
  • "A Matter of Faith" with Charles Payne
    Mar 11 2025
    Your faith and your finances don't have to live in two separate worlds. In fact, counter to popular opinion, the Bible has some very positive things to say about the accumulation of wealth. But it also, of course, has some negative things to say as well. One of the most misquoted verses in the Bible is 1 Timothy 6:10. It's quoted as "Money is the root of all evil." But that's not actually what the verse says. It actually says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil." What's the difference? Well, having money is not a bad thing, it's when money has you. It's when money becomes your fundamental trust instead of the God who allowed you to prosper. Fox Business anchor Charles Payne joins this special edition of Lighthouse Faith podcast to discuss a special episode of his show "Making Money" this week. It's called "A Matter of Faith," about how more and more people are using their faith to guide their portfolios. Catch the special Tuesday, March 11th at 2pm ET on FBN! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    22 m
  • 'Cardinalium Collegii Report", The College of Cardinals Report, Website Shows Who May Be the Next Pope?
    Mar 9 2025
    While Pope Francis appears to be slowly recovering from severe bronchitis and double pneumonia, talk is turning to the inevitable... Who will be the next Bishop of Rome to emerge from the next Conclave? It will be one of the 252 members of the College of Cardinals, the Catholic Church's bishops whose most important task is to elect the next Pope. But one of the challenges for the Cardinals? They don't know each other very well. Normally they would have an opportunity to encounter each other and learn more about each other at a Consistory, a Cardinal meeting in Rome usually held when new Cardinals are created. But Pope Francis hasn't called for a Consistory in more than ten years. So veteran Vatican journalist Diane Montagna is part of a group that created a website called 'Cardinalium Collegii Report', aka, The College of Cardinals Report. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, Montagna talks about the website, why it was created, who are the Cardinals, what they believe, and most importantly who are the most papabile, able to be Pope. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Austen Ivereigh, Papal Historian and Biographer: Francis Knows, "Papacy is for Life"
    Mar 2 2025
    Pope Francis has been in the hospital for the longest stay of his papacy. More than two weeks as of February 28. And while the latest updates out of the Vatican continually report a slow steady improvement from his severe bronchitis and double pneumonia, it hasn't stopped the Vaticanista rumor mill from speculating on his possible resignation. But papal historian, author and biographer Austen Ivereigh dispels the rumors saying that despite the secret letter of resignation he wrote at the beginning of his election as the Bishop of Rome, Francis believes the papacy is for life. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, recorded in Rome in Vatican City, Ivereigh talks about hopes for the pope's healing, his work ethic, and how this simple and humble man from Argentina has molded the Roman Catholic Church in ways so different from his predecessors. Ivereigh is the author of "Pope Francis: The Great Reformer," "Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope, "and also "Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and the Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Rosary in a Year: The Spiritual Hunger Fueling Its Popularity
    Feb 23 2025
    Who knew that the most popular podcast streaming today has nothing to do with politics, gossip, or getting ahead in life? In fact, it's the exact opposite of all those worldly and material aspirations. It's "The Rosary in a Year." It's a ten-to-fifteen-minute devotion hosted by a Franciscan monk, to help people to draw closer to Jesus Christ. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, RIAY host Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, of the Fransiscan Friars of the Renewal, talks about the spiritual hunger in the world that's making more and more people turn away from the unsatisfying pursuits of worldly wealth, and draw closer to the God who made them. Fr. Mark-Mary's calming, yet strong voice, helps listeners open their eyes, ears and hearts to the power that's in the name of Jesus, His mother Mary, and the Holy Spirit. Take that Joe Rogan! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Metropolitan Yevstratiy of Ukraine's Orthodox Church: Russian Orthodox Church Extension of Kremlin, It's "Holy War" Against the West
    Feb 16 2025
    Metropolitan Yevstratiy, the Deputy Head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine's External Church Relations, accuses the Russian Orthodox Church of being nothing more than an arm of the Kremlin, doing the bidding of President Vladimir Putin, the proverbial 'wolf in sheep's clothing'. In this case, religious vestments, and telling Russian soldiers fighting against Ukraine that if they die in battle, they will immediately go to paradise, all sins forgiven. In 2019, Ukraine's Orthodox Church was granted independence from the Russian Orthodox Church. It caused an uproar in Moscow. Kirill and Putin refused to recognize the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Constantinople (modern day Istanbul, Turkey) that authorized Ukraine's identity as an Autocephalous Church. That Russia is engaged in a Holy War is not in question. But it's Patriarch Kirill in Moscow, says Yevstratiy, that claims the Russian aggression against Ukraine is for the "Liberation of Ukrainians from Godless West... From the evil." And to, "bring to Ukraine the light and truth." On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, Metropolitan Yevstratiy also reveals a scarier version of the war in Ukraine; that Putin and Kirill want to make Moscow the third and final Rome, labeling the rest of Christianity, Catholics and Protestants alike as heretics and pagans. As President Trump and Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth look for diplomatic solutions to the war's end, Yevstratiy and His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphany, the leader of the OCU, are faithful that God Himself will bring an end to the battle. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Film About Coptic Christians Murdered by Islamic Radicals Shows Incredible Faith in the Face of Evil
    Feb 9 2025
    It's a heart-wrenching film that recounts the beheadings ten years ago this week of 21 Coptic Christians at the hands of ISIS, Islamic radicals. And yet, the film also tells the poignant story of the incredible faith these martyrs had, diligent to the end, never once denying their Savior, even unto death. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, producer Mandi Hart, talks about the making of "The 21" and the transformative power of learning about what these men endured for their faith. They were laborers from Egypt, working in Libia, when ISIS members kidnapped them and demanded they denounce their faith in Jesus Christ, the only condition to secure their freedom. The men refused. For a month and half the men were tortured and abused. Then they were put in orange jumpsuits and paraded to a sandy hill where masked, knife-wielding radicals lined them up and beheaded them. All of it was filmed by ISIS for the purpose of propaganda and power. But there were other supernatural forces also at work on that sandy hill, and those forces struck fear in the hearts of many of the radicals. The 21, although only 13 minutes in length, makes a power statement as it is animated using the imagery and style of Orthodox Christian iconography, intercut with the actual film ISIS shot. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Fr. Frank Pavone: The Reality and Horror of Chemical Abortions and the Future of Pro-Life Movement
    Feb 2 2025
    Now that Roe v. Wade is securely in the rear-view window, the pro-life movement has entered a new phase... and yes, a new battleground. The annual March For Life, now in its 52nd year, just wrapped up in Washington, D.C., and while it's clear pro-lifers are celebrating major victories with many states outlawing abortion altogether, it's also apparent there are new battles arising as some states expanded abortion access and others grapple with what their access should be. In the year after the Supreme Court overturned Roe, abortions actually increased. Fr. Frank Pavone says it's because chemical abortions have become a growing "choice" among those who want to end a pregnancy. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, Pavone, founder and CEO of Priests For Life, talks about where the pro-life movement is headed under President Donald Trump and how it's not only important to change laws, but also hearts, in the fight for the sanctity of life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Dr. Alex McFarland on President Trump vs. Bishop Budde and a Christian Response
    Jan 26 2025
    The National Cathedral's Prayer service the day after President Donald Trump's inauguration has stirred up a controversy that's been brewing in Christianity for decades, if not more. It's the divisiveness over how the Body of Christ should respond to the LGBTQ community. Forget how the Right Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Washington D.C., chose to use her pulpit to scold the newly re-minted President of the United States; that's actually a side bar to the real concern. The underlying dispute is Mainline Protestantism's schism over gender and sexuality. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, culture expert and theologian Dr. Alex McFarland, a frequent podcast guest, uncovers the long-simmering discord in Christianity that simply can't be ignored any longer. Much of what Dr. McFarland says may be unsettling to many people, if not downright offensive. But he says, if The Bible is indeed God's Word, and faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, then he is called to speak the truth in love. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Más Menos
    48 m