
  • The Brown Bomber v. Hitler's Superman
    Feb 26 2025

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    On the night of Wednesday, June 22, 1938, the whole world was focused on Yankee Stadium. Joe Louis, nicknamed the Brown Bomber, was fighting a rematch with Max Schmeling, called Hitler’s Superman. This was much more than a prizefight. Around the world, this was seen as a symbolic duel between democracy and fascism, freedom and slavery, white and black.

    #joelouis #maxschmeling #boxing #hitler #nazis #prizefighting #yankeestadium #johnstrausbaugh

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  • Weegee's Naked City
    Feb 6 2025

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    No one captured New York City in its noir 1930s and 1940s better than the photographer Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee. Ceaselessly roaming New York's streets, often at night while his competitors slept, Weegee took thousands and thousands of photos that visually defined what he called the Naked City. An exhibition of his work is on view at the International Center of Photography on the Lower East Side until May 2025.

    #weegee #newyorkcity #nakedcity #internationalcenterof photography #worldwartwo #johnstrausbaugh

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  • Folkways' Moe Asch
    Jan 21 2025

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    When Moe Asch died in 1986, his extraordinarily eclectic Folkways Records had put out 2,186 long-playing records, from Woody Guthrie to Ho Chi Minh, Leadbelly to Langston Hughes, jazz, gospel, Yiddish music, calypso, and instructional records like "Speech After the Removal of the Larynx." Most did not sell well, but at least one of them, Harry Smith's "Anthology of American Folk Music," set off a seismic shift in American culture.

    #johnstrausbaugh #bobdylan #moeasch #folkwaysrecords #peteseeger #woodyguthrie #folkmusic

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  • The Victory Girls of Times Square
    Jan 10 2025

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    During World War II, Times Square was crowded with soldiers and sailors, and girls and women who wanted to be around them. The authorities labeled these females "victory girls," "khaki-wackies," and even "patriotutes."

    Excerpted from my book "Victory City."

    #timessquare #worldwarii #venerealdisease #syphilis #penicillin #prostitution #eliotness #johnstrausbaugh #jedgarhoover #curfew

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  • The Red Devil's Great Escape
    Dec 24 2024

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    Oberleutnant Franz Baron von Werra, a German Luftwaffe ace, came to New York City in 1941, and was treated like a visiting celebrity. He had been shot down over England, made a few nearly successful escape attempts there, and was being shipped to a POW camp in Canada when he jumped out the window of a moving train and crossed the border into the still neutral US. He would escape from the US as well... An excerpt from my book "Victory City."

    #victorycity #worldwarII #luftwaffe #vonwerra #canada #raf #johnstrausbaugh

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  • Girls Gone Wild
    Dec 5 2024

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    When Frank Sinatra performed his first live show at the Times Square Paramount Theatre in December 1942, the packed house, estimated at 5,000 girls (in a space with an official capacity of 3,500), exploded in deafening shrieks and screams. Sinatra and his bandleader Benny Goodman were shocked and petrified. The girls drowned out the entire concert. Many wept, and several fainted. The cacophony and pandemonium were as great as at any Elvis or Beatles concert in later years... An excerpt from my book "Victory City."

    #franksinatra #bobbysox #worldwar2 #elvis #beatles

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  • Robert Downey Sr.
    Nov 21 2024

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    Robert Downey, Jr., delivered his first spoken line in a feature-length motion picture at the age of five. He played a puppy in a film called Pound, written and directed by his dad, whose other prodigiously weird films include the scathing satire Putney Swope and the psychedelic Western Greaser’s Palace… Excerpted from my book, The Village.

    #robertdowney #putneyswope #greaser’spalace #undergroundfilm #hollywood #johnstrausbaugh

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  • King Don
    Nov 16 2024

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    Al Smith, King Kong, Donald Trump, and the Empire State Building

    #johnstrausbaugh #kingkong #donaldtrump #empirestatebuilding

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    7 m