
  • Episode 144: RIP David Lynch
    Jan 30 2025


    The OGs start 2025 by discussing the work of the late, great David Lynch and his lasting impact on the world and their lives. They go dreamy. They also discuss ancient Viking plastic surgeons and pitch their new sitcom with Werner Herzog and David Lynch ordering McDonald's drive-thru. COOP! I'm out of here!

    All things Old Guys: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt

    Join the conversation on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com

    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery

    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)

    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

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  • Episode 143: Love Overload
    Sep 5 2024


    After recording an entire new episode months ago and having to push it into the "Lost Episode" category because of world events, The OGs simply want to hang out and chat about life. Listen in as they talk about movies, how they spent their summer, Nicholas Cage, the calm and peaceful state of the world, and have a cocktail.
    Find where to listen: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt
    Join the conversation (and see our artifact album) on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com
    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery
    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)
    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

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  • Episode 142: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    May 2 2024

    Don't panic! The OGs (and one young guy - Dan Schwartz) fulfill a promise made years ago when they realized they didn't do this topic for episode 42. They dive into the multimedia cult phenomenon from the late, great Douglas Adams. Also mystery bone broth, cicada pee, at bears, dirt water, the Bible should lighten up, and our new "guy in the booth", David. Pour yourself a Pan Galactic Gargleblaster, the effects of which are like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick, and enjoy! Don't forget your towel.

    All Things OLD GUYS: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt
    Join the conversation (and see our artifact album) on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com
    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery
    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)
    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com
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  • Episode 141: Animal Stories
    Feb 29 2024

    For a brief, shining moment in the late 70's and early 80's, in Chicago, two guys made most everyone chuckle. WLS DJs Larry Lujack and Tommy Edwards would present about 10 minutes of weird, funny stories (mostly) about animals every weekday on the airwaves. It's what podcasting was back then The OGs were in that sweet spot where they were able to enjoy the show at its peak. In this episode they think back fondly and then completely rip off the format.

    Find where to listen: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt

    Join the conversation (and see our artifact album) on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com

    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery

    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)

    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

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  • Episode 140: Surfing the Chaos (part 2)
    Dec 28 2023

    The end (of 2023) is just hours away now! Picking up where we left off last week, The Old Guys sing the year to its rest. In this episode: Eric stabs Shawn with A.I. , Fake KISS, Eric buffers, aggressive outbursts keep us sane, emails from the dead, Twinkies by your... WHAT?! Happy New Year, friends!

    All things OLD GUYS: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt
    Join the conversation (and see our artifact album) on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com
    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery
    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)
    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

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  • Episode 139: Surfing the Chaos (Part 1)
    Dec 22 2023

    The end (of 2023) is nigh! It's been a mixed bag of a year for the OGs. From absent friends to cars crashing into houses, the Guys look back on the year, just happy to have survived. Combo platter, Canadian animation, negativity, lightsaber inconsistency, 50% with Marvel, and a wheelchair-accessible TARDIS are all on deck in the first half of this discussion!

    OLD GUY CENTRAL: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt
    Join the conversation (and see our artifact album) on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com
    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery
    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)
    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

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  • Episode 138: Willem Dafoe & David Warner
    Nov 2 2023

    This time around the OGs are chatting about two actors who never disappoint; Willem Dafoe (Platoon, Spider-Man, Last Temptation of Christ, Boondock Saints) and David Warner (The Omen, Time Bandits, Tron, Twin Peaks). Also, they create the ultimate Wonka horror movie and recreate Hugh Grant's front seat "encounter" from the 90s.

    All things OLD GUYS: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt
    Join the conversation (and see our artifact album) on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com
    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery
    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)
    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

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  • Episode 137: Loose Lips
    Sep 28 2023

    The sink ships we hear, but the OGs can't stop their lips from flappin'. They chat about lots of things. A gorge of mayonnaise. Don't take the name of Goofy in vain. The Whackadoo political party could unite the country. Did THE X-FILES help poison the well? This one drills down into the dark.

    Find where to listen: https://linktr.ee/ogwlt
    Join the conversation (and see our artifact album) on our Facebook: facebook.com/oldguyswholovethings and talk to us via email: oldguyswholovethings@gmail.com
    Find Shawn online: https://linktr.ee/Grue_Gallery
    Find Eric online: https://beacons.page/ericpschwartz (all music by Eric)
    Additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

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