
  • Cam Josse: Managing All Qualities of Sprint Performance
    Mar 12 2025

    Cam Josse - FB S&C at Auburn University - joins us for the 89th episode of MTN. On today's episode, we dive into many of the facets surrounding developing speed development. Cam breaks down coordination, explains the bias athletes have toward force or velocity, and we talk about the importance of individual structure when programming anything (but, of course, speed development as well).

    Follow Cam on X @CoachJosse

    Find us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 21 m
  • Kris Robertson: Performance in the G-League & CFL
    Mar 5 2025

    Kris Robertson - Head S&C for the Raptors 905 & Sport Scientist for the Toronto Argonauts - joins us for the 88th episode of MTN. On today's episode of the podcast, we dive into both training within the confines and chaos of the G-League & also managing performance loads within the CFL. A unique background and coach, Kris has incredible experience to provide insight to any position.

    Find Kris on IG @krob23 and on X @CoachKStrength

    Follow us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • Anthony Cockrill: Mastering the Approach
    Feb 26 2025

    Anthony Cockrill - Assistant Director of Sports Performance at Southern Methodist University - joins us for the 87th episode of MTN. On this episode of the podcast, we dive into the approach jump. Technical factors, physical markers, adaptability within game. We had a lot of conversation planned for Anthony but really spent the entire time diving into jumping - which always happen to be the best conversations.

    Make sure to follow Anthony on IG @anthonycockrill and on X @AntCockrill

    Find and follow us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • Katie St Clair: Managing Internal Pressure to Create Force
    Feb 19 2025

    Katie St Clair - Owner/Founder of Empowered Performance Course and Academy - joins us for the 86th episode of MTN. Katie has a long history of coaching, reducing pain, and re-programming movement patterns for the clients and athletes she works with. On today's show, we dig into the simplified process Katie has been able to refine into assessment, we talk about how structure can create compensation and how to train within that, and she schools us on the power of posterior pelvic floor releases (something everyone should be doing!)

    Make sure to follow Katie on IG @katie.stclair.fitness and check out her website: www.katiestclairfitness.com for all of her most recent courses, webinars, and resources

    Find and follow us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • Ed Thompson: Building Husky Speed
    Feb 12 2025

    Ed Thompson - Director of Speed & Athletic Performance at the University of Washington (FB) - joins us for the 85th episode of MTN. On today's episode of the podcast, Ed breaks down the speed training at Washington, aligning the weight room with the field, and the many degrees of implementation utilizing their seven 1080s

    Make sure to follow Ed on IG @edthompsonjr and on X @CoachEdT2

    Find and follow us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • Ola Eriksrud: Directional Deceleration Development
    Feb 5 2025

    Ola Eriksrud - Head of Sports Science for 1080 Motion - joins us for the 84th episode of MTN. Ola has an incredible background in performance. As a professor, PT, and consultant for over two decades, Ola brings a wealth of knowledge to every environment. Today, we specifically dive into deceleration and - specifically - how directionality changes inputs and outputs.

    Make sure to look Ola up on Research Gate, follow him on X @OlaAthletic1080 and on IG @olaeriksrud

    Find and follow us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • Joe Murray: Mastering Rotation with Washington Baseball
    Jan 29 2025

    Joe Murray - Strength and Conditioning Coach at the University of Washington - joins us for the 83rd episode of MTN. On this episode of the podcast, we dive into a number of different avenues behind rotational training, rationalizing the importance of training within skill-dependent sports, and we get into conversation around understanding 'workload' within a unique sport like baseball.

    Follow Joe on IG @jmur4 and on X @joemurray43

    Find us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Terrence Kennell: The Science Behind USF Football
    Jan 22 2025

    Terrence Kennell - Director of Applied Science and Speed Development for USF Football - joins us for the 82nd episode of MTN. This episode was a wide ranging conversation around the integration of sport science and practice planning, speed development within college football, the implications of the cognitive component of athletics, and much much more.

    Find and follow Terrence on IG @tkennellphysprep and on X @TKPhysPrep

    Find us on social media @mtn_perform and check back each Wednesday for a new episode

    Big Thanks to our sponsor Lumin Sports:

    Lumin continues to change the game within the AMS realm and recently launched their new strength builder platform. Head on over to luminsports.com - and mention Move the Needle at Check out to receive 20% off your first full year.

    & a huge Thank You to our sponsor, Hawkin Dynamics:Hawkin is the world leader in force measuring, and continues to put forth the tools for high-performance practitioners to be exactly that, high performers. If you haven't yet checked out Hawkins - head over to their website at: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/ and check out everything they have to offer

    Make sure to check out our sponsor, Samson Equipment: Samson is a leader in manufacturing elite weight room equipment (and have been for nearly 50 years). Founded by Dave and Linda Schroeder, Samson is weight room equipment made by coaches for coaches. Check them out at samsonequipment.com for more information

    Shoutout to our sponsor, 1080 Motion. The 1080 Sprint is the single best piece of training equipment in the world & has continually changed the game for training speed, strength, and power. Go to 1080motion.com to learn more.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m