
  • Post-Racialism, The Fight for Freedom
    Jun 16 2020

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    We discuss the ages old existential urge toward personal and political freedom and we apply a wide historical perspective as we examine the current affairs of the 24 hour news cycle.

    Support Us At Zelle: OSK.THESECT@GMAIL.COM

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    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Hegelian Dialectic, Liberty of Conscience
    Jun 19 2020

    We further investigate the sophistry and philosophical instruments utilized in order to control national societies or else obliterate them in the destruction of directed civil strife and anarchy so the established system of authority is entirely overthrown as we shall see in the provoked domestic conflagration of the Reign of Terror in 1790s France. Our research is establishing the careful stratagem of revolutionary political instigation and provocations set in motion by Illuminati forces as they empower the Jacobins in France and encourage the savage slave-revolt in Haiti and ultimately we build the case that Hegelian Statism is merely the Vatican empowered imperialism of the dark ages repackaged as rationalism, globalism and environmentalism.

    We respect and value your Feedback:

    Support Us At Zelle: OSK.THESECT@GMAIL.COM

    Support Us At Cash App: $Lookingglassforum

    Support Us At: GiveSendGo - Supporting Looking Glass Forum: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Political Subversion, Revolution of Mankind
    Jun 25 2020

    In Ep. 3 we get in closer to view the dynamics of world revolution seized on by the Bavarian Illuminati which anticipated the gradual emancipation of slaves and urged wide spread chaos and revolt in order to effectively transform emancipation into a universal catastrophe. The issues of racial equality and social unrest become tools for destruction in the hands of the European elite who have will use the Illuminati Club as their change agent. The period of American independence and Jesuit suppression proves to be the precise moment for the historic Illuminati power structure to emerge.

    We respect and value your Feedback:

    Support Us At Zelle: OSK.THESECT@GMAIL.COM

    Support Us At Cash App: $Lookingglassforum

    Support Us At: GiveSendGo - Supporting Looking Glass Forum: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Systems of Religio-cultic enslavement, Illuminati Communism
    Jun 28 2020

    We go into greater definition fleshing out the threads of subversion and political machinations which have long been obfuscated and in some cases historically suppressed. Through campaigns of asymmetric agitation and societal destabilization the forces of the Illuminati have sought to collapse the Protestant Reformation and the era of universal human Enlightenment in on itself and thereby roll back the advance of human liberation and freedom of conscience. European aristocracy have transformed into the global elite power structure and have worked relentlessly to ensure that the destruction of the free world will be ubiquitous and the cause of American liberty and political independence will be irretrievably lost on the ash heap of history. Both the Roman papacy and the Islamic caliphate would spend many centuries enslaving humanity and keeping the whole human population of earth in systemic abject intellectual and moral poverty.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Order of Skull & Bones, Occult Power-Structure
    Jul 5 2020

    In this episode we begin to expose the confluence of European money interests with the elite family dynasties uniquely groomed to aggregate geo-political power and political hegemony within the U.S Federal government. Therefore we proceed with a insightful look into the development of influence networks and secret societies which are subtlety designed to usurp American political, economic and military might, subverting American foreign policy. Through the war of subterfuge and clandestine exploits the old world power structure of European aristocracy and Illuminati dynastic elites have entirely removed the governance of the U.S. political apparatus from the people and consolidated the power of the state into the hands of their own carefully selected agents within the Order.

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Hessian Mercenaries, Jesuit Counter-Reformation
    Jul 13 2020

    In this episode we investigate the cold calculation of the 'Holy Alliance' at the secret council of Vienna 1815, as it tries to destroy popular republican governments and attempts to incite massive internecine revolts in order to topple democratic self-governance. Constitutional liberties are trampled by Hessian murder squads, and we research the Rothschild connections to the Court of Hesse.

    Covid19 is manifestly a neo-Marxist and globalist power play utilizing the geopolitical machinery of the United Nations and World Health Organization to create CDC and NIH guidelines working in combination with the leftist phalanx situated as state governors, Attorney Generals offices and the street radicals from college campuses who animate the terrorism of antifa and BLM seeking to overthrow American democracy.


    1846 Depravity of Redcoats and Hessians, George Washington and Written Out of History Author

    Más Menos
    1 h y 21 m
  • The Racialist dialectical meltdown, Vatican Empire [special-guest Interview w/ Eric Jon Phelps]
    Jul 15 2020

    Here at the Looking-glass Forum we are looking closely at the emerging societal confrontation within American body politic. In ep.7 we examine the historical roots of the casuistical racial/class polarization of the ethnic European populations around the world which will continue to foster violence and social instability. Our eye opening interview with Eric Jon Phelps helps to crystallize the serious and deadly political forces which wage war against American popular self-rule with innumerable ideological weapons. We Americans must remember our Revolution and stand firm against all forms of tyrannical machinations designed to destroy us and our Protestant republic.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Protestant religious liberty, Roman religious persecution
    Jul 21 2020

    This episode delineates the ideological constructs of superposed racial demagoguery cynically designed to ignite racial animosity as a philosophical weapon against the social tranquility of the American Civil society. These bald faced attempts to incite civil strife have failed but reveal the primacy of American Constitutional freedom and its limits. We also begin to research the background history of Roman imperial religious autocracy and the long centuries of historical religions persecution and institutional murder by the Roman religion against all "heretics".

    Más Menos
    59 m