
  • Chapter 7 | Broken Relationships
    Mar 14 2025

    What if, in the pursuit of success, you’re unknowingly neglecting the people who matter most? What if, instead, you prioritized everything on the basis of who will be crying at your funeral?

    Join Pat Morley this week as we unpack three powerful shifts to realign your life before it’s too late: how to schedule priorities instead of just tasks, how to say no to what drains you so you can say yes to what truly matters, and how to ensure your family or community knows you are for them.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Chapter 6 | The Secret of Job Contentment
    Feb 28 2025

    Learn the secret to real job satisfaction from Pat Morley, who built one of Florida's 100 largest privately-held companies.

    In this eye-opening message, discover what really drives job contentment and how you can find deeper fulfillment in your work—starting now. Pulling from both The Man in the Mirrorand A Man's Guide to Work, don't miss this opportunity to hit the reset button and trade striving for thriving.

    Have a friend, colleague or family member who wants a better work/life balance? Or more contentment? Forward this email and bring him! It's going to be a great day!

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Chapter 5 | Purpose: Why Do I Exist? | Man in the Mirror Book Study
    Feb 21 2025

    Do you have a clear sense of purpose? Are you moving in the right direction? Or does life sometimes feel random—or even pointless?

    Nothing fuels a man’s soul like knowing his purpose, and nothing drains him more than not knowing.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Chapter 4 | Significance: The Search for Meaning and Purpose
    Feb 14 2025

    What is a man’s greatest need in this world? Women share this need too, but for men it tends to be all-consuming—#1. Yet many men are not able to name it, much less tell you how to satisfy it. And among those who can name it, too many are trying to satisfy their greatest need apart from Jesus, including Christians. They’re unaware of or deliberately ignoring God’s principles in their quest.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Chapter 3 | Are you a Biblical Christian or a Cultural Christian? | Man in the Mirror Book Study with Pat Morley
    Feb 7 2025

    Would your family and friends say you lead a vibrant life in Christ? Or do you find yourself vacillating between the values of this world and the values of Jesus?

    A lot of men you know—maybe you—feel stuck in spiritual mediocrity. They have become cultural Christians rather than biblical Christians. And they hate it! Obviously, no one wants to be lukewarm.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Chapter 2 | Leading an Unexamined Life | Man in the Mirror Book Study
    Jan 31 2025

    We all want the same things—something to give our lives to that will make a difference, someone to share our lives with, and a belief system that makes sense of why life is so hard. Christianity and secularism both offer solutions to these problems but with dramatically different results.

    This week, join Pat Morley to explore why leading an unexamined life is so dangerous, how it happens, and what you can do about it.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Chapter 1 | The Rat Race | Man in the Mirror book study
    Jan 24 2025

    We’re excited to kick off a new series on The Man in the Mirror book. In this message, Pat Morley is tackling the “rat race”—the endless pursuit of a moving target that so many men are caught up in. For many of us, that includes the man staring back when we look in the mirror!

    But any good business plan begins with a description of the current environment, so we’ll start by identifying the five “rat traps” that ensnare men. Then we’ll take a look at another race—a better race: “the race marked out for us.”

    Finally, we’ll explore practical ways we can add spiritual calories to our diet so that we can finish the race marked out for us strong.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • How God Speaks to Men through Ambassadors
    Jan 17 2025

    Tomorrow we're wrapping up our series on how God speaks to men by exploring how He wants to speak through us.

    We'll consider how we can apply everything we've learned so far in order to become His messengers, and why that matters for millions of men—men like Pat Morley, who became a follower of Jesus because a few men simply invited him to tag along and watch how they lived.

    Join us in the morning to delve into what made that so irresistible, and what it might look like for you to practically live each day as an ambassador through whom God can speak. It’s going to be a great day!

    Más Menos
    38 m