
  • #658 - 03-11-25
    Mar 17 2025
    658 - Recorded live on March 11, 2025 Ambience for the night: Nimh & Onasander - Unveiled Lights flutteringdragon.bandcamp.com/album/nimh-onasander-unveiled-lights **Playlist** 1) Mournful Moon - Twilight, My Passion 2) Abbashaitan - The Oath 3) Illapa - In Memoriam (Of the Devine Eve) 4) Oppressive Descent - Stardust and Gravedirt 5) Зарезница - Праздник жизни и любви **talk** 6) Robust - Feather Key 7) Sardonic Witchery - Barbaric Bastards Of Mass Destruction 8) Ostots - Ur Hotzetako Itzalak **talk** 9) Norrhem - Teräsmyrskyssä Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • #657 - 03-04-25
    Mar 10 2025
    657 - Recorded live on March 04, 2025 Ambience for the night: Arthuros - Travelstar arthuros.bandcamp.com/album/travelstar **Playlist** 1) Izrod - Raskošan prizor opšteg rasula 2) Vultur - Eternu Trumentu 3) Cinza - Below 4) Visonfethacsis - Romance of Blood and Perfume **talk** 5) Horyn - III 6) Nil Abyss - White Fire Omen 7) Above Aurora - Horns Of Dread 8) Hail Conjurer - Transference **talk** 9) Voodus - Below and Beyond Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • #656 - 02-25-25
    Mar 3 2025
    656 - Recorded live on February 25, 2025 Ambience for the night: Zero Kama - What is a Body? zerokama.bandcamp.com/album/what-is-a-body **Playlist** 1) Black Witchcraft - Devilish Forces 2) -M-I-R-R-O-R- - II 3) Sarke - In Total Allegiance 4) Bronze Hall - Ancient Whispers **talk** 5) NyreDolk - Familievold binder blodets bånd 6) Balmog - Who by Fire (Leonard Cohen cover) 7) Slutet - We Reap our Crops... 8) Nâd - A Glance In The Shadow Of Sorrow 9) Sutekh Hexen - Malediction **talk** 10) Kiira - Yösynty Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • #655 - 02-18-25
    Feb 23 2025
    655 - Recorded live on February 18, 2025 Ambience for the night: Fluisteraars - Manifestaties van de Ontworteling fluisteraars.bandcamp.com/album/manifestaties-van-de-ontworteling **Playlist** 1) Malacath - Call of the Spectre 2) Délirant - Thoughteater IV 3) Nibiru - The Tablets of Destiny 4) Shadows Ground - Over The Ruins Of Your Kingdoms **talk** 5) Schwarzach - Das Land zu unseren Füßen 6) Diabolical - Unholy Darkness from the Occult Abyss 7) Azelsglare - The last rays of a crimson day **talk** 8) Gràb - Waidler Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • #654 - 02-11-25
    Feb 16 2025
    654 - Recorded live on February 11, 2025 Ambience for the night: Mortlach - VII - Dead of Winter countmortlach.bandcamp.com/album/vii-dead-of-winter **Playlist** 1) Blutschwur - Prodigious Strength 2) Nåstrond - Emancipation 3) Pestiferous - Pantheist Disintegration Techniques 4) Theoden's Reign - As an Ashen River Flows... **talk** 5) Bolg - Задгробен Зов 6) Warspell - Grapes of the Impure 7) Blood Red Fog - Jäiset kynnet **talk** 8) Djevel - Paktens Ende - I Satans Eie 9) Djevel - Alt Som Her Var Er Naa Borte Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • #653 - 02-04-25
    Feb 10 2025
    653 - Recorded live on February 04, 2025 Ambience for the night: Nokturniis - The Lonely Moon nokturniis.bandcamp.com/album/the-lonely-moon **Playlist** 1) Revenge - Swine Tumult (On All Fours) 2) Blackness - Ithyphallus 3) Forgotten Shrines - An eclipsing pagan moon 4) Weathered Crest - Glistening dew on the sigil of the sun **talk** 5) Sult - Dyrisk Had 6) Dødsferd - Heaven Drops with Human Filth 7) Aamon - Black Lotus 8) Nachash - Empyrean Graves **talk** 9) Faustian Spirit - The Flaming Sword of Ater Ignis Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • #652 - 01-28-25
    Feb 3 2025
    652 - Recorded live on January 28, 2025 Ambience for the night: Arcana Liturgia - The Wizard arcanaliturgia.bandcamp.com/album/the-wizard **Playlist** 1) Beherit - Sodomatic Rites (live) 2) Lucifugum - Bringing by Rain 3) Wuldorgast - Cold Light of Reason 4) Black Sin - K.A.H.R. II 5) Helleruin - Reapers of the Whirl I **talk** 6) The Spirit - Cosmic Rain and Human Dust 7) Veitsi - Valtaistuin Vailla Hallitsijaa 8) Plague God - Tisíce Let Lží 9) Falsa Luz - Que Assim Seja **talk** 10) Thallid - Banishment and Erasure of the Virulent Traitors Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • #651 - 01-21-25 - Best of 2024: Full Length Albums
    Jan 25 2025
    651 - Recorded live on January 21, 2025 Best of 2024: Full Length Albums You can find the entire 'Best of' list here: nstmradio.com/blog/best-of-2024/ Ambience for the night: David Lynch & Marek Zebrowski - Polish Night Music davidlynch.bandcamp.com/album/polish-night-music **Playlist** 1) Necrosorcery - Pastoral Impalement 2) Ara - Mit pochendem Herz 3) Deus Mortem - Slow Death 4) Kasturn - Dismal Victory **talk** 5) Oppress. - Spoon Fed from Heaven's Chamber Pot 6) Звёздный Храм - I 7) Myrholt - Tegn fra himmelen; antydninger fra kosmos 8) Kerasfóra - Of Darkness and Confusion **talk** 9) Ouroboric Deity - Trepidation Flux 10) Hauntologist - Deathdreamer 11) Devilgroth - Somnus 12) Hail Conjurer - Katharsis **talk** 13) Triumph, Genus - Potřebuji čas, způsob, druhový styl 14) Evilwinged - Реликт из Внешних Бездн (Relic from the Outer Abyss) 15) Dusk Shrine - Torn Forest **talk** 16) Horna - Kuoleva lupaus (acoustic) Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on NSTMRadio.com Best of 2024: Full Length Albums 1) Necrosorcery - Necrosorcery 2) Ara - Blutroter Mond 3) Deus Mortem - Thanatos 4) Звёздный Храм - Звёздный Храм 5) Horna - Nyx (Hymnejä yölle) 6) Kerasfóra - Six Nights Beyond the Serpent's Threshold 7) Vemod - The Deepening 8) Hauntologist - Hollow 9) Starcave - Sukta 10) Funerealm Gloom - Catachthonium Mysteriis 11) Regere Sinister - Inside the Eye of Horned Winds 12) Nimbifer - Der böse Geist 13) Invunche - Atavismo 14) Gauntlet Ring - Phantoms of Dark Symmetry 15) Hail Conjurer - Satanic Phenomenology 16) Gjendød - Livskramper 17) Sørgelig - Φθορά 18) Old Wainds - Stormheart 19) Dusk Shrine - Celestial Trauma 20) Myrholt - Blandede meninger og aforismer 21) Devilgroth - Mortuus Aurora Borealis 22) Häxenzijrkell - Portal 23) Ungfell - De Ghörnt 24) Triumph, Genus - Eugenika 25) Nächtlich - Exaltation Of Evil 26) Oppress. - The Subtle Art of Turning Gold into Shit 27) Spite - The Third Temple 28) The Holy Flesh - Advocate, Martyr and Redeemer 29) Tyranni - Dränkt av livets sekret 30) Ouroboric Deity - Calleth The Void 31) Auld Ridge - For Death and Glory, to the Gods I Cry 32) Aptorian Demon - Liv tar slutt 33) Sanguine Relic - Within the Fog of Fragmented Memory 34) Nahtrunar - Hrima 35) Kasturn - The Torchbearer Fades 36) Fír - De stilte van God 37) Blackdeath - Mortui incedere possunt 38) Hulder - Verses In Oath 39) Djevel - Natt til ende 40) Brakel - Wranger Wanen 41) Grylle - Egrotants, Souffreteux, Cacochymes, Covidards 42) Evilwinged - Voice Occult Nethermost 43) Paysage d'Hiver - Die Berge 44) Candelabrum - Transmutations 45) Conifère - L'Impôt du Sang 46) Fellwinter - In Night’s Eternal Grasp 47) Sale Freux - Vol De Travers 48) Kêres - Eidolon Abraxas 49) Spectral Wound - Songs of Blood and Mire 50) Satanic Warmaster - Exultation of Cruelty
    Más Menos
    2 h y 12 m