
  • Sell Your Newsletter! #015
    Mar 8 2023

    Did you know that 97% of visitors to your e-commerce brand leave without making a purchase? Learn what you have to do to keep their contact details in this episode!

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Free e-book with strategies to turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

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    7 m
  • What Did I Learn After Closing A Clothing Brand? #014
    Mar 6 2023

    Yesterday we packed the rest of the clothes from the clothing brand we built, they're going to a multi-brand local store to see if we sell the last units... 

    It was a really fun experience to be able to have our own clothing brand, but it is over. Do you want to know what we learned?

    Btw, here is the link to the brand's online store in case you want to check it out! ligalbr.com/tienda 

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

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    9 m
  • Use Sundays To Plan The Week Ahead #013
    Mar 3 2023

    I have truly missed being able to take a couple of hours off on a Sunday to be able to plan the week. It gives me so much mental clarity and structure to know what to do in order to achieve my goals... It is crazy!

    Trust me, I am writing this the next Friday, the week is almost done and I really did a lot of things!

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy the pod!

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

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    8 m
  • What To Do When You're Stuck With Work? #012
    Mar 1 2023

    Today was not the best work day, but anyway I managed to improve it as the day when by!

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

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    8 m
  • This Little Secret Will Prevent Your Facebook Ad Account To Getting Banned #011
    Feb 27 2023

    Getting banned by the Facebook algorithm and having to claim back your account... One of those issues all of us encounter sooner or later, but that you must try to avoid at all costs!

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

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    10 m
  • My 5 Cheats To Easily 3X My Amount Of Work #010
    Feb 24 2023

    So, in this episode, I talk about some things that have helped me immensely to improve my work capacity. 

    You'll know I have struggled a lot with this if you know me! Staying focused has never been easy for me...

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

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    10 m
  • Creating a High Value Content Offer Is Hard! Really Hard! #009
    Feb 21 2023

    Well, maybe creating an HVCO is not that hard, the hard part is to make something good, worth sharing, and worth ready. 

    And, that is what I am trying to accomplish with this episode.

    It is a little bit more structured than the older podcast (I had a buddy of mine complain about that, I hope you enjoy it!

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Why Am I Reading Sell Like Crazy For The 2nd Time #008
    Feb 19 2023

    The first episode that was recorded and posted on video!! I am so excited. I really hope that the audio is good, I haven't edited and I will try not to edit it because otherwise, the workflow is going to be too complicated... 

    Fingers crossed! 

    Thank you a lot for listening, it would mean the world to me if

    What should you do next? 

    • 🚀 Turn your e-commerce into a sales machine twentyrockets.com/strategies

    Drop me a message!

    • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pablosanchezmolina/
    • Let's video chat: tidycal.com/pablo-twentyrockets/15min-strategy-session

    Twenty Rockets Official Podcast - We Make Ads. We Write Emails. You Make (A Lot Of) Sales.

    🇪🇸 - También hablamos Español: twentyrockets.com

    you could rate and review the podcast.
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    7 m