019

    This is a guided awareness exercise designed to help you focus your attention and keep you connected to the present moment. When we experience stress and find that we have difficulty staying focused and are caught up with or emotions and upsetting thoughts, this exercise is a simple method to get centered and grounded again. Our brains are designed to think, plan, and problem solve, but we can learn to stand back and look at our thoughts rather than be controlled by them. This exercise will help you stand back, notice that thoughts and emotions come ago like leaves on a stream. To learn more, go to PainRehabSource.com

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Reducing Pain
    Jan 26 2020

    This is a guided awareness exercise designed to help you manage difficult pain sensations. When we experience pain, it is natural for our mind to wrestle with our discomfort and try and eliminate it. We wish for our pain to go away and fear it becoming worse. We try to distract ourselves from our pain or focus on relaxing the area of our body that hurts. If that does not work, we simply give in to the anger and frustration. To learn more, go to: PainRehabSource.com 

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Befriending
    Aug 1 2020

    This is a guided meditation exercise designed to help you develop a sense of kindness and compassion toward yourself and others. Even though we often appear confident and put together to the outside world, we often feel anxious, sad, insecure, and distressed on the inside. Use this exercise to extend kindness and compassion to yourself and to others. To learn more, go to PainRehabSource.com

    Más Menos
    9 m