
  • Can we still believe what we used to believe ? A sermon podcast on John 3:16
    Apr 14 2024
    A pastor at the end of his career looks back over 45 years to the time of his conversion in his mid twenties when he first heard John 3:16 With all the heartache and loss and critical skepticism that comes with age, he asks "Were we misguided and naive when we first believed? Where do we go from here ?" There may be much we need to let go of, but just because I cannot fully explain something, that doesn't mean it is not real. If a six year old child does not fully understand the doings and decisions of their rocket scientist father, can they not still know and experience their father's love for them? Wouldn't it make sense that a finite human being like me could never fully understand or explain their very real relationship with an infinite God ? For more messages and resources from Langdon Palmer, go to www.InklingsWines.com/Langdon
    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Easter Sunday Sermon - Resurrection Power in Jars of Clay - 2 Timothy 1:9-10, 2 Corinthians 4:7-15
    Mar 31 2024
    This message is from a Sunday morning worship service at Leverington Church. For additional messages and other resources go to www.Leverington.org
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • The Christ enters the City of Man - Luke 19:28-47
    Mar 24 2024
    This message is from a Sunday morning worship service at Leverington Church. For additional messages and other resources go to www.Leverington.org We would like to acknowledge Jamin Roller for a number of ideas and illustrations used in today's sermon.
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Jesus teaches us about Humility - Mark 9:33-37
    Mar 17 2024
    This message is from a Sunday morning worship service at Leverington Church. For additional messages and other resources go to www.Leverington.org We would like to acknowledge Jamin Roller for a number of ideas and illustrations used in today's sermon.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Jesus teaches us about Anxiety - Matthew 6:25-34
    Feb 18 2024
    This message is from a Sunday morning worship service at Leverington Church. For additional messages and other resources go to www.Leverington.org We want to credit Jamin Roller for a number of ideas and illustrations that occur in today's sermon.
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Jesus teaches us about forgiveness - When should I forgive ? - Matthew 18:21-35
    Feb 11 2024
    Is your life feeling stuck ? Not in terms of your career, but your state of mind ? You find yourself circling the same memories or ideas over and over again. Sometimes the thing that keeps us stuck is forgiveness. Either we are unable or unwilling to forgive someone, or we are unable or unwilling to ask forgiveness, to apologize for something we have done. Today we look at the teachings of Jesus as He gives us a reason and way to forgive that goes way beyond what is offered by our culture. CREDIT: Introductory music: "He's Gone" The Chosen: Season Two (Original Series Soundtrack) Dan Haseltine & Matthew S. Nelson 2021
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Jesus teaches us about Generosity
    Feb 4 2024
    This message deals with the big picture philosophical questions addressed in the 3 temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness. To listen to a very practical message on how to deal with temptations in your own life, go to our previous message at https://youtu.be/J51ytfNfYsU This message is from a Sunday morning worship service at Leverington Church. For additional messages and other resources go to www.Leverington.org
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Jesus teaches us about Fate - Luke 13:1-9
    Jan 28 2024
    This message deals with the big picture philosophical questions addressed in the 3 temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness. To listen to a very practical message on how to deal with temptations in your own life, go to our previous message at https://youtu.be/J51ytfNfYsU This message is from a Sunday morning worship service at Leverington Church. For additional messages and other resources go to www.Leverington.org
    Más Menos
    32 m