
  • Life Uncovered Podcast | “God has me in his hands.” (Yvette Park)
    Feb 27 2025

    In this episode, Yvette shares her journey of faith in Jesus. Along the way, She discusses her difficulties growing up in a home where alcoholism and abuse was present, how God used this experience later in her life to help those find freedom from addiction and experiencing what it is like belonging to God, being kept in the palm of God’s hands amidst her illness with meningitis.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Life Uncovered | Retired firefighter shares his hope in Jesus (Simon Hewitt)
    Jan 22 2025

    In this episode, a retired firefighter shares his journey of faith in Jesus. Along the way, He discusses some of his experiences in the fire service and his battle with a very rare terminal cancer, reminding us that life is futile and there is hope to be found in the good news of Jesus! listen into this profound testimony of the Christian faith

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Life Uncovered | Beauty from hardships (Beckii Hall)
    Dec 18 2024

    Beauty from hardships! Beckii shares how God was with her in her moment of hardship, going through relentless bullying, growing up as a teenager and how He has created something beautiful out of it for her life. Beckii's story is real life evidence of what is promised for Christians in the bible; "in all things God works for the good of those who love him". Listen in to see that even-though going through this experience was difficult, Beckii knew God's presence and love in her life.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Life Uncovered | Finding self-worth in Jesus (Pip Scott)
    Nov 26 2024

    Finding self-worth in Jesus! Pip uncovers how encountering Jesus helped him overcome his struggle with a lack of self image and struggles with his mental health and depression. In this episode, Pip reveals how knowing Jesus has given him self-worth that will never change regardless of life’s situations. Listen in as he shares how Jesus has impacted and changed his life!

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Life Uncovered Podcast | Ex gang member changed by unconditional love
    Oct 23 2024

    In this episode, an ex-gang member shares how he put his faith in Jesus. His difficult start to life as a young lad led him to join a gang where he found a sense of belonging, until a tragic event occurred that saw his mate become a victim of knife crime which led him to consider what this life is all about? Watch and listen to him tell us encountering unconditional love led to his life being turned around for the better.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Life Uncovered | Christianity is not about being "religious"! (Pete Collison)
    Dec 14 2023

    Isn't Christianity all about being religious? Trying your hardest to be the best person you can be? Isn't it just full of hypocrisy? Join me in uncovering the truth on what the Christian faith is all about through the life of Pete Collison. A man whose pre-conceptions of the Christian faith were transformed once he met Jesus through reading the bible.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Life Uncovered | Finding peace in tragedy (Katie Brown)
    Nov 2 2023

    In this podcast, Katie Brown uncovers how she found a peace in Jesus that made no sense in the in the midst of immense tragedy. Listen in as she reveals all about her experience dealing with abuse, trauma and depression in her relationship with God.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Life Uncovered | Reality (Alistair Park Part 2)
    Oct 7 2023

    REALITY! In this podcast, Alistair Park talks of how God opened his eyes to see the reality of addiction and seeing the need to use his past to help others find freedom. Listen in as he reveals incredible stories of lives turned from drug addiction, alcoholism, homelessness and so much more.

    Más Menos
    58 m