
  • The Precarious State of the American Economy
    Mar 15 2025

    The economy is teetering on the edge, and the Federal Reserve’s reckless policies have only made things worse. In this episode, Mark Thornton joins Scott Horton to break down the boom-bust cycle, why inflation isn’t going away anytime soon, and how the Fed’s interventions set us up for even bigger economic disasters. Are we headed for a deep recession, or is something even worse on the horizon? Mark explains the hard truths about interest rates, government debt, and why the next crisis may be the biggest yet.

    Catch The Scott Horton Show at https://ScottHorton.org

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues

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  • Extractive Psychology
    Mar 8 2025

    In this episode, Mark explores the psychology and economics of extractive industries, from mining to energy production. Despite their crucial role in advancing civilization—providing everything from metals to fuel—these industries are now vilified, especially by younger generations influenced by environmentalist ideology. But what are the real economic consequences of restricting resource development? How does political interference in mining and energy affect future supply, prices, and investment opportunities? Tune in as Mark breaks down the myths, the propaganda, and the financial reality behind one of the most misunderstood sectors of the economy.

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues

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  • Is Amazon a Union-Busting Leviathan?
    Mar 1 2025

    On this episode of Minor Issues, Mark Thornton examines the relentless attacks on Amazon, from labor disputes to environmental concerns. Is Amazon truly exploiting workers, or is the unionization push just a case of economic envy? Mark dissects the claims, debunks myths about wages and working conditions, and explores the economic realities behind one of the world’s biggest employers. Tune in for a straightforward breakdown of Amazon’s labor battles and the broader implications for business and workers alike.

    "Your Kids Are Already Communists, and College Will Make It Worse" (Minor Issues Podcast): Mises.org/MI_89

    "Criticism of Amazon" (Wikpedia): Mises.org/MI_109_A

    Murray Rothbard's 99th birthday is March 2. The Mises Institute is celebrating with its "Murray99" campaign. Everyone who donates $26 or more using the Mises.org/Murray99 link will receive a copy of Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure and Nations by Consent. The first 26 donors will also receive a Rothbard lapel pin. All donations will fund student scholarships.

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues

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  • The Human Trend
    Feb 22 2025

    There are many important twists and turns in human history, but from the long perspective, the history of humans can be seen as a very positive upward sloping trend in all the important standard of living markers. Why don't Austrian economists talk about trends?

    "The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs" (Minor Issues Podcast): Mises.org/MI_78

    "Ludwig von Mises on Trade, Human Development, and Human Progress" by Mark Thornton: Mises.org/MI_78_A

    "Population" (Unanimity Podcast): Mises.org/U3

    Enter the raffle to win a ticket to the Mises Institute's April 26 event in Phoenix at Mises.org/phoenixraffle25. The deadline to enter is April 1. Winners will be announced the week of April 7. To learn more about "Our Enemy, The Bureaucracy," visit Mises.org/phoenix25

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues

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  • Tariff Increases vs. Tax Cuts
    Feb 15 2025

    Can tariff increases make up for the future revenue losses from extending the income tax reductions from President Trump’s first term? This latest political hot potato is a false scenario and a dangerous one. It puts our standard of living at a critical crossroads. Mark Thornton identifies the missing road signs.

    See also "Why Smart People Are Rightly Confused About Tariffs" (Unanimity Podcast): Mises.org/U4

    Enter the raffle to win a ticket to the Mises Institute's April 26 event in Phoenix at Mises.org/phoenixraffle25. The deadline to enter is April 1. Winners will be announced the week of April 7. To learn more about "Our Enemy, The Bureaucracy," visit Mises.org/phoenix25

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

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  • Closing Signs
    Feb 8 2025

    It was not long ago that signs for “Help Wanted” seemed to be in every store window. However, they are now being replaced with “Store Closing” signs. This switcheroo tells us volumes about how people in the economy are adjusting to the Fed’s money printing business.

    See also, "Profit and Loss" by Ludwig von Mises: https://mises.org/library/book/profit-and-loss

    Enter the raffle to win a ticket to the April 26 Mises Institute event in Phoenix at Mises.org/phoenixraffle25. The deadline to enter is April 1. Winners will be announced the week of April 7. To learn more about "Our Enemy, The Bureaucracy," visit Mises.org/phoenix25

    Order a free paperback copy of Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money? at Mises.org/IssuesFree

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

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  • American Satisfaction
    Feb 1 2025

    According to a recent Gallup poll, “Americans are far more satisfied with the way things are going in their own life than with the US in general.” Opinion polls and the latest electoral results, however, are at odds with the facts as presented by mainstream media, government statistical offices, and even the stock market. What is going on?

    Register to attend Educating for Liberty: Mises Circle in Tampa, February 22, 2025, at Mises.org/Tampa25. Use promo code Minor25 for 10% off the ticket price.

    Order a free paperback copy of Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money? at Mises.org/IssuesFree

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

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  • Modern Piggy Banks
    Jan 25 2025

    Pundits have labeled piggy banks small change, irrational and wasteful, “just sitting around doing nothing.” As usual, they are wrong.

    Register to attend Educating for Liberty: Mises Circle in Tampa, February 22, 2025, at Mises.org/Tampa25. Use promo code Minor25 for 10% off the ticket price.

    Enter the 2025 Bitcoin vs. Gold Prediction Contest at https://mises.org/form/bitcoin-gold--2025-entry

    Order a free paperback copy of Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money? at Mises.org/IssuesFree

    Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues.

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