
    Feb 27 2025

    YOOOOO! What's up you beautiful kooks! This week the boys continue their trek in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark to look into some of the weirder aspects left out of the records of their exploration, including the enduring enigma of America's many mysterious mounds and just how little we REALLY know about their purpose or origins! We'll also be speculating upon the state of primordial America & there's even talk of terrifying "giants" and nightmarish "little deavils" (or are they malevolent spirits?), as well as an examination of old Tom Jefferson's evil bastard chess master tactics meant to destroy the Native American way of life while also robbing them blind! This one get's pretty dark but gosh darn it, we do our damnedest to occasionally make it just a tad bit more disturbing, disgusting, and busting wide open with a whole lotta chuckles! (DISCLAIMER! May not contain anything close to actual "chuckles" but more likely the USDA recommended minimal allotment of bugs and rat feces.) ENJOY!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, also ft. music found through YouTube searches which may or may not be legally problematic but if anybody want's to be a bummer & make a whole thing out of it, then please ask nicely and we'd be more than happy to rectify any mistakes made on our part




    W.W.T.W. Articles:




    If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988. We love you.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 43 m
    Feb 19 2025

    What's up folks! Hope you're all doing EGG-celent! This week the fellas are gearing up for an expedition in the footsteps of famous explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, two of the most well known and revered American explorers in all of historicity! Except this time around we'll be concentrating on all of the weirdness they left out of the history book, including such oddities as: monoliths and standing stones, mounds, the various pre-Columbian explorers who came to America before there was such a thing, and even giants, gnomes, the fountain of youth, out of place artifacts, and even "banking conspiracies" as well as the weirdness which surrounds Meriwether's mysterious death! WOOOOOO! Get ready for a most EGG-cellent adventure loyal listeners! All this plus an EGG-citing new "What's Weird This Week?" Bon Voyage!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, also featuring "Electric Pow Wow" by A Tribe Called Red

    SOURCE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01993HXW6/?bestFormat=true&k=the%20suppressed%20history%20of%20america&ref_=nb_sb_ss_w_scx-ent-pd-bk-d_de_k1_1_15&crid=2N277OOLIJ11W&sprefix=THE%20SUPRRESSED%20

    If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • COMPRACHICO FREAKSHOW OMENOLOGY (or "Monstrodamus' Mutilated Magical Mystery Meatmarket")
    Feb 10 2025

    HEYYOOOOOOOO! This BONUS episode is a quick short while we're on hiatus that covers historical, folklore, and/or magical & mystical ritual mutilation, the practice of divination via human organs or deformities, monstrous births, abominable omens, & reading the future through "teratascopy" (or the interpretation of prophecies through the reading of meat malformations and metamorphosis through mutation.) IT'S EXTRA GROSS, EXTRA WEIRD, & UTTERLY DISGUSTING! Plus a quick insight into the modern (-ish) myths of the "comprachicos" or "child buyers", high society and royal freakshows, the brujo familiars known as "imbunche", India's despicable "chelas" & the making of un- fortunate, disfigured "rat children". Is there a connection between these extreme ritualistic & criminal body mods all throughout history from different cultures? This is definitely one of the much more far out there and theoretical topics which currently plague Mike's mind. Give it a listen then be sure to tune back in next week when the fellas embark on a dark American expedition hidden from the history books!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    Ft. music from the album "New York. Addis. London." by Mulatu Astatke and "Vibes From The Tribes" by Yesterday's New Quintet








    *Google image search for "TERATOMAS" at your own risk

    If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988.

    Más Menos
    41 m
    Jan 28 2025

    This episode the boys are covering the C.I.A.'s control of Candy Jones, MKULTRA, Project: MONARCH, mind control, & Michael Jackson. Say whaaaat? There's actually quite a bit of connective tissue...BELIEVE IT...OR NOT! Also, a whole lotta drug talk! All this plus "What's Weird This Week?" where we cover YET ANOTHER incident of fast food instigated assault, some black market narcotic stock tips, and a Musky old "ratzi"! Give it a listen and get CONFROSTIGATED!

    Email Us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/kooks_cranks_iconoclasts/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554539459465

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, also featuring "Little Green Bags" (Instrumental Version) and "Enigma" by Enya or some shit




    https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/frontline-against-fentanyl *

    *"Worm" (don't ask)


    If you are struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues, please dial 988.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 59 m
    Jan 21 2025

    SWEET DREAMS EVERYBODY! This week we're talking about sleep paralysis and it's connections to alien abduction, witchcraft, and demonology (amongst other things...DIRTY things!) That's right, there's a weird as hell sexual component to this mysterious sleepy brain glitch and the fellas get IN. TO. IT! What the hell is up with sleep paralysis? Give this episode a listen and find out all about it. AND NO! We won't be talking about our dreams the whole time, we really ZAZZED this one up for ya folks! ENJOY!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554539459465

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/kooks_cranks_iconoclasts/

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, also ft. "Budos Rising" by The Budos Band







    If you are struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues, please dial 988.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 40 m
    Jan 15 2025

    W'ZUP! This episode the fellas cover the Mac Tonnies book "The Cryptoterrestrials" as well as a basic run through of just what some of the other more popular alternative theories besides the popular ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis) or the interdimensional/ ultraterrestrial theory are floating around out their, that may offer an explanation as to just what "THEY" are! All that plus a piping hot fresh serving of "What's Weird This Week?" featuring a cop as handsy as an octopus, another Laurel Canyon mystery corpse, and a veritable smorgasbord of ridiculousness ending with enigmatic KABOOMS! SHOVES IT UP IN YOOOOOO BRAINS MANG!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554539459465

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, also ft. "The Blue Wrath" by I, Monster , "Who Lives Up That Hill" by Idokay, & "Little Spanish Flea" by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass Band! THANKS AGAIN TO ALL OUR AWESOME LISTENERS!

    ALSO! Check out the Harvard paper on Mac Tonnies' very own "cryptoterrestrial theory"!



    *Dubious Nature of Hypnotic Regression for Alien Abductions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOQ2ENe7_XY

    *Masturbating Cop: https://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/florida/porn-cop-287569

    *Rothschild Impersonator?: https://nypost.com/2024/12/04/us-news/eccentric-killed-in-la-fire-was-imposter-of-rothschild-dynasty/

    *Barisal Guns: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barisal_guns

    If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 41 m
    Jan 8 2025

    Here's a weird one for ya folks! It may sound like Mike is on drugs, but trust me when I say he was soberish the whooooole time! This one covers the strange nexus between the occult and ufology. Along for the ride are a few mentions, tangents, & digressions into such related topics as Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, Typhonian occultism, sex magick, occult eugenics, & half-human hybrids! This is essentially a bonus episode comprised of all the weird little leftovers that had no place in our upcoming next episode on aliens. ALSO! Because we love ya & would like to inspire an environment in which we can trade or introduce one another to new research sources, check out the links below to download eBook pdfs on yet another tangentially related topic...the North & South Poles and Polar Mythology! XOXOXO! Jah bless!

    Opening/closing theme: "Workaday World" by Jack Beaver, also featuring "Farmers Market of The Beast" (instrumental version) by Omid/The Shapeshifters, ALSO! Check out the band called "Transyuggothian" as well as "John Falvo & The Daggers"!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com


    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/kooks_cranks_iconoclasts/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554539459465

    Evil Eye Nebula: https://www.instagram.com/nasa/p/CL2a0MnFlaa/

    Evil Eye Nebula 2: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcMFEQ3FzzQK6gaoI67SIAfYvvtcEWetEbxA&s

    Chod Ritual: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%B6d


    *At the centre of the world - polar symbolism discovered in Celtic, Norse and Other ritualized landscapes https://libgen.li/ads.php?md5=174db60c351298afbe99d487cd64a7f4 *Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival https://libgen.li/ads.php?md5=1db0bcf159a6cacd55ffe5d0f2897202

    *Polaria, the Gift of the White Stone ($2600 ON AMAZON!)


    If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
    Jan 1 2025

    Here it is folks! This one has more of the actual MKULTRA recipe for creating an acid casualty assassin! Soak it on up! Also, check out this related book report:


    Email us: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554539459465

    If you are struggling with mental health and/or sustance abuse issues, please diall 988.

    Más Menos
    55 m