
  • Lent: Fasting from things that Distract you from God
    Mar 6 2025

    Hey friends! Join me this week as we take a little break from the Weary Mama Series to talk about Lent and how we can use this season to fast from the things that are distracting us from God.

    If you are anything like me, as moms, we can get so overly busy and distracted that our daily hustle pulls us away from time with God and the closeness He desires for us to have with Him. We unpack Luke 4:1-13, the account of Jesus who after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert is then tempted by Satan. What a powerful reminder to us to be on our guard and to continue to stay in God's word as our weapon against the schemes of the devil.

    Account can be found in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13

    If you struggle with knowing the Bible is true and valid, here are some great sources I have read over the years that have helped me:

    The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

    Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

    Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace

    Obviously, there are more out there, but these are a great start.

    As you ponder this week's topic, ask yourself as you go into this Lenten season, "what is something that is distracting me from having time with God?" And then I challenge you to be intentional about trying to change that. Lent is a beautiful time to posture our hearts back to God, to remove the things that are pulling us away from Him and dive deeper into fellowship with Him.

    I love you friends and am always here praying for you and cheering you on!

    Find more show notes over at: www.morganaellis.com/podcast

    *This post includes affiliate links

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Weary Mama Series : Ch. 7 : Healing from the Past with 3 Practical Ways to Overcome "Mom Guilt"
    Feb 15 2025

    Mom Guilt is a real thing! We all feel it. But what if I told you it didn't have to be that way? What if I told you we were all struggling and none of us truly have this whole mothering thing figured out? Well, it's true! Join me, Morgan Ellis, mom and author of Rest for the Weary Mama as we talk about chapter 7 of my book, Healing from the Past. A bit of a longer episode, but hang with me until the end because it's a good one.

    Get your copy of the book here: Rest for the Weary Mama: Words of Hope and Encouragement for the Worn-Out Mom

    3 Practical Ways to Overcome Mom Guilt

    1. God's Word: Read it, meditate on it, and speak His truth over the lies.


    2 CORINTHIAN 10:5

    2. Prayer:

    There is so much power in prayer and I've definitely found in my own life and in the lives of strong women around me that the more you pray and talk with God, the more your heart will change. It is what can give you the capacity to handle all of life's interruptions and deviations from the plan.

    3. Accountability:

    I've said it before, we need each other and we are better together. Don't try to do everything on your own, invite someone else to be on the healing journey with you. Whether a peer, a mentor, or a trusted counselor who can help encourage you, challenge you, and point you back to God's truth. We all need this accountability to keep growing.

    If you are struggling with guilt, fear, or shame from anything past or present, my greatest piece of advice is to not stay stuck where you are, but to use God's word, prayer, and the people around you to work through it and heal. God doesn't want you to stay stuck where you are, to feel weighed down by the heavy burdens of life, but rather bring it all to Him and allow Him to heal your heart and bring you peace in whatever it is you are walking through.

    God loves you and so do I!! If you need anything or someone in your corner, please reach out. It is truly my honor to walk alongside you: hello@morganaellis.com

    Don't forget, if you have loved Rest fort the Weary Mama, would you be so sweet as to go leave a reviewover on Amazon? I read every one and they truly mean the world to me, especially as a new author trying to grow and expand my credibility and reach.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Weary Mama Series : Ep. 6 : Intimacy with God
    Jan 8 2025

    Happy New Year!! It is 2025 and what better way to start the new year than talking about finding intimacy with God. Join me, Morgan, as we continue in our Weary Mama Series unpacking my book, ⁠Rest for the Weary Mama: Words of Hope and Encouragement for the Worn-Out Mom

    The backbone of the book comes from Matthew 11:28-30: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

    Rest isn't always a physical experience. For the purpose of my book and this episode, the rest I am talking about here is more of a heart and soul rest.

    Ch. 6 : Intimacy with God

    Main truths:

    • God knows each of us personally, individually, and intimately.
    • Intimacy with God is vital to finding true rest as a mom. Finding intentional time to spend with God doesn't have to feel like another thing on your to-do list, but like soul-nourishing time with a best friend.
    • There is no greater investment of your time than spending time in God's word.

    "You cannot pour from an empty cup, so what is filling yours?"

    Simple ways to find and create intimacy with God, having a quiet time:

    1. Start small
    2. Be consistent
    3. Don't give up!

    Find the full list in chapter 6 of ⁠Rest for the Weary Mama

    There is no better time than right now to start reading God's word. God is waiting to spend time with you whenever you are ready.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Weary Mama Series : Ep. 5 : Finding Community
    Dec 5 2024

    Finding community and building rich relationship as mom is vital! Join me this week as we continue in our Weary Mama Series, going through and unpacking Chapter 5 of Rest for the Weary Mama. This week we are talking all about Finding Community.


    Joyful Mamas Facebook Group

    Subscribe and get the latest info first

    Connect with me over on Instagram

    Rest for the Weary Mama: Words of Hope and Encouragement for the Worn-Out Mom

    From the beginning, God wired us for friendship and community. Woman, the "helper" has a great privilege in her home, but it also just points to our need for connection and help in this life.

    "It is not good for man to be alone"

    Genesis 2:18

    As we read a snippet of chapter 5 here are some big takeaways I hope you gather from this week's episode.


    1. Put Yourself Out There!

    • Join a moms group
    • Seek out opportunities to connect
    • Get out of your comfort zone!

    2. Find or Create Ways to Study God's Word Together

    • Find somewhere you can connect and be in God's word with other moms and women
    • If you can't find a bible study, create one
    • It is important to have peers and mentors as a mom

    3. Have Healthy Boundaries

    • It is healthy and okay to have different levels of friendships
    • You don't have to share every part of your heart and story with everyone
    • Know it is also okay for friendships to eb and flow in time

    4. Keep Praying!

    • God cares about everything in your life, even your friends. Don't discount praying for God to bring friends alongside you

    5. Be a Good Friend

    • Be the type of friend you want to have
    • Model what it looks like to be a good friend for your kids

    Be intentional and patient as you work at finding your people and building your community. It is well worth the effort, I promise. Because you weren't made to do this alone! We need each other.

    Share this episode with a mama you know and love.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Weary Mama Series : Ep. 4 : "Beauty in the Mundane"
    Nov 6 2024

    Much of motherhood can seem uneventful and to go unnoticed. Yet, there is still joy and beauty to be found even in the most mundane of days motherhood. Join me, this week as we unpack chapter four of my book, Rest for the Weary Mama: Words of Hope and Encouragement for the Worn-Out Mom

    Sorry we got off track in recording, however with my home being hit by two major hurricanes, this last month has just gotten turned completely upside down. But it is good to be back and I'm so excited to share with you chapter four of my book.

    How can we find beauty even in our mundane?

    1. Know who you are doing the tasks for.

    • Ask yourself the hard question of who you are looking for recognition from?
    • Are you serving your family with a heart of gratitude and joy? Or bitterness and resentment?
    • Knowing and living to an audience of One helps us shift our perspective to what truly matters and learn to appreciate even the mundane moments of motherhood.

    2. Know your why.

    • This week I challenge you and your spouse to sit down together and discuss your family's "why" and maybe set a long-term goal for you as parents.
    • Knowing you why helps drive every decision and can truly help you and your family get where you want to go.

    3. Shift your focus from the temporary to the eternal

    When we learn to look for and find the beauty in the mundane, everyday moments we also are able to find JOY! And who doesn't want more joy, especially in motherhood?!

    Thank you always for being here. If you want to go back and listen to past episodes in the Weary Mama Series, check them out below:

    CH. 3 : "IN THE MESS"


    CH. 1 : "BECOMING A MOM"

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Finding Joy + Building a Strong Marriage After Kids
    Oct 22 2024
    Join me, Morgan Ellis and my special guest and husband, Mr. Morgan Ellis, as we celebrate 13 years of marriage! This week on the Joyful Mama Podcast we are unpacking some of the key things that have helped us so far in building a strong marriage and that have helped us find joy even after having kids. Big takeaways from this week's episode: 1. Put God at the center 2. Communicate!!! 3. Be intentional 4. Be humble 5. Have fun! Enjoy this week's episode and as always full shownotes with links to all the bonus things we've talked about can be found over at: www.morganaellis.com/podcast
    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Weary Mama Series : Ep. 3 : "In the Mess"
    Oct 3 2024

    This week we unpack chapter 3 of Rest for the Weary Mama, "In the Mess". I couldn't think of a better chapter to unpack right now in the aftermath of Hurrican Helene, because everything feels quite literally like a mess.

    This is a good one! Join Morgan Ellis, the author of Rest for the Weary Mama as she reads a section of chapter three of her book and unpacks some very relatable lessons.

    "Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty."

    - Proverbs 14:4

    Story of Mary and Martha:

    Luke 10:40-42

    Friend, whatever it is you are walking through, whatever mess is cluttering your heart and mind, true rest will only be felt in your heart and soul when you spend intentional time at the feet of Jesus.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Weary Mama Series : ep. 2 : "Long Days and Longer Nights"
    Sep 25 2024

    Welcome to the Weary Mama Series of the podcast!

    Rest for the Weary Mama

    Grab your copy of the book and let's unpack Chapter 2: Long Days and Longer Nights. This episode is just going to scratch the surface, but I pray it still encourages you.

    full show notes are also always over at: www.morganaellis.com/podcast

    A lot of the days and nights, especially in the early years of motherhood, can feel so long. Being sleep-deprived can break even the strongest of us!

    Yet, there is hope. Every season and stage of parenting is just that; a season. And seasons come and go. This will pass. If you are in an exhausting season of motherhood right now, I pray you enjoy it while you are in it, because in the famous words of country singer, Darius Rucker, "It won't be like this for long." Hang in there!

    The days are long, but the years are short.


    God meets us in our desperation and although the nights can sometimes feel so long, and dark seasons can feel completely overwhelming, "He will never leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:8), He "is close to the brokenhearted" (Psalm 34:18), and "His mercies are new every morning" (Lamentations 3:22-23).

    Links from this episode:

    Win the Day by Mark Batterson

    Rest for the Weary Mama by Morgan A. Ellis

    Wherever you are today, friend, hang on to the hope God gives each of us. The hope of seasons and that darkness doesn't last forever. Whatever it is you are walking through, may you never lose hope! And may you receive the invitation to come and rest at the feet of Jesus, leaving your cares, worries, and burdens there.

    Más Menos
    19 m