
  • 1. The Messenger — Mark 1: 1–3
    Jan 6 2022

    The Gospel of Mark starts with a messenger. It also presents us with a challenge. Are you willing to accept it? Watch the devotional to learn more. Join us on a very practical journey through the Bible and discover gems that will bring you closer to Jesus.

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  • 2. The Baptiser – Mark 1: 4–8
    Jan 6 2022

    In our culture, like in Jesus’ day, we tend to show our power and status through external things, by what we wear, where and how often we travel and by the house and car we own. However, true power doesn’t come from external trappings. Watch this devotional to learn more.

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  • 3. The Baptism of Jesus – Mark 1:9–11
    Jan 7 2022

    Father said to the Son, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased.” Have you ever considered that He longs to say the very same words to you too?

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  • 4. Jesus in the Wilderness – Mark 1:12–13
    Jan 8 2022

    Sometimes we think that when you choose to serve God, suddenly everything becomes easier and more pleasant. But Mark tells us that when Jesus was baptised, the Spirit sent him immediately into the wilderness. What do you expect from your Christian walk?

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  • 5. Jesus Announces the Good News – Mark 1:14–15
    Jan 9 2022

    Jesus announced two conditions necessary for us to receive the kingdom of God.He also said the kingdom is near. It’s a simple but powerful message that electrified the world. How near do you think the kingdom of God is in your life? Tune into this incredible devotional to learn more.

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  • 6. Jesus Calls His Disciples – Mark 1:16–20
    Jan 10 2022

    Gary Kent looks at how Jesus called His first disciples. Apostle Mark says that Jesus called them while He walked beside the sea. He barely pauses to call these men, and they follow Him as He walks on. When Jesus calls you to do something, will you respond like the disciples did?

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  • 7. Jesus Casts Out an Evil Spirit – Mark 1:21–28
    Jan 11 2022

    Jesus displays His power by casting out a demon from a man. This highlights Jesus’ power over the devil. Do you realise that if devils quake in their boots in the presence of Jesus, then He can do anything? Mark wants to teach you that you can rely on Jesus for strength. You can surrender your area of weakness into His power.

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  • 8. Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-Law – Mark 1:29–31
    Jan 12 2022

    Simon and Andrew tell Jesus about their mother’s illness. She was sick with a fever. In those days, without antibiotics and modern medicines, the illnesses that are often only a nuisance to us would kill many people. So this fever was a serious thing. Jesus goes in and takes her hand. Immediately, the fever leaves her. When you have a problem, do you do what Simon and Andrew did? Do you tell Jesus about it? When you do that, He touches you, and that’s when the blessing comes!

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