Behold! Five bizarre tales of Russian madness, mayhem, butchery, murder and cannibalism. Yes, a five-ring circus of terror presented for your auditory pleasures!
Act One: the bizarre story of Viktor Jasinski and Olga Zajac. A tale too wild to be true? We’ll let you decide.
Act Two: the tale of cannibal husband and wife Dmitry and Natalia Baksheevy. Just whose head was that served for Christmas Dinner?
Act Three: the sad and disturbing tale of Anatoly Moskvin the Russian Doll maker.
Act Five: Baba Yaga. The story of Tamara Samsonova, the infamous Granny Ripper.
Hosted by Christa Carmen and Matthew Brockmeyer
Facebook: Murder Coaster
Creepy Amusement Park theme by Brandon Fiechter and Derek Fiechter, used by permission and with many thanks.
Featuring the songs and sounds:
“Raspberry Universe” “Rush” and “Spiral” by Radio Ukki, used with permission and many thanks. Find more about Radio Ukki here:
220918_2132_FR_RussianOrthodoxMass.wav by kevp888 -- -- License: Attribution 4.0
Russian "Lookin for troubles?! I'll kill you dead!" by exe2be -- -- License: Attribution 4.0
On The Alamo
By Isham Jones; Harry Raderman's Orchestra Edison (50963-L) Publication date 1922
FORBES MAGAZINE, July 15, 2011: Russian Sex Slave Saga: The Ballad of Viktor and Olga by Kiri Blakeley, Contributor.
DAILY MAIL January 15, 2015:
WORLD NEWS MIRROR 6 May 2024 Inside Russian 'cannibal family's house of horror' as couple 'eat 30 victims' - World News - Mirror Online By Kelly-Ann Mills News Reporter
WORLD NEWS MIRROR, 26, November, 2024: Chilling twist in death of girl, 17, believed to have been killed by 'aggressive pig' - World News - Mirror Online By Will Stewart, Russia Correspondent
SLATE MAGAZINE: Pig Bites Man. How often do livestock deliberately kill farmers? By Brian Palmer Oct 02, 2012 When pigs attack: Do livestock intentionally kill people?
Anatoly Moskvin - Wikipedia
MORBIDOLOGY: The Granny Ripper – Tamara Samsonova
An article by: Emily G. Thompson 13th June 2021
Tamara Samsonova | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
#russiandollmaker #grannyripper #tamarasamsonova #morbid #truecrime #russiantruecrime #truecrimepodcast #anatolynoskvin #babayaga