
  • The Critique of Sam Harris, Hallucinogenic Drugs, Hinduism, Meditation and Pseudo-Skepticism.
    Mar 19 2025

    This is Episode 13 of Nihilism Now, a podcast about the politics of atheism (and the importance of atheism in politics) from a nihilist perspective. You may also want to take a glance at my other podcast, Brand New Ancient Buddhism.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Nihilism, the only religion you can believe in, the only philosophy you can live by.
    Mar 18 2025

    Shout out to Woody Curry. This is episode 12 of Nihilism Now: Politics After Atheism.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Nihilism vs antisemitism: from the occult origins of the Nazi movement to Kanye West.
    Mar 16 2025

    Occult in its origins, occult in its undoing in the end: this could instead be titled Nihilism vs the Neo-Nazis (although we might need a footnote to clarify that this category includes Kanye West).

    This is episode 11 of Nihilism Now: Politics After Atheism.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • Burning Down Notre Dame Cathedral: the Atheist Revolution in Practice, not in Principle.
    Mar 16 2025

    This is episode 10 of Nihilism Now: Politics After Atheism, a podcast about the politics of atheism (and the importance of atheism in politics) from a nihilist perspective.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Nihilism vs Judaism: Jaclyn Glenn and the Greatest Taboo in the Atheist Movement.
    Mar 16 2025

    Although it is commonly said that Judaism is not quite the same thing as Jewishness, supporting either one while rejecting the other entails a paradox that comes close to racism —and these are precisely the arguments that Jaclyn Glenn attempts to make, defending the continuation of the religion "as an identity" that is supposedly rooted in D.N.A. while remaining nominally atheist, and yet demonstrating her faith through prayer and ritual, including circumcision. This is episode 09 of Nihilism Now: Politics After Atheism.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • Economic Nihilism: Neoliberalism's Fatal Flaw.
    Mar 11 2025

    The problem is not so much that Milton Friedman is wrong about everything, but, instead, the extent to which people presume that being right about any particular factoid (in the overlapping fields of politics and economics) means that you "must be" correct about anything (or everything) else. (AR+IO-014) A podcast about the politics of atheism (and the importance of atheism in politics) from a nihilist perspective.

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • The American Empire with the Mask Off: the Canadian Empire with the Mask On.
    Mar 8 2025

    Episode thirteen (AR+IO-013). Let us be blunt: if Quebec has the right to establish its independence by a referendum, then the Crimea does, too —along with the Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk) and Taiwan and everyone else, everywhere else. If not, we're back to the phony sovereignty (and even phonier empire-building) of the Napoleonic wars. How, after all, was Poland supposed to establish its independence during the reign of Napoleon? And Haiti? Oh no, let's not give ourselves nightmares by talking about Poland and Haiti.

    There is no doubt, in praxis, that the people of Greenland would benefit enormously from being annexed by the United States of America. The people of Canada would, too, and yet we are staring at an advantage in praxis without a principle. The philosophical poverty of the American Empire is so profound that when the mask comes off we can only laugh at its face laid bare: what could be more absurd than Canada and Greenland joining the American Empire? What could be more absurd than regarding the United States of America as —morally— no different from the Russian Empire of Vladimir Putin? Communism is dead in one place and Democracy is dead in the other: what is it, now, that they are conquering the world for? The inability to articulate an American philosophy entails the inability to administer an empire, here, there, everywhere: from Afghanistan to Greenland.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Jordan Peterson's perennial philosophy takes a step to the left.
    Mar 6 2025

    Nihilism Now: Politics After Atheism (AR+IO-012)

    Find me on Instagram. Support me on Patreon. Both will provide notifications for new podcast episodes (not just "here", but under many different headings).



    AR+IO abbreviates the motto "Active Research and Informed Opinion", providing consistent numbering for all of the episodes (AR+IO-001, etc.) hosted by Eisel Mazard across many different podcasts, and united by one Patreon. Eisel is better known as Zel from Ashdod, and was formerly known as the voice (and author) behind the (banned) youtube channel à-bas-le-ciel.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m