
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S5:E2
    Feb 21 2025

    In this episode, back by "unpopular" demand, "The Phantom Menace"-Tariff Edition!

    Gabe understands older technologies, and learns the Optimus Price.

    Ashoka gets a new poster for a second season!

    A Coup by any other name is still a Coup.

    Snow White is really Sleepy.

    The Sith Librarian's night terrors...brought to you by NyQuil, the GIANT fucking "Q"!

    Why the Super Bowl didn't show Taylor Swift the love.

    How tariffs are the "real" Phantom Menance.

    And we pick apart some of the bones in Skeleton Crew.

    So, grab a duty-free chili cheese dog, a cool weißbier, and enjoy!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S5:E1
    Jan 17 2025

    Happy New Year, Loyal Listeners!

    It's a New Year and a New Season, THE BIG 5!

    On today's episode, TikTok on trial...and a reminder that tax season is only four months away!

    It's a question of "questionable" Force.

    Blake Lively brings Deadpool level scandel to Disney.

    Count Orlock shows his Dracu-Dong!

    A trubute to Former President Jimmy Carter and how a child remembers the former President.

    The Daredevils in the details.

    In the Main Event, we Roll the Bones for Skeleton Crew!

    The Sith Librarian tries his hand at "What if..?" a second season of Skeleton Crew, and we explore the Goonies connection.

    So grab a glass of bubbly, toast in the New Year, and enjoy!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S4:E8
    Sep 25 2024

    On todays episode, we delve into Fear and Loathing in the Adjudicator's toybox.

    We dedicate the episode to the tragic loss of James Earl Jones.

    We discuss how the more Disney tightens its grip, the more people hate bomb the newest Snow White trailer...hey, they broke a YouTube record!

    Gabe takes out the Riddler faster than Batman ever did.

    The Joys of being an 80's "Latch-Key Kid".

    The case of Jack versus the Giant. Hero, or serial killer?

    The Adjudicator crosses legal blades with Play-Doh.

    The Librarian passes on knowledge to the masses, and drops the hammer on Sherlock Holmes.

    And the answer to last episodes trivia question...Stephen Bayley was the English actor who played TK-421. He also played Vader's hands on the Tie Fighter control yoke during the Battle of Yavin.

    So grab yourself a tall frosty one, put on your favorite JEJ movie and enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S4:E7
    Jul 19 2024

    In today's episode, Frank takes a stand against Cancer.

    Fair warning that today is a "legalese extravaganza".

    We're going back to the "Wild West"....for 12 hours!!

    Return of the SW Holiday Special.

    The Librarian calls out Disney for Shit*ing the bed, again. Continuity be damed!

    The Main Event....Alec "pew pew" Baldwin.

    The Librarian calls the entire fiasco a cluster fuck of Biblical proportions!

    The words of Uncle Ben comes back to haunt the set of Rust, "With great power comes great responsibility."

    Admiral Scott uses chance to decide what to watch.

    There are some things that even the Librarian will only read once.

    So grab some friends and some Juicey Fruit and enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S4:E6
    Jun 15 2024

    Jeez! Five months, and we're BACK, baby!!

    Poe Law launches!

    We perform a DCEU/MCU In Memorium.

    The Adjudicator revists the old MCU.

    The Librarian appreciates the Prequels....really?

    We discuss seeing Star Wars through "new" eyes, Gabe's!

    Gabe gives an opinion of OT versus Prequels.

    The Librarian proposes an experiment.

    The Adjudicator shows he has a "certain set of skills".

    So grab a cold glass of milk, a stack of Double Stuff Oreos, and enjoy!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S4:E5
    Jan 19 2024

    In today's episode, The Adjudicator hangs with a Soprano.

    The "double standard" of living la vida loca within the DCEU versus the MCU.

    The trial of Johnathan Majors, "The Kang is dead, Long Live the Kang!"

    Has Rey Palpatine been backburnered forever?

    She-Hulk...defeated by an unsustainable seasonal budget.

    Who ultimately lost more, Depp or Heard?

    Aquaman drowns in the theater.

    The echo chamber of Echo.

    What if...we reviewed the first episode of "What if...?"

    The eclipsing of Rebel Moon.

    Deconstructing "The Creator".

    So grab yourself some AI ale, a cybornetic crumpet and enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S4:E4
    Dec 15 2023

    Greetings all, and Happy Holidays!

    In today's episode, The Adjudicator starts a new phase in his life.

    The numerous Star Wars shows on the horizon.

    The major problems Johnathan Majors has found himself in.

    Snow White gets down n dirty with the Brothers Grimm.

    The double standard of living La Vita Loca with Disney -vs DC.

    In the Main Event we FINALLY discuss our final thoughts on Mando Season 3, Andor, Tales of the Jedi, Visions 2 AND Ahsoka! Whoot!

    See the Redemption of Anakin (Christensen) under the watchful eye of Filoni.

    See Grand Admiral Thrawn fall victim to one of the classic blunders: Never get involved in a land war with Space Wizards!

    So grab a mug of mulled wine, an Ewok shaped suger cookie, and enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 22 m
  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S4:E3
    Oct 9 2023

    In today's episode, The Adjudicator gets Blunty with Bud Bundy...AND Cheech Marin!

    Can the Librarian truly be thankful for a Thanksgiving furlough?

    Has Snow White been put to sleep...permanently?

    Ahsoka, through Episode 4! Through the eyes of the eyes of the Librarian!

    Some subtle and not so subtle differences between animated Ahsoka and Sabine and their real life alter egos.

    The Librarian thinks that some Ahsoka prelude was needed...The Admiral thinks that the Librarian is reading too much into the show.

    As Sabine moves through her training we see the Revenge of the Midichlorians!

    So grab a pot of herbal tea, a plate of arrowroot cookies, and enjoy!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 26 m