
  • 69 – Sojourners and Exiles | Filmmaker Reed Smith
    Mar 2 2025
    Followers of Yeshua are called to take up their cross—to become martyrs. This mandate inspired one filmmaker, Reed Smith, to explore the lives of those disciples who are risking everything to follow Yeshua. In the process, he found that the gospel message was inextricably tied to the exile and redemption of Israel. In this episode, filmmaker Reed Smith discusses the themes of his new film, Sojourners and Exiles, which explores the cost of discipleship for modern-day disciples of Yeshua. – Episode Takeaways – • The Call to Martyrdom and Discipleship – Followers of Yeshua are called to take up their cross, a theme that inspired filmmaker Reed Smith to explore modern discipleship and persecution. • The Gospel’s Connection to Israel – Smith discovered that the message of the gospel is deeply tied to the exile and redemption of Israel, emphasizing that God's plan is Israel-centric. • "Sojourners and Exiles" Film – The documentary explores the cost of discipleship, focusing on real-life martyrs and their sacrifices for faith. • Western Christianity Lacks a Theology of Martyrdom – The podcast discusses how many Western Christians have not seriously considered martyrdom, while believers in other parts of the world face real persecution. • The Film's Unexpected Shift – While initially about martyrdom, the film evolves into a broader message about the Gospel of the Kingdom, the role of Israel, and the Jewish Messiah’s return. • A Palestinian Jordanian’s Journey – The film features a Palestinian Jordanian Christian who, despite cultural and religious opposition, embraces an Israel-centric gospel, demonstrating deep personal sacrifice. • Persecution for Supporting Israel – The discussion highlights how supporting Israel is becoming increasingly controversial, even within Christian circles, leading to potential persecution in the West. • The True Meaning of Matthew 25 – The film presents a compelling interpretation that Jesus' "least of these my brethren" in Matthew 25 refers to the Jewish people, challenging traditional Christian views. • Torah Club’s Role in Spiritual Growth – Smith shares how joining a Torah Club has deepened his understanding of the Jewish context of Scripture, reinforcing the need to see Jesus within His Jewish identity. – Episode Resources – Sojourners and Exiles Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqSp8VmjHV0 Sojourners and Exiles Film: https://49tenfilms.vhx.tv/ I See Nations Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvgNZir8ns8 I See Nations Film: https://youtu.be/mDun8p4u9LM?si Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • 68 – The Telepathy Tapes and Jewish Spirituality
    Feb 18 2025

    The Telepathy Tapes has become one of the most popular podcasts in the world. Severely autistic non-verbal children and adults have apparently always been able to read minds, and they’re receiving revelations from God that validate a Messianic Jewish perspective. Our guests today, First Fruits of Zion’s Director of Education, D. Thomas Lancaster, and Jeremiah Michael from the Bram Center for Messianic Jewish Learning, are here to untangle the spiritual implications of this phenomenon—is it real? And if so, what is our proper response to it?

    – Takeaways –

    • Experts have historically dismissed telepathy, but new evidence has emerged that non-verbal autistic individuals have unique connections to a spiritual realm where such abilities may in fact exist.
    • The nature of reality is complex, with spiritual dimensions influencing our perceptions. This exploration into the experience of non-verbal autistic children is a glimpse behind the veil of the material world into the world of souls. This vision validates the standard belief in Judaism of the pre-existence of the soul. This world of souls is where consciousness operates on a spiritual level beyond material understanding.
    • What these children have told us aligns with biblical stories and teachings within Judaism and the message they bring to the world emphasizes love and repentance.
    • Non-verbal autistic children have a profound spiritual mission.
    • The human ego often gets in the way of accessing the spiritual world. Severely autistic children seem to have acquired their gifts by virtue of their inherent lack of ego. This causes us to question, can anyone gain high spiritual giftings by putting themselves through a rigorous exercise to nullify the ego?
    • Regardless of what we are told regarding the spiritual world, the Scriptures must remain our guardrail to determine ultimate truth so that a person does not fall into the occult.
    • Necromancy is forbidden, but messages from the deceased can occur.
    • Jewish tradition around the soul’s journey to God during sleep has been validated.
    • How can we best understand the fact that non-speaking autistic Jewish kids have not had experiences of meeting Jesus in their spiritual encounters?
    • There is a spiritual interconnectedness between the Jewish people.
    • Glimpsing into the world of thought elicits a profound sense of the fear of man but more importantly it ought to also lead us to a fear of God.
    • The primary takeaway is that God and the spiritual realm are actually real. The Messiah is coming and calling humanity to repentance. Since we are more than physical bodies, we should feel inspired to BE more and to LIVE for more than physical existence but to aim for things higher and more noble.

    ✡️ Who is Messiah Podcast? ✝️

    Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. FFOZ is dedicated to reconciling disciples with God's prophetic promises to Israel. Messiah Magazine is a FREE publication designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

    Messiah Podcast is made possible by the support of our FFOZ Friends.

    Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music. “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 50 m
  • 67 – Autism, Telepathy, and Faith | Katie Asher
    Feb 4 2025
    For almost two decades, the doctors told her that her son was a lost cause—he would never speak, would never understand, would never function in society. Then, a miracle happened. Our guest today is Katie Asher from The Telepathy Tapes podcast, and her son Houston can read her thoughts. But that’s just the beginning of the story. She’s here today to tell us about Houston’s spiritual journey and what he has taught her about the God of Israel and the Jewish Messiah. – Takeaways – • Katie Asher's journey began with her son Houston's diagnosis of Autism Savant. • The Telepathy Tapes podcast emerged from a documentary project. • Facilitated communication and spelling helps non-speakers express themselves. • The emotional toll of raising a child with autism. • Katie's determination to understand her son led to profound discoveries. • The revelation of Houston's ability to hear thoughts changed everything. • Katie realized the power of thoughts and their impact on reality. • There is a scriptural framework for understanding Houston's abilities. • God works all things together for good, even pain and suffering. • Negative thoughts impact a person’s body and spiritual connection to God. • Faith is about believing God and his promises, not just believing in him. • Prayers are forces that assist the spiritual to bring about God’s will in the world. • Children have a unique connection to the spiritual realm that defies time and space. • A soul agrees to the path and mission that God gives to it before birth. • Truth exists beyond materialistic perceptions. • Jesus is the Lamb of God and the Messiah. • God’s covenant with Israel and love for her is significant and everlasting. • God loves the Jewish people and has extended salvation to the Jew first. • The nature of God's justice is rooted in love and compassion and is greater than our human perceptions. • We are not a body. We are a soul with a body. • Our great challenge and calling is to prioritize love over materialism and ego. – Resources – The Book of Heaven: A Story of Hope for the Outcasts, the Broken, and Those Who Lost Faith https://www.amazon.com/Book-Heaven-Story-Outcasts-Broken/dp/1737898608 The Telepathy Tapes Podcast https://thetelepathytapes.com Katie Asher’s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/katie.asher11 Article: I Can Hear Thoughts https://ffoz.org/messiah/articles/i-can-hear-thoughts The Beginning of Wisdom Bible Commentary: https://ffoz.store/products/torah-club-beginning-of-wisdom-commentary-set-audiobook Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    1 h y 48 m
  • 66 – Reaching Muslims with the Gospel of the Kingdom | Devon Phillips
    Jan 21 2025
    The Middle East is in turmoil and anti-Muslim sentiment in the West has rarely been higher. Many are preparing for an apocalyptic battle in which Muslims are the enemy. Nevertheless, a chosen few have crossed oceans and borders to undertake missionary work in Muslim communities. Our guest today, Devon Phillips, spent years with Frontier Alliance International in Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Israel. She’s here today to help us sort out what’s happening in the Middle East and how we can reach Muslims with the gospel of the kingdom. – Takeaways – • Taking the gospel to Islamic war zones. • The surprising advantages of a woman in missions to Muslim countries. • What is the status of missions to Muslims? • Eschatology is of equal matter of import to both Muslims and Christians. • Overcoming hate to reach out in genuine love. • The challenge of a gospel of the Kingdom that exalts the “enemy”. • A personal journey to discover the Messianic Gospel of the kingdom. • An insider’s perspective on current events in Syria. • News Reports: Are you being informed or convinced? • Is Turkey interested in restoring the Ottoman Empire? • A new life work to learn original languages at Tyndale House in Cambridge. – Resources – Devon Phillips on X https://x.com/devoninMENA Oleaster Blog / Resource Library https://www.oleaster.org/ Frontier Alliance International https://faimission.org Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    52 m
  • 65 – Battling Nazi Demons | Pastor Werner Oder
    Jan 7 2025
    The Nazis lost World War II. But their legacy of anti-Semitism lives on, powered by demonic forces that have infiltrated even the church. So says Pastor Werner Oder, whose father was an SS officer, but whose life was completely transformed through Yeshua the Messiah. Pastor Oder is here to tell his story, talk about the rising tide of Jew hatred, and what we can do to stand for Israel. – Takeaways – • History needs to be understood as “His story”. • Born to a Nazi SS officer comes with lots of baggage to overcome. • Demonic forces were behind the anti-Semitism of the Nazis in Europe. • The sins of the fathers are spiritually transmitted generationally. • Spiritual transformation requires time and effort, not instant results. • Jesus is Jewish, and healing anti-Semitism requires a return to the Jewish roots of Christianity. • The Nazis exploited anti-Semitic writings of Christians like Martin Luther. • People can be convinced that evil actions are the will of God. • Many Nazi war criminals were never held accountable for their actions. Their hatred spread throughout the Western world and is the root behind modern-day anti-Semitism. • True repentance leads to full forgiveness and a clean record. • A Christian pro-Israel movement is being challenged by a wave of historical revisionists and pseudo-Nazi sympathizers. • We need to walk with courage and not in fear and confront evil where we find it. • Peace is not the absence of war, but the presence of the Prince of Peace. • God is assisting Israel since October 7 to become the head rather than the tail. • A rabbi in Israel claims the answer to Gaza is Christian evangelism. – Resources – Book: Battling with Nazi Demons, by Werner Oder https://www.amazon.com/Battling-Nazi-Demons-Astonishing-Austrian/dp/1907509216 Tuckton Christian Centre https://tucktonchristiancentre.co.uk/pastor-werner-oder/ Documentary: Escape from Nazi Demons https://vimeo.com/firstfruitsofzion/review/227353033/f06f78bc04 Article: Battling with Nazi Demons https://ffoz.org/messiah/articles/battling-with-nazi-demons Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    53 m
  • 64 – Apocalyptic Accountability | Marc Tuzzolino
    Dec 24 2024
    The evangelical church is in the midst of a scandal epidemic. But the deeper issue is a misunderstanding of the gospel. Without repentance, the gospel loses its power, and so-called Christians persist in willful sin. Our guest today, Marc Tuzzolino, is on a mission to restore a first-century Jewish apocalyptic understanding of the gospel in the context of an accountability group for men who want to live transparent lives characterized by real repentance. – Episode Highlights – 00:00 A discipleship and accountability group. 5:36 Inspiration behind the group's founding. 7:45 Adam Loves Eve book resource. 14:22 The core gospel elements missing from modern Christian culture. 20:20 In light of the final judgment. 28:51 Proactive love overcomes objectification. 36:56 Torah Club’s impact. 39:32 Community support is vital. 46:36 Success in transformed lives. – Episode Resources – Apocalyptic Accountability Group https://apocalypticaccountability.org/ Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    52 m
  • 63 – Exposing Scandal, Standing for Zion | Joel Richardson
    Dec 10 2024
    Within a year of the October 7 terror attacks, three outspokenly Zionist ministries were rocked by major scandals. The International House of Prayer, Frontier Alliance International, and Gateway Church in Texas. Has this been an attack by Satan from the outside or an awakening to a systemic problem from within? Our guest today, Joel Richardson, is the chair of FAI’s board of directors, and he’s here to talk to us about integrity, accountability, and living up to the high calling of being a disciple of Yeshua the Messiah. – Episode Highlights – 00:00 An Israel-centered eschatological kingdom. 05:38 The rise of anti-Israel sentiments in the church. 10:56 Answering Joel Webbon the Neo-Nazi. 15:06 International House of Prayer scandal. 20:27 A covenant that reflects God’s faithfulness to the world. 21:30 The mission of Frontier Alliance International – Operation Good Neighbor. 27:34 The post-scandal path forward. 34:15 The need for transparency and accountability. 43:09 The influence of Art Katz’ view of the end times. 51:50 A proleptic view of the Messianic Kingdom. 55:46 Is Mount Sinai in Arabia? – Episode Resources – Joel’s Trumpet: joelstrumpet.com When a Jew Rules the World: https://www.amazon.com/When-Jew-Rules-World-Really/dp/B0D6KXZ4PB X: https://x.com/@Joel7Richardson Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
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    1 h y 6 m
  • 62 – Replicate: Making Disciples in the 21st Century | Pastor Dr. Robby Gallaty
    Nov 26 2024
    When Yeshua called people to discipleship, he was using a first-century Jewish model of passing down faith in and faithfulness to the God of Israel from generation to generation. But for decades, the American Evangelical church has focused almost exclusively on evangelism. Our guest today, Dr. Robby Gallaty, is here to talk about how discipling people the way Yeshua did is the key to reaching the next generation for the kingdom of God. – Episode Highlights – 00:00 Pastor Gallaty’s rocky road to redemption. 10:25 How discipleship happens in a megachurch. 21:02 Disciple Making: Evangelism and Discipleship 26:58 The encounters of the Bible are inspired. 34:25 Key to Motivation: Framing the Why 43:35 The best way to better understand the Gospels. 45:36 The Book of Revelation: A Discipleship Manual 52:54 Gym stats. – Episode Resources – X: https://x.com/Rgallaty Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Rgallaty/ Long Hollow Church: https://longhollow.com/ Forgotten Jesus Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-forgotten-jesus-podcast/id1662689332 Replicate: https://replicate.org Rediscovering Discipleship: Making Jesus’ Final Words Our First Work: https://www.amazon.com/Rediscovering-Discipleship-Making-Jesus-Final-ebook/dp/B00UF7W44S Chronicles of the Messiah: https://ffoz.store/products/chronicles-of-the-messiah-commentary-set-audio-magazine Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion (https://ffoz.org) in conjunction with Messiah Magazine. This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music (http://JoshuaAaron.tv). “Cover the Sea” Copyright WorshipinIsrael.com songs 2020. All rights reserved.
    Más Menos
    56 m