
  • Ep. 781 - Sad stories: encounters with Medicare Advantage that didn't go well!
    Mar 17 2025

    Medicare Advantage prior authorization rates keep on climbing!

    In "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" we read about how Medicare might cover Cosmetic Surery

    Finally, Bill's wife Susan has hatched a plan to enroll in an MA plan while she is healthy and switch to Medicare + a supplement if she gets sick.

    Why would it work? They live in New York with no health questions asked of applicants for a supplement plan.

    Why might it fail? There are only certain times of the year during which one can disenroll from an MA plan and those are the only times one can make the switch to original Medicare and then purchase a supplement.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    38 m
  • Ep.+780 - Medicare Q & A asked on behalf of a youth minister.
    Mar 14 2025

    In the Medicare Advantage Minute, we learn that the Dept. of Justice is investigating United Healthcare billing practices. Billions of dollars of fraudulent government payments suspected for questionable diagnoses.

    In the "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" segment we learn how Medicare covers CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) and CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines.

    Finally, Bill asks a series of questions about Medicare for the benefit of his friend Cathy who may need to leave her job and make the switch very soon.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A++) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    33 m
  • Ep. 779 - Greatest gift to Medicare supplements: state birthday rules!
    Mar 12 2025

    Medicare Advantage Minute, content provided by Diane Omdahl:

    MA plans typically have two caps on out-of-pocket, unreimbursed costs; one on the drug benefits and one on the medical expenses.

    Your Medicare Benefits 2024:

    How does Medicare cover Concierge Care? Not at all.

    How does Medicare cover Continuous Glucose Monitors? Very likely if your doctor asserts that you meet the criteria for eligibility.

    Some purchasers of Medicare supplement plans are risk averse and afraid of the very limited cost sharing imposed by the low priced High Deductible "High Value" Plan G. State birthday rules to the rescue!

    More and more states are mandating rights to change Medicare supplement plans under certain circumstances without having to show evidence of good health.

    This removes much of the perceived risk of this best of all Medicare choices.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    32 m
  • Ep. 778 - Delayed & denied care: Medicare Advantage plan complaints!
    Mar 10 2025

    Backlash in the wake of the murder of Brian Thompson brings out complaints from dissatisfied patients of MA plans.

    In the "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" segment, Medicare will apparently cover Social Determinants of Health Risk Assessments.

    We address an article stating that the health industry is bracing for the arrival of RFK Jr.

    Finally, we have a complaint about Too Much Medicare Marketing.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    34 m
  • Ep. 777 -Evil IRS attacks Mark, but he crushes them! The weapon? Form SSA-44!
    Mar 7 2025

    The shocking headline in our Medicare Advantage minute: Problems with MA plans keep mounting! Denial of service and slow care approvals seem to be used as methods of profit maximization.

    The "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" segment takes a deep dive into the specifics of how Medicare covers "commode chairs".

    Finally, when the IRS tries to extract the IRMAA success penalty from Mark, his reduced retirement income allows him to successfully employ the weapon I suggested he use against them.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    32 m
  • Ep. 776 - Need a colonoscopy? Medicare might pay for it!
    Mar 5 2025

    In the Medicare Advantage Minute, we hear again about all of the negative changes coming to MA plans in 2025.

    The "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" segment describes the requirements one must meet in order to be colonoscopized on Medicare's dime. I think there is some wiggle room there.

    New client Tim writes to say that he is convinced that High Deductible Plan G (HDG) is the best choice for him. However, he wants to know how cautious and conservative he should be when selecting his Medicare supplement insurance company.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    34 m
  • Ep.+ 775 - Dental & vision insurance? I use AI to help clients select their plans!
    Mar 3 2025

    In our Medicare Advantage Minute, we learn that ten companies are exiting MA markets in 2025.

    Do you need cognitive assessment? Some say that I do! Read all about how Medicare will pay for that plus care plan services.

    Finally, I use perplexity AI to provide information to prospects who are considering the purchase of dental & vision insurance.

    Ameritas and NCD by Metlife are the first two companies I suggest. There are many, many others to choose from!

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A++) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    34 m
  • Ep. 774 - Once banned due to shocking effects, an old drug has new uses.
    Feb 28 2025

    Part of the cautionary tale about thalidomide illustrates the fact that Medicare alone is often not enough to persuade doctors to perform non-emergency treatment.

    In the Medicare Advantage Minute, we learn that: "The Great Disruption is coming for Medicare Advantage"!

    In "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" we take a brief look at Cognitive Assessment and Care Plan Services.

    If you have failed to enroll in Part B of Medicare, the General Enrollment period can bail you out. We enumerate the three big reasons people may end up in that predicament.

    Finally, we list six common, everyday things we all grew up with that appear to be disappearing.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    35 m